
Say yes

"How can I marry you?! You're already married?!" She exclaimed. She really can't get this man at all. From a pretend wife, to mistress and now to this.

"Do you dare propose like this just because I didn't agree to be your mistress? You dare give false hope?!" This is just too low and her eyes can't help getting misty.

"I've never been more serious in my life, Lara." He look at her intently.

That, made her tears fell. He hugged her tighter. He can't explain how he feels, it's been what? Two days and nights. He knows he is pushing her too much. But he's never been in love, all he knows is he doesn't want her to go.

Just how do you woo somebody like her? She is wary of the luxury cars, the yacht, the island. He proposed with her dream, even included her son. Just what does she want to accept him?

"I wanna go home, Alex." She whispered.

There she is again. He sighed.

"I don't want to." When did he ever let go of something that he wanted? "Didn't I tell you we won't leave this place until you say yes to me?"

"Why don't you give it a try? I promise I won't make you cry okay?"

Lara look at him in the eye. How can he promise something like this? What if Crystal comes back? But is there a way around him? She mentally shook her head.

"Then, a pretend wife it is."

Alex smiled, brighter than the sun that it almost made her blind. It's a start, he thought.

"Come wifey, let's get some breakfast."


Luke was playing with Grandma Mei when they came out. He already had breakfast so Grandma just prepared for the two of them.

Lara was initially feeling awkward, but Alex had been sweet. Filling her plate with food until she can't eat anymore. He seems like a doting husband, was he like this with Crystal too?

Did he made her pretend because he missed her so much? If he is like this, why did Crystal left?

She has to know. What happened between them? Did Crystal found another man?


Having convinced Lara, even if it's just a pretend, put Alex in a good mood all morning. But he decided to come back to the city after another day. Seeing Gramps and Grandma Mei very happy to have Luke around.

Maybe he'll just spend the day telling Lara what she needs to know about Crystal and their relationship. As he noticed she is confused with what happened.

Better come clean. Meanwhile he asked the chef of the yacht to prepare a special candlelit dinner for the two of them tonight.

Ofcourse he'll always remember that she first agreed while in bed as he hugged her. But as he promised himself, he will make everything right.

This one is a little short.

Sorry I had a very bad migraine the day before and when I went to work I was alone with a task for two.

Will make it up alright


xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts