
Lara's Secret

She really said yes!

Luke was sleeping beside her soundly. It was late at night and Lara is still awake with only a dim light in the bedroom. She looks at her left hand over and over again. The stone sparkle as it reminds her of what happened earlier.

It was magical.

How could two people fall in love at such a short time? Whirlwind romance?

She thought of her parents. It was love at first sight for them too, one early morning at the airport. She had memorized the story on how they'd met. They teased again and again who fell for whom first.

Ah, those sweet memories that stings her heart now. What would they have said when she agreed to marry a man she barely knew?

She grabbed her phone by the side table and began to text her bestfriend.

'I got engaged today.'

In three seconds her phone rang.

"Lara! What prank are you pulling?!" Jenny instantly lashed on the other line.

Let me describe her to you. Jenny Jiang came from a well off family. Far from the status of someone like the Liu's but nonetheless the Jiangs have money. Furthermore they are very kind people. Jenny's parents are like her second parents, they always help her and she is welcome at their household anytime.

Jenny's older brother now runs their publication company, and Jenny followed when she finished her studies. Though they started at the conservatory, when she stopped, Jenny shifted her course to business management to help her older brother Jasper.

Her best friend is so pretty and could have entered the entertainment industry if she is not an anti-social. She hates limelight most thus she only choose to be with Lara even when they were younger. With long naturally curly raven black hair and long legs, small face, round eyes, pointed nose and thin lips she resemble a popular Chinese model who walks for the Victorias Secret runway.

And she is very protective of Lara like a mother hen especially when Lara's parents passed away.

"Sis, I'm not joking. Remember the guy who came with me when I picked up Luke from your place the last time?" She said softly.

"I never saw his face clearly. Also, I thought he was from Galaxy as well just helping you get home." Jenny frowned.

Ah Galaxy Entertainment. It feels ages ago.

"I met him that night. He mistook me for someone he knew. And it just sort of clicked." She cocked her head to the side not willing to tell even her bestfriend what exactly happened why she came to meet Alex.

"But it's been only a week! No wonder you've been missing!" The girl exclaimed. "Who is it?"

"His name is Alex. I hope you meet him soon."

"I'd better. Oh, sissy, how could you trust so easily? Does he know about Luke?" She hummed as an answer.

"Does he really know about Luke?" Jenny emphasized each word indicating the hidden meaning on her question.

Lara sighed before she answer "No."

"Still he proposed to you?" Jenny's eyes widened unbelieving.

"Yeah. He's a great man Jenny. He really treats me and Luke well."

"I hope you have thought this through, Lara Lee. I don't want to see you hurt." Her bestfriend sighed. Lara had almost jumped off the building when her parents died. If she gets heartbroken now and loses hope once again then she wouldn't know what to do.

"You'll be there for me won't you, sis?" Lara whispered.

"I will always be here for you Lara."

They chatted some more before they hung up. Jenny was thinking that if only Lara had accepted her brother, she would be secured and happy all her life. Only fate has it that Lara didn't love Jasper other than as an older brother.

4th week yay!


xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts