
Dear Wife

Lara only fainted for awhile but she awoke to a bedroom. When she opened her eyes she is lying on a very soft and big four poster bed with cream colored sheets. The room is well lighted with lavander wallpaper, the floor is carpeted and there are beautiful lilies in a flower vase on the table beside her.

And a dangerously handsome guy standing by the window looking at her deeply.

"Who are you?" her voice croaked.

"Feigning amnesia now dear wife?" he answered coldly, but she noted the man has a beautiful deep voice.

"Wife? Who's your wife?" Lara retorted.

The man chuckled. And took a few steps to her enough for her to smell him. Lara felt herself dizzying again.

"Whatever games you're playing, Crystal, stop it right now!" He enunciated each word clearly, and Lara gasped with fear on the intensity of the man himself. She bit her lower lip hard, fighting the urge to faint again. This man is clearly mistaken.

"I am not Crystal!" she shout at him. She is scared and dizzy and she just want to go home right now to Luke. "You have clearly mistaken me for somebody else. Excuse me I am going home!"

With that she stand abruptly and headed for the door. But she only took three steps and was pushed right back at the bed.

He pinned her wrists on the sides and look at her eyes. "I am warning you Crystal!"

"I am not Crystal Mister whoever the hell you are! Let me go!"

"You think you will be able to walk from here again? Its not enough that I let you manipulate our families into this marriage? I told you, you can never have more than my name! Now you want to scheme to get more?" the hatred in his eyes are burning and its obvious he is controlling himself from physically hurting her.

"Mister! I dont know what sort of devil possessed you that you cannot even identify your real wife! But that person is not me." Lara finally pushed that dizzying feeling out herself and decided to fight back. She maybe poor but she has self respect. How dare this devil accuse her of anything!

Huh! What wife? What schemes?

"Look if you don't believe me I have my identification in my bag! My name is Lara Lee! I am not your Crystal and I don't know who you are!" she spat.

Confusion passed in the man's eyes but only for a second. He reached for her purse at the table and pour the contents in the bed. There was nothing much in it. A lipgloss and a powder. A few bills. Phone. Her identification card. And a picture of a boy.

He looked at the picture intently.

Seeing the stranger looking at her son's photo, Lara immediately said, "My son."

The man frowned at her. Lara studied his facial expressions. This man can be hot as the devil and an iceberg in a second. He clearly was furious just a second ago. And when he was confused he turned cold that one cannot guess what he is thinking at all!

Lara tried to get up and explained, "See I'm not really your person. My name is Lara Lee and that is my son Luke. I don't know you and I don't understand what you are talking about. Please let me go home" she pleaded.

The man look at her again with a cold expression. Lara cannot even tell if he believes her or not. After awhile he put everything back in her purse, took it and her wrist in the other. He brought her to another room which is obviously the study and made her sit in the sofa. He called a maid for tea.

After the maid serve them tea and some biscuits with it, the maid left the room in a hurry. The man opened a drawer and put a photo in the table in front of her.

"Then do you know her?"

Lara look at the photo at the table. Not satisfied she pick it up and held it near her face for a closer look. The girl has glittery fox eyes, the photo is undoubtly candid but she isn't smiling when it was taken. She has a kissable cherry red lips. And a delicate perfect skin with a perfect nose to compliment her small face. Long black eyelashes. Her hair just above her shoulders, straight and seemingly silky to the touch.

Lara is lost. Who is this woman? How can this lady look a lot like me? Is this me? But I never cut and straightened my hair like that. And yet she seems to be looking at her own photo.

No, no, no! If I am that pretty I won't be an assistant to the stars alright! I'll be the star yes? But that is only because I have bangs and my long hair is always in a messy bun.

But I don't have a twin! Or a sister!

She look at the man who is studying her expressions closely. Confusion written all over face. How to explain? It's obvious why he didn't believe her right away. They look so much alike.

"I don't know" she sighed.

So what do we have here? A married man mistaking Lara for his strange wife. Who is he? Who is the real wife?

Will he believe Lara? Hmmmn but I think I should describe them more so we can imagine their faces ayt?

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts