
Finally loved

Alycia debnam carey oneshots and aus.

Ofherwriterwxys · อื่นๆ
2 Chs


Admin's Pov.

The way she looked at you was more but nevertheless she got hurt and pushed you away more and more, till you found someone so worth your love, while she's here overthinking about what to do now. She was such an overthinker and yet her mind of sorts needed to be reassured of what she is capable of. She showed you her worst parts and you didn't push her away, you were the one that kept her grounded for so long now, that it is gone her life will maybe change over time and time again. She is constantly hurt by others and now she's getting jealous over small little things. She is the adoptive daughter of Klaus and Haley Mikaelson but yet, you can't seem to notice how broken she is right now. She may not really show it but she is so broken over this whole situation she needed help truly but that person never show up. Maybe it would be so different if she was to leave and not come back the same person. She was in such pain, she couldn't hear her own heartbeat over the sound of music any kind, she kept on playing over and over. Her eyes red from crying to much over this guy she loved to much and can't really have.

Lena's POV

"I never knew I would feel like this again." I spoke softly to myself with the lightly sigh ever and gazing upon myself in the mirror while I was sitting down writing in my journal, slowly thinking of what to write down. I saw that my eyes were red from the lack of sleep, the rumble in my stomach felt so empty that I forgot to touch my food that Sahale left for me before going to work again. The food to me didn't taste just right and I haven't even eaten properly in three days just eating junk food every now and then. I wanted Saxton to really want me than Lorelei but he choose her over me and that hurt me inside and out. The one thing I missed so much in life was Saxton being in it. I got up from my spot feeling so nauseous from getting up to fast. I immediately running to the bathroom, went to the toilet and vomited up water, with a little of food, I tried to shove down my mouth but didn't take it in well. Once I threw up nothing left, I got up went to the sink and washed my mouth out deeply sighing looking at my belly not seeing a bump yet which is good and lightly rubbed it in small circles with a light smile trying to feel a little better but it was no use. I had enough of this feeling already, I walked out of the bathroom, got my keys put on my shoes and walked out trying so hard to hold back the urge to vomit again which worked with lots of water. I went to the pharmacy and went to the very back where the pregnancy tests were at, looked through each one making sure not to waste to much time glancing at the price and got the second cheapest one. It has possibly been a month now that I've been with Saxton and missed him dearly but still can't really have him now. He left me for good now but maybe this child that is inside me will maybe change that. I held my belly and made sure to drink more water to make sure the test wasn't positive. Please don't be positive please. I prayed to God feeling the timing of this baby unexpected. The timing of this child being born into this world would be so unexpectedly and yet it would be perfect maybe. He left, he can't know this, he can't simply be proud of this that he caused me to have his child in a weird time, he'll leave his Lorelei for me, she can't know too this would be a tragedy to both her and him, I can't be pregnant, it would destroy Lorelei. Lorelei isn't even my friend nor will she ever be my friend and yet I'm worried about this baby inside me forming fast. I honestly don't know what he sees in her but I guess he sees her more than he sees me. My chest hurts from this pressure and I got the right package and immediately paid and thanked the cashier with a small tip. I walked over to my car and drove back home. There was only one person I trusted more than my life itself. My dad. I have to see him, I have too. He'd know what to do with this, I've never been pregnant before and I thought I couldn't conceive too. I felt a small pain within my belly right as when I got home and started to breathe heavily and saw Saxton at my doorstep waiting for me of course. I hid the pregnancy package in my purse, still holding my key in hand. My heart started to race when I saw him here. I walked up to my door and didn't look at him as he walked right inside. I sighed and put my purse on the table and made sure he didn't notice my period was two weeks late. "What are you doing here?" I asked lightly drinking water, he just looked at me like something was wrong with my face. "I just came to check up on you." He told me and put a hand on my boney shoulder, where I was wearing a hoodie and sweats so big he wouldn't notice my belly yet. Breathe Aly you can get through this moment. I said in my head blinking lightly with a nod. "Don't you have a girlfriend to go back too?" I told him taking his hand off my shoulder fear slightly rising inside my chest, tears brimmed the corner of my eyes as I rubbed my eyes lightly. "Yeah I do, I just wanted to be sure, you are okay with this." Saxton told me again while my back was to him not trying to be rude in all. "Yes I'm okay with it, now if you excuse me I have things to do."I lied and opened my door again for him to leave "Bye Lena." Saxton fakes his smiles to me and leaves to go back home to his girlfriend making sure his car was really gone. I closed the door when he left. "Thank God." I sighed taking out the pregnancy packet and opening it up feeling the need to pee now and went to the bathroom, peed on the stick, sat on the toilet waiting for a while to see the results. I still am not feeling so well and there was a soft ring from the test itself, it was ready. I closed my eyes for a seconds and breathing in deeply then opened them to see two lines my heart dropped three story's down and it just randomly happened, I started to cry hard now, my eyes didn't really stop. I held my belly softly and didn't want this baby at all. Once I had nothing to cry for, it was time for some action. I can't tell him this, I can't it would be hard on him and me, it's already so hard on me. I got done in the bathroom washed my hands and thought about this baby for once and maybe was it good for me to have this baby or wasn't good to have this baby that was Saxton's for sure. I really thought about this now, I was in my room looking at abortion clinics and knew it was right but really thought about it. Someone opened my door and placed their keys on the table and looked around for a while. "Aly I'm home." Sahale called out to me and noticed the test package on my purse and ran to see if I was okay. He noticed my eyes being so red from crying. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and held me for a while looking at the counter and rubbing my back with a light sigh. "I will pretend the baby is mine for you, so you wouldn't be alone on this journey okay, when I clearly told you not to catch feelings for him, now Saxton will maybe know but I'm willing to risk it all for you because I love you." He kisses my temple softly "That would be nice but I'm different than most humans, this pregnancy will be fast since I'm a werewolf like you and I don't want this baby." I smiled and gave him a small peck on the lips to make it feel real as possible "I'm honestly not ever going to leave you like this okay, we can think about it together." He rubbed my back lightly again and softly placed his forehead on mine, I slowly closed my eyes smiling widely. He held the back of my neck softly his touch unfamiliar to me which lightly sent shivers down my spine, making me feel more important to him than my very first best friend who didn't really know that I am pregnant now. The remembence of this made my eyes water up now. "Hey I'm not going anywhere, okay I promise you that." He whipped off my tears for me and gave me a friendly kiss on the lips, his lips on mine felt so in synced that it felt so damn real to me. "You're my best friend, you don't need Saxton, okay he's not worth it trust me." He rubbed my cheek lovingly.