

When mercenaries M. and friends reconnect with their supposedly dead mentor, they must learn to survive in a new reality.

MB_1234 · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs


"After our training, let's visit home." Aster says.

Home. Yes I do miss home.

"Aster, do you miss your father?" I ask.

"Yes, I do."

"How about you, Rocks."

"I do miss them. Haven't seen them since Han picked me up."

Han trained all of us. It is because of Han we have what we have. For good or bad.

"Don't blame Han for this though, he is a good man." I say

"Not blaming him, cause I owe everything to Han."

"How's that?"

"It's a long story... if you guys have the time."

"Yeah we are listening." Aster and I say.

"See we got neck deep in trouble with the Nova earth gang. Back then, they were small but powerful nonetheless. They would collect money from every house and kill anyone who objected.

People were scared and never raised any hand against them and corrupt space marines turned a blind eye. When my father protested, they tried to kill me, my family."

"Must have been tough."

"Yes. It was. If not for Shauto we would have... Well...Shauto appeared and rescued us. Yeah. It was horrible. I promised Shauto I would return the favour some day. I trained under Han and upgraded my body with cybernetics. Though I have yet to return the favour."

Hmmm. Sounds like something a merc would do.

"Okay, after our training we will go to meet Shauto as well. Where does he live?" I say.

Rock says that his home is in planet Apollo. Colony 702D.

"He must be a retired merc now." Rocks says.

"Once we gain powers, we will be able to help anybody in the world, not just Shauto." I say.


TaRun enters the room and tells us about our training.

" Your mentors are waiting outside. You can meet them when you are ready to train."

We change into our training attire.

TaRun tells us we could benefit greatly from harnessing the power of the dimensions.

" So are we going to train to harness those powers now?"

"Yes, and also of all the other dimensions later...

Do remember though you three have special powers. This is because you are humans."

"What will happen if we harness these powers?"

"You will destroy demons, I guess. Just use it for good."

"Huh. That must make us pretty important people."

"It sure does....

We have talked enough."

We go to the practice hall. Our mentors greet us.

TaRun says"It will take time though I am sure you will learn it. I have to say bye to you now. I am needed somewhere. I will be leaving."

"Is it something serious?" I ask.

"Not probably."