

When mercenaries M. and friends reconnect with their supposedly dead mentor, they must learn to survive in a new reality.

MB_1234 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

A formidable foe

"History is written by the winners. Defeating you is the stepping stone to writing my name in history and creating a new world."

"History is polluted by the likes of you." says Han.

"Your words make me furious. It will be pleasurable as I dice your head off."

"Hmmm... enough chatter. Let's see what you are made of."

"Charge at me if you dare."

Han bolted towards Skar at lightning speed.

"Naive. Dimension rift."a rift appears. This brings monsters from a different dimension into the battle field.

"He has multidimensional powers?"

"These are monsters from Andherun." TaRun notes.

"I command you to attack them."

The monsters come at us with claws sharp as knife.

From the distance Han speaks to us"Listen. I wanted to meet you guys. I have unfinished business here. I just wanted to tell you I will be okay. TaRun teleport them away from here."


Skar says. " Han. The only person you should worry about is yourself now. You are facing me."

We say"sir Han there's no way we would leave while you are in danger."

TaRun opens a portal and teleports us."No. Dont do that. We shouldn't leave him behind." We come out of the portal and we notice we are besides...Han!

"Haha you really thought I would abandon you Han."

"TaRun. You can be stubborn." Han laughs.

"You dare fight me. I will kill all of you . Starting with M." Skar says.

Okay the monsters are closing in.

"I and M. will fight Skar. You guys take care of the andher monsters." says TaRun.

Ester shoots the monsters with guns. Rock punches them to shreds.

Han uses Tornado impact to launch the monsters into the air. He then uses multiple attacks to destroy the monsters.

"Guess I have a challenge. I like it." Skar smirks.

"We are not here to entertain you but to kill you." TaRun says.

"I come from the third gate of the warring faction. How do you even plan to stop me."

"Do not fret. We will crush you here like Min was crushed in the war."

"We will see. For now I summon... Aaah."

I sneaked behind him and stabbed him in the heart.

Skar falls to the ground.

But then he stood up once again.

"Fool. I have the boon of immortality. Indra took a liking to me. I am afraid I will have to return the favour one day."

He then uses dimension rift to summon kumbhakarn. He was taller than a 10 storie building.

"We have to escape." I shout.

"Are these your enemies, master?"

"Yes. Finish them off."

Kumbhakarn launches magical rockets at us that appear from the skies.

They are about to strike us and then...

TaRun makes them disappear into thin air.

Han says to us "TaRun is a God of this world. He can manipulate dimensions too."

So TaRun and Skar are evenly matched.

"Hear that Skar you are not the only one here with summoning abilities." I say.

"Hands and team sing a lullaby." TaRun tells us.

"A lullaby? You want to hear a lullaby at a time like this."

"It's not for me. Kumbhakarn will fall asleep on hearing a lullaby."

"It's the legends. They say Kumbhakarn falls asleep easily."

We sing a lullaby.

"No. Master I can't resist the temptation of a lullaby. I will sleep now."

And kumbhakarn went asleep.

"Shit. You are smarter than you look. You sound well versed in earthly legends. It's alright though, he has bought us enough time... Blow the charges."

The purification hall explodes.

"This marks the beginning. I serve the king of the warring faction who will bring about the new order. I am asked to retreat now. So I shall go."

Skar teleports away.

"Can't read where he is teleporting to. Someone stronger is behind this."

"You can stop him right?"

"I will need aid."

"We are ready to help."

"First you must become strong. You need training." TaRun says.

"Gods are stagnant in terms of growth but for humans the potential is unlimited."

So we can become strong like the gods.

"What's the matter?" TaRun asks.

Han seems troubled.

"Why are you not coming out of this hall Han?"

"Yes. The world awaits you." TaRun says.

"No. It's just that my parents couldn't be purified. And I refuse to leave them behind. They are dying. I can't leave them."

" I understand. Kids, let's go to my shrine. I have arranged a meeting with a few others there. Han will surely come later."

"But it is dangerous here." We say.

"Yes. Hence I have arranged security. Guards are just about to arrive." TaRun assures.

We leave for Tianshan shrine.