
Fight Syndicate

"I'm new to the country... Not the fights." These were the cold words of a man with glowing green eyes under the raining dark clouds, as smoke was still burning in his cigarette while he was grabbing the arm of another guy stuck beneath his leg, begging for mercy. "Ack! My arm! My arm! Spare me! I won't come back! Spa-" *Crack* The sounds of bone cracking were deafening, and in the eyes of that man, his leg suddenly widened on the verge of popping out his skull, as at the same time, a grin covered the face of that man smoking cigerette. With a grin filled with deep and dark satisfaction, he coldly announced while releasing that twisted arm on the ground.  "Oops, it broke." "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! My arm! My arm!!!! You fucking monster! Why!?? Why!?! Uwaaah!!! I will fucking-" "Oye? Fuck, are you threatening?" The cries and screams threatening others went silent as fast as they had come. The next second, several more sounds of bone cracking were heard in a row as the burning cigerette was pushed right into his ears. "Ah! It's burning! It hurts! It hurts!!!!" "Should I have that thought before trying to start this whole situation?" He collected up his grey hairs falling on his face, and while pulling them back, revealing glowing, cold green pupils, he left the bloody night with a metal baseball bat in his hand and the man with a crushed arm on the rainy ground, along with a whole gang of delinquents all unconscious in the same night during the same fight against one man who was born a legend... And will die a god.  --- oh yeah btw, everything here is just shit I made up sitting on toilet seat, I mean fictional, it's fictional novel aimed towards realism, add it to your booklist, much appreciated cool dude, (fuck you loser for not adding this gold in your booklist, tsk thu!) ---

BeautifulLie · กีฬา
39 Chs


"So this is Korea, huh?"

A man with thick grey eyebrows commented while his greenish eyes moved around the airport he was standing on as people were momentary left gazing at him, shocked and gasping in air.

He was left a bit surprised and confused by people's reactions, and while binding up his neck-size greyish hairs on his back side like a ponytail, a confused and awkward expression crossed that flawless face of his.

It felt like even God had taken vacations to carve his face beyond perfection. With a height of 6'3, sort of whitish skin, and dressed up perfectly to match up Korean modern fashion in a winter warm overcoat and sweater inside, he was someone that would be getting attention no matter where he goes in this country, but attention like this was first for him.

"... kind of weird place?"

He muttered as he grabbed the heavy suitcase, and while dragging it on wheels behind him, he shortly arrived outside the airport and quietly took out his identification card with Korean citizenship on it.

'... That's what you truly call unexpected, citizen of Korea?'

A scoff came out of his mouth, but the next moment a message on his phone suddenly caught his attention. He quietly took out that phone, and as he opened up the message link, there was a map of directions for his destination.


He was silent, a bit awkward, and a bit nervous as he saw the location placed over the map on his phone, but just then suddenly, a random man approached him with a bright grin on his face.

"Sir? Do you perhaps need a taxi? Hahaha"

"Um yeah?"

His reply caught the other man's attention. The accent he carried as he replied was a bit off as compared to other Koreans; it was a slippery, sharp tone of voice, unlike the round, bubbly Korean accent, which involves a lot of air while speaking.

"Are you perhaps a foreigner or foreign-born visiting family? Haha?"

The man immediately caught this point and questioned it. Hearing him, the man with grey hair looked pretty calm and, with a nod, replied

"Ah, yeah, this is my first time in Korea; I'm here to meet my family."

His last words were warm yet a bit distant because of the flow of time; there was warmth in his breath yet a sense of detachment in his tone, a rather awkward feel, yet the other man was absolutely unfazed, and with great energy, he started to shake his hands while introducing himself.

"Oh ho ho ho! You are very lucky then, sir! Please come with my cab! You have no idea how bad and cruel these people here are! They disguise themselves as cab drivers like me and rob foreigners like you, sir! I will show you the Korean spirit of how we treat our guests! Please come with me! I will safely drop you off at your location."

As he said that, he pointed at his yellow cab driver uniform with a bright, energetic smile. Before the other guy could even respond properly, he immediately grabbed his suitcase and immediately started to carry it towards his cab outside the airport.

"Don't worry, sir! I will take care of the baggage safely! I'm Kang Seo-jun! Welcome to Korea!"

"Ah, right, I'm Lucas Kim, pleased to meet you."

Lucas also introduced himself, and while straightening a few stretches over his coat, he followed right behind the cab driver. He seemed quite relaxed and full of smiles with this new experience, meeting new people and seeing new things, but on the other hand, not all flowers are full of a bright smell, unlike appearance.

'A foreigner, huh... For a moment, he scared me with his behaviour and personality, but still, a dumb brat from rich parents is still easy to rob. Make my day! Provide some rich dollar bills!'

The cab driver acting so bright and cheerful just a moment ago also had this new side to him, which was cold and cruel, thirsty for wealth unfazed by others losses. Perhaps it's really right to not judge others by appearance; it goes both ways after all, and after about 30 minutes of driving, the cab was seen stopping in front of a lonely-looking house in an average neighbourhood in the outskirts region of Seoul.

The house wasn't that big, nor was it much smaller, but still it had admirable brightness to it, and as the cab doors opened up, Lucas was seen safely coming out, completely safe and sound, with a cold mocking grin stuck to his face, and as the window to the driver seat scrolled down

It revealed a seriously heavily beaten and swollen face of the driver, with a mark of all four rings on Lucas's left hand tightly imprinted with a mark of blood on his left side of the face, as Lucas coldly commented.

"I'm new to this nation, not in this business; don't let me see your face again."

"Y-yes sir!!!"

The cab driver was scared shirtless and immediately ran away without looking back, even once Lucas was left there alone looking over that house, exactly as it was over the picture he was carrying on his phone.

"Has it been 2 decades already?"

The grin on his face was replaced by a sense of nervousness as he took a deep breath, confidently moved inside the tiny yard of the house, and rang up the bell of the house.

*Ding Dong!*

'This is crazy; this is absolutely crazy! Will he even recognize me? We have been separated for 20 whole years, and even I would refuse to remember my fucking parents without any contact after 20 years.

I went missing when I was 5, and this brother of mine must be 22 right now; he must have been 2 years old when I went missing. It's crazy to think he will remember. How the fuck am I even going to convince this guy when it took even me a whole fucking year to be convinced that I have a fucking family?

And even if he is aware of me, Why will he acknowledge it? Like for him, aren't I the guy that seems to be popping here to snatch half his inheritance? He will go nuts. I should have booked a hotel before barging into this house straight from the airport. I swear, imma whoop my ass if I had to drag my baggage over to the hotel! And there is no confirmation that there is even any hotel in his neighborhood! Fuck! Fuck me! How am I going to convince you? How!? I should have brought the whole team with me! Fuck!'

Lucas here was trembling at the mere thought of a rough process rushing through his mind; he was absolutely nuts. The face showed composure, but the gaze was facing an abyss in a way that was straight up vibrating in the eye socket.

But even as a minute passed, there was no response from inside the house; it was just as silent as it was a minute ago, seeing that Lucas scoffed and rang up the bell several times in one go.

*Ding Dong!*

*Ding Dong!*

*Ding Dong!*

By this time, there was definitely a response, as suddenly a voice of a young man came out as he could be heard moving towards the gate while shouting. 

"Ah? Wait a second! If it's delivery, you must have"

As the door opened up, it was pin-drop silence. Lucas and the young man who just opened up the gate in front of him were both left staring at one another; it was blank silence.

Lucas's age was already 25; by looks, he was sharp and mature looking too, with that clean face, while the young man in front of him was about 5'11, looking blankly at Lucas with the same emerald eyes as Lucas, but his hair was pure black, unlike the grey ones of Lucas.

He was young, a high schooler blessed with great genes similar to Lucas, and suddenly, after a moment of awkward silence, Lucas awkwardly took out the identification card from his pocket along with a childhood picture stored in his phone.

"By chance, are you Ethan Kim? You might not recognise me, but I'm

"Bro-? Br... Brother!?"

The young man's facial expressions went through catastrophic change, from a blank look to surprise, then shock and realisation followed by an overwhelming breakdown of emotions. It was just pure emotions rushing through his face as he tightly grabbed Lucas, standing in front of him with a bright smile stuck on his face and rivers of tears running down that face of his.

"We thought you were dead! There was no news for decades! The father and mother returned in ashes 20 years ago! There wasn't even mention of your body; we thought you also!!!"

Lucas was stunned; he was absolutely taken aback by this sudden tight hug. It was shocking to be so easily acknowledged. He was stunned for several seconds before a soft smile covered his face as he raised his left arm, covered up in heavy, thick silvery rings, and with a smile, hugged the young man, weeping over his chest with his arm on his head and that little smile on his face.

"For me to turn into ash, there is still a lot of time, young man."


Lucas just silently waved his arm on that crying young man's head and with a sigh looked upward as the emotions and brightness in his heart beat caught him overwhelmed in emotions, but just as he was about to go down in his emotions, he noticed the eyes of the young man hugging him suddenly lighting up as the warm hug turned into a straight-up tackle as the young man hugging Lucas tightened the grasp and like a bull started to push him over the ground.

'What the-! Did he just say, '

Lucas couldn't even think properly before he was pushed to the ground, absolutely shocked, as the young man suddenly jumped over his chest with a cold grin on his face.

"How fucking dare you scam a bastard!!!! I think you will use my dead brother to scam me!!!! You even dare copy him so well!? Did you really expect me to believe the dead brother will suddenly crawl up a grave and come back and know where I live when we have been separated for 20 whole years!? I don't watch this many K-dramas to believe your crap! Fuck you!!! Watch this punch of mine.

The young man, Ethan, was absolutely enraged and foaming with emotions as he pulled a straight punch towards Lucas's face on the ground while gritting his teeth, but just the next second, a tight slap straight on his unguarded face caught his off guard as he was sent flying almost a metre away and knocked unconscious over the ground with the same four rings of Lucas's hand imprinted in that milk-like soft white face of his.

"Sigh... Now this is what you call reality smacking your ass, huh?"

Lucas sighed deeply, looking at that unconscious twitching body of Ethan knocked over a metre of grass in the yard beside him. While pulling back his hair, he quietly grabbed his body, and while entering the house, he tightly closed off the doors with a twitching pain on his face.



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