
The deal

I was woken up by sun shining in my room and the birds chirping on the palm tree right next to my window. I was still really tired but got up and slowly made my way to my bathroom. After showering,styling my long blond hair and getting dressed into my uniform I packed my bag. While packing my bag, I heard my mom calling me ,, Pumpkin could you come down for a moment,we have some news for you!!" ,,Coming mom"I replied wondering what she wanted to tell me.I stepp out of my room with my schollbag,going thru the hall on my way to the stairs, gazing at the sunlight bursting thru the windows, lost in awe. But I suddenly snap back to reality hearing my mom from afar ,,Pumpkin are you finished yet?",,Oh yea,sorry mom, I got a bit distracted,I'm coming"I say while standing on the beautiful white long stairs that are basically made for a princess.I rush down the stairs thinking something urgent might have happened and head towards the living room where the voice of my mom was recognized.I slow down as I slowly reach the door to the living room .I hastily open the door wanting to know if anything happened but suddenly stop at the sight of a man,quite handsome,standing in front of my parents. I gaze at him admiring his beautiful blue diamond eyes, his dark brown hair, his sharp jawline and those broad muscular shoulders that are hiding behind the, quite expensive,suit he's wearing.,, There she is!"my mom says with an exciting tone to the mysterious man in front of her. I looked at my parents, confused,wondering what they mean with „there she is"Suddenly the man turns his head,my direction,scanning me from head to toe with his beautiful blue eves...She's even prettier than expected"he savs with a calm deep voice and a slight smirk on his face that made me blush for a second. But I slapped back to reality.Who is this man?? What is he doing in my house?? I stand in front of the living room door, looking confused at my parents. The mysterious hot man realized my confusion and asked my parents „does she know about the marriage?"

„MARRIAGE??!" | thought loud in my head. „What marriage!?" I asked my parents trying to maintain my voice. „Oh yea, pumpkin we forgot to tell you. We arranged a marriage for you with the Desmond family, this young man is Steven Desmond your fiancé." „What?! But I never agreed to this." „Sorry pumpkin, it's just that this marriage will combine the Desmond and Anderson companies

together and the Desmond company is one of the most powerful company in the states we can't afford to loose this deal." I think hard ,, I don't know this man but if it makes my parents happy,I might just do it for their sake" „sigh,fine" To be honest I wasn't really complaining, this man is probably the most attractive man I've ever seen,but at the same time I don't know much about him. „Pardon" A deep voice appears „Sorry to interrupt-" „Oh my,sorry honey,we were so busy talking My mother interrupts the man „Pumpkin why don't you show him your room fast and you guys can try to get to know each other." „What?!, lam supposed to take THIS man into my room?"I thought to myself. Sure,I don't mind" The man said grinning slightly..,But I have school now,I don't have time." | said to my parents, hoping it would save me from this situation. „Don't worry about that, we already canceled your school for today." „What?,why would you do that?" I asked my dad who just shared this with me. ,,Exactly because of this reason so you guys can get to know each other'' ,,But that's still no excuse to cancel school'' I thought but didn't say,knowing an argument might break out.

this is my first novel,I hope you guys enjoy it ,thanks for reading

Vanessa_Preiss_2116creators' thoughts