
Get to know you

We head towards my room.I blush hard thinking about this man walking right behind me,as if I could feel his breath.Good thing he can't see my face,at this rate I'm probably as red as a tomato.So embarrassing!! I don't even know this man,yet I'm blushing at the very thought that he's walking behind me.We suddenly reach my room ,,We arrived so fast,a second ago we were still in the living room.I feel like I should talk to him,he probably thinks I'm weird.This is soo akward",,This is my room!" I say,opening the door triying to relieve the tension.The man steps into my room,scanning the area as I stand there nervous for some reason.,,You have a nice room" the man suddenly says,making my heart skip a beat.I turn my head fast so that he couldn't see my blushing face.,,get yourself together girll!!" I slap my cheeks,not reliasing that the the man took some steps forward towards my direction.I turn back as my face cools down.Suddenly I bump into something hard,I feel it with my hands,my brain not processing what it was.Then I snap back,realising it was ...,,OMG WHAT DID I JUST DO?!!"I think as my face starts to get red again.,,Did I just..feel HIS CHEST?!!" I look down ashamed with my hands on my face covering the embarrassment.


,,Huh?" ,,Did someone just chuckle?"

I took some courage and slowly looked up.

This man.He looked at me,grinning as if he just found his bait.

I suddenly feel something embracing my waist.His hands,his muscular veined hands pulling me to him.

My body suddenly stuck to his,his hands embracing my waist and our eyes that weren't even two inches apart,looking at each other.I could feel his breath,his warm breath that made my skin shiver.

,,Did you like what you felt?" He whispered seductively into my ear. I looked at him,confused,what did he mean by that?

Then realisation hits ,,His Chest!!!" I crumble full of embarrassment,not being able to face him.

He chuckles,, your cute when your all flustered,princess"

,,PRINCESS??!!"I screamed in my head.Did I hear that right?! ,,What do y-"I try asking but get interrupted ,,Saturday, 7 pm,I'll pick you up,princess"he says while grinning and leaves.

I stand in front of the door triying to process what just happened.I break into my knees and start blushing really hard.,,He really did call me PRINCESS??!!"Am I being Delulu right now??! And Saturday?!-