
February Hearts

with the month of february upon us, cupid is the main factor but what about the supposed anti-cupid? Eros? this month has two weeks- valentines Day week and the anti valentines day- with romance and heartbreak comes drama lust and a roller coaster of emotions to follow

LegendsLostStories · สมัยใหม่
23 Chs

Ego & Karma

"Abigail- my darling, you know what you were doing when you decided to go behind my back and what was it that you did?" I held the dagger to her pretty little throat, "Oh yeah, you stole 10k from me. Such a naughty girl." she pleaded with a silent cry, "I'm sorry boss, I had to pay them off."

 I sat in her lap, my legs draping on either side. " Who did you have to pay off love?" she was crying, blood, snot, and tears streaming down her face, "Arianna please. I will do anything- please!" i placed my index finger over her lips, shushing her. 

" You could have come to me in the first place, I'd like to think I'm a reasonable woman." i saw a quick puzzled glance from Felix, and laughed- i pressed the dagger with so little force into the side of her neck, and blood began to drip, " you know what i do to those who disappoint me, i give them one warning then as they think everything is okay as they try to scurry out the door, i watched there blood splatter all over the door. But those who go against me." 

I leaned in almost purring against her delicate little neck, "I torture them while i hear them beg for mercy." I stood up taking a few steps away, I looked to Felix and gave an order, " you know what to do- I'll be there in a few. I have to talk to Domonic." 

He nodded and walked over to her. Felix and Corvin dragged her away, and she begged for me to hear her out. Anthony came in and i said, " Tony, can you do me a favor love." like a lost puppy he as at my beckon and call, almost wanting to please his master. "I need to take a call but, can you do me a huge favor and order food but also give this to Sapphire." I handed hi two separate papers and he nodded, i smiled, " Thank you tony." With that he left in a hurry and i got a incoming call. 

" talk to me!" i was sipping a bit of whiskey, when i heard, " hello darling." i swear my insides were gonna melt, his deep rich voice, wit that Irish accent of his. God gonna make a girl melt. " hi love, i heard you were trying to get a meeting with me?" 

" Yes, but you canceled." 

" Yes. Something came up." 

"Oh bummer, I was looking forward to seeing you." 

I choked out a laugh, " Seeing me or seeing your little rendezvous from the other night?" 

"Oh don't tell me you're jealous." 

" I'll be jealous when you grow a bigger dick." 

I took another sip but choked when I heard, "Oh that's not what you were saying the other night love, you were begging for more. You know you looked so beautiful begging on your knees." I picked up the phone and took it off the speaker and I threatened, " i will cut your dick off if you say anything to anyone. Understood." 

He let out a laugh, "I promise, scouts honor darling. Now what do you say to a date- lets say this Friday evening at the Le Poisson Sacre?"