
Fated Destinies

Fated Destinies: Their Fated Encounters and Their Destinies.

saittaurios · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter 13 - Mystery of Cooking System

It's nighttime at my room.

I haven't sleep yet, thinking the events that happened in my first day of being an adventurer.

Being glared at because I talked to Reyna, the girl in the portrait, encountering those slimes and defeated it ( he didn't want to mention that he got beat up by those slimes ) , meeting Margaret an A rank adventurer, also hated by girls because Cedric's lower his head to apologize to me, walking everywhere with Margaret.

Also those warning Margaret said to Cedric.

" that thing is always watching you "

Margaret and Cedric seems like have a secret that should never be told, so I just keep quiet as if it didn't bother me.

I decided not to think much of it.

" it's so tiring day but not as tiring on earth " it's a tiring adventure but I enjoy doing it not like back on earth. I need to move myself to live for tomorrow.


" this is much more dangerous job " indeed. Beeing an adventurer is a life and death game.

If you want to be successful you need to bet your life on it. One wrong move then you're going to meet your creator.

" oh right.... status " I called out my system as I remember that I still have those unlocated points.

Status Window ( ego )

Name: Alex Ravens

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Level: 1 ( 0/200 )

Unlocated points: 10

Coins: 50

Health : 300/300

Mana : 20/20

Stats •

Strength: 8

Intelligent: 9

Endurance: 7

Speed: 10

Skill •

2x Booster * awakened *

Cooking system * growth type *

Languages Comprehension * growth type *

My health and mana should be half but thanks to my 2x booster. I now have a dashing 300 health and 20 mana.

I felt so great having seen this and also.

" I should put 4 for strength, 2 for endurance, 2 for speed, and 1 for intelligent "

I decided to focus on my strength because in the last battle I noticed that I really lack strength.

[ your stat has been updated Alex ] Rev said to confirm the changes on my status.

I nodded at his word with a smile on my face.

Status Window ( ego )

Name: Alex Ravens

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Level: 1 ( 0/200 )

Unlocated points:

Coins: 50

Health : 500/500

Mana : 30/30

Stats •

Strength: 12

Intelligent: 10

Endurance: 9

Speed: 12

Skill •

2x Booster * awakened *

Cooking system * growth type *

Languages Comprehension * growth type *

' My stats really change! also my health and mana too!! '

Having my stats grow up is so satisfying for me as I also become stronger and stronger.

My health changed from 300 - 400

" so one points for 25 health.... since I add 2 points in endurance I got 50, plus the 2x booster so from 300 turns to 400.... this is great! "

May mana changed from 20 - 30

" so 5 mana added for one points since I only add one for my intelligent "

As I reviewing my stats, I noticed and asked Rev about it.

" Rev how can i upgrade my cooking system? " I asked full of curiosity.

[ you just need experience Alex ] Rev replied as if it's a natural answer.

" what? " I asked confused by his straight answer.

[ yes ] Rev said as if that's the right thing to do.

" you mean I need to cook? " I asked to confirm my conclusions about what Rev just said.

[ yes, Alex, you need to cook ] Rev answered.

' what's the point of this cooking system then? ' I thought while being confused on how can I upgrade my system.

[ if you want to upgrade your cooking system, you need to cook. Just like how you cook a fried fish or fried egg back in your world, all the fried dishes are able to purchase. So if you want to upgrade it you need to cook one thing first and all the similar dishes would be able to buy ]

Rev let out a long explanation but thanks to that I now understand how to improved it.

" so that's how it is " I muttered as I realize how great my system is.

[ yes that's how it is ] Rev replied again as if he's waiting for me to say it.

' this guy '

I was a little bit irritated by his behavior but I let it slide because he's a helpful one.

" how about I try cooking something the-.... "

I halt my mouth and widen my eyes.

" did y-you just say..... my world? "

I nervously asked Rev by what he said.

[ yes your world, Earth ]

Rev replied in straight sound again while using my voice.

" h-how? "

I asked Rev as if how he knows that I am from earth.

[ because we're one Alex and I very well know you right from the start ]

" what? "

My brain's stopped working by Rev sudden confession.