
Fated Destinies

Fated Destinies: Their Fated Encounters and Their Destinies.

saittaurios · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 14 - Reyna is.....

" what? "

I uttered a word asking if I heard it right.

[ Alex we're one. I'm able to regain consciousness the moment you were born. and I had seen all your hardship in life ]

Rev said that we're one, He also said that he knows me very well.

" then why are you only talking to me just now? "

I asked Rev. because while I'm still back at my world where I need someone to talk to, I need someone who would be there for me but no one.

[ that world have so much restrictions and whatever method I use, I can't find any way to help you ]

Rev said and explain why he's not able to help me.

" so what are you really Rev? "

I asked, I want to know more about him. He knows myself more than anyone, and that was the scariest part. Having someone know you very well is the most uncomfortable feelings you can get, it's about not being able to feel safe anymore. But Rev replied broke all my worries.

[ as I said Alex.. I am you.. My existence solely made for you ]

Rev said as if to ease my worry.

And silent resides again.

After 5 minutes passed.

I somewhat understand everything Rev's said and also accept it.

" so we're twins then? "

I tried to asked Rev jokingly.

[ yes ]

But Rev replied as if it's natural that we're twins and it didn't bother him.

' my system is a serious type huh '

I thought after hearing what Rev just said that my system have a serious type personality.

After spending some time checking my system ( he's just gazing on his system just like a kid found a new toy to play with ). I decided to sleep and ready myself for my second quest tomorrow.


Morning at the Ivory Guild. Noise can be heard everywhere, the laughing of the drunk one, the loud conversation of those youths, the sound of their armors clanging. At the big quest board I Alex standing, choosing what quest should I take.

' hmmm I think goblin is the best for me now '

I already equipped the weapons that the Ivory Guild give to me.

I was surprised that at early in the morning, my first walk outside the big house I stayed at last night a group of three people come to me and give me a one metal sword just like i requested.

Also they give me a backpack as I hunt without having one last time.

They're really considerate.

Now I choose to hunt goblins for my second quest

Quest : Goblin Subjugation

Reward : 5 silver coin

: Goblins are easy to hunt as they're slow and have a low intelligent. But don't face them in hoard.

: After you defeat them cut their left ear for proof.

Recommended Rank : F or E

I picked out the paper and head towards the receptionist counter.

" oh Alex did you come here to start your second quest? "

Reyna called out and asked.

" y-yeah here... today it's goblin subjugation"

I look at her eyes and answered.

" o-oh ok.... here "

Reyna as if she remembered something quickly turned her head and picked out the paper and sign it as if it's confirmed that I take the request.

" b-by the way Alex c-can I ask you a question? "

Reyna asked if she can ask me a question and quickly peek at my eye and turned her head again.

" yes of course what is it? "

' please make it short '

There's already a intense gaze as if they want to choked me by having you call my name and now you're doing this weird thing..

' wait can't keep an eye contact, turning her head as if shy and a slight blushing face? .... c-could it be s-she liked me?! '

As a teenage boy at my youth I'm also interested at having a girlfriend, so I searched it in internet. starting at. What's the sign a girl make when they liked the person they're talking to.

' w-what should I do? the most beautiful girl I know l-l-l-like me?! '

My thoughts run wild just by thinking how we do our first date what name should we make for our first daughter...and so on

But Reyna asked as she's playing at my feelings and said.

" y-you two with Guild Master Cedric w-w-what did you two do? "

" oy stop blushing "

" w-what? "

After Reyna asked. The image I quickly build as a happy family going on a beach crumbled to dust and seeing those blushing face that lured me. I unconsciously let out my thoughts.

" n-nothing "

" .... "

Reyna didn't reply, instead she look up to me with an expectant eyes.

And that eyes make those intensely gazing at me burned even more and it feels like my neck is really now burning or is it someone put a fire on me.

' no way right? '

' ... '

' no way please?! '

I was really scared as a really cold sweat run down my cheeks.

' this girl is indeed one '

I thought while nervously looking at Reyna's eyes that she's really a weird one.

" no we didn't do anything and Margaret's also there with us "

I replied to clear the misunderstanding Reyna made for herself.

" Margaret "

After I say Margaret's name Reyna's red eyes lost its color and turned black and made an cold expression while muttering Margaret's name again and again.

" Reyna? w-what's wrong? "

The girl working beside her felt the sudden change in Reyna's mood and ask her while being scared.

" R-reyna? a-are you a-alright? "

Reyna didn't replied to her question and the girl decided to asked again.

Reyna again, didn't replied.

The girl as if surrendering herself at calling Reyna looked at me asking for help.

' w-what? you want me to talked to her? '

I thought as the girl looking at me.

I was really scared by Reyna's sudden behavior but I gather my courage and called out to her.

" Reyna? a-are you ok? "

Reyna stop her muttering and look at me in the eye and her now dark eyes turned to red again and said.

" o-oh sorry about that Alex here your quest.... good luck "

Reyna act like nothing just happened put a stamp and handed the quest paper to me.

She also bid me good luck.

" y-yeah thank you "

I quickly picked up the paper and started to head out to start my quest.

" w-what's happening to me? "

I heard Reyna's muttering.....

But I pay no interest in it because it's scary.

' I hope I wont get swept up by those '

I wish for myself not to get entangled by something so troublesome and exit the building.

While the showing of guys stared confused and scared by what they just see.