

A journey where fate brings Vampires and witches together to survive the rogue wolves. A voyage of finding something buried in history. In this trail of war, one will find her identity. In this game of fate, secrets will unfold, causing a track of mixed emotions.

Anna_Jade · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 4: Uninvited Guest

Owen asked William to show Elizabeth and Antony around the main castle as it was also part of the vampire's state. Only the main hall was opened for the union members. Charles was also with them. These four were meant to train the witches and vampires together in the north castle.

Owen was sitting on his revolving chair. thinking deeply he closed his eyes. A lot was going on in his mind. What the great elder Fiona told him, he was a bit disturbed by that. How can it be? He is the royal blood. Maybe that's why. He rested his head against the chair. Just then, he sensed someone, in the castle. The blood scent...it was strong...it wasn't of a witch...or was it? Neither is a vampire. A stranger was inside the main castle! are you kidding me? Then he sensed the stranger was in some kind of situation...a dangerous one. He stood up immediately and put on his hood. He closed his eyes and teleported himself to the place where the scent was, to the upper tower. That scent was about to get killed by a freaking vampire.


April told Jade to go to the main castle as Saint Antony had called her over.

(Why here though?) , She thought to herself.

Standing in front of the big wooden gate of the castle, she was in her all-day look. She was wearing a purple loose shirt with black trousers with a purple cloak covering her. As she stood there, a guard approached her.

(oh God. He looks creepy....a vampire...I must not look into his eyes or I may get stones. Ok, I can do it! stay calm!)

After relaxing, she looked at the chin of that vampire.

"Excuse me, Sir! I'm here to meet a union member Antony who is inside right now and he needs his stuff in there. I am from witch land." She said and looked into his eyes. They were...Weird. It was hard for her to understand but she felt uneasy.

"Can I go inside?", Jade tried her best to be polite. She couldn't go through his mind.

(what was he even thinking?)

"Ok...come inside...I'll take you where Antony is.", he said with a creepy tone.

Jade followed him inside and admitted it right away upon entering the gate. That was the most beautiful castle she had seen in her life. but...it was dark, abruptly giving the vampire vibe.

She kept following that vampire ahead of her. She was a bit scared...she hated dark alleys...she feared them...and those were where he was taking her. After walking so much Jade mustered her courage up to ask,

"Excuse me! how long will it take? Are you sure you are taking me to the right place?"

He suddenly stopped, enough to make Jade's heart stop for a second. As he turned, his eyes were crimson red, and had his fangs out.

The sight creeped her out up to her toes. She was getting goosebumps all over her body out of fear.

"I'm taking you to your right place...", he said and that is when Jade noticed there was no one...NO ONE...just dark alleys...and he was also just holding a lantern...and she saw what he was going to do next.

(oh no please not now! I hate darkness. I can't breathe in it. Don't you do this to me! Antony told me they called upon to ally..so is this what they called alliance?)

"Do you know how strong scent you have? I want it right now! get ready my prey!!", as he said it, he immediately blew off the lantern...no!!!

"No...please don't do this!", her mind stopped working...she started breathing heavily and then. Just then when there was not a single presence, she felt a hand with long nails holding her throat up. He dragged her to the wall in that state and pinned her on the wall...she couldn't breathe...

"S-s—t-t-opppp!", Jade said struggling with breathing. She held his hand and tried pushing him. Tears started gathering in her eyes. It's not that she was incapable to fight or tackle this situation. She was from the special group of trainees. But you know, everyone has their weaknesses. and darkness was her weakness, which would make her go numb and scared. She felt her body getting numb.

Just then, with a jolt, Jade fell to the ground. She couldn't see anything, but she heard a smashing sound. someone else was here, she could feel it. She started coughing as she tried to catch her breath. The presence of the other person caught her mind...it was strong...and something more. It was attracting her. She couldn't focus enough and couldn't even stand up...she was feeling as if all her energy is drained. Just then,

"YOU DARE TRIED HARMING A GUEST...YOU RASCAL!! "someone's voice echoed in the darkness...

"I I I ...aaaaaagghghhh", the vampire who brought Jade here screamed again as he was being choked.

"You don't deserve living....", just then the person who was speaking opened the sideway curtain, and a lot of sunlight hit the vampire.

Even then Jade couldn't hear or see anything that happened because that person with a strong aura came in front of her and placed his hands on Jade's ears....the view was blocked by his tall spectacular being.

(Well, I'm sorry...he was handsome...I know I shouldn't be saying that in this situation...his hands were cold...oh he was another vampire..so I was his bait now...great...)

Jade put her hands on his and tried pushing them away but he was strong. He noticed her resistance so he bent down a little and hushed her. Now she was looking straight into his eyes, without even blinking. Her lips parted a bit in awe. All she could see were those beautiful purple eyes. it was so unique to have purple eyes for a vampire. Her heart was beating so fast.

A moment later he let go and took a step back.

(Wait...is he going to kill me now or spare me?)

"About earlier," he began talking in his deep voice, "I apologize lady...", he said.

"No you don't have to apologize..it isn't your fault."

"He was a vampire-like me, but I guess I know why he couldn't help it", he said and looked straight into her eyes.

What-what do you mean he couldn't help it??? " Jade asked.

"Your scent...."

"What about it? It is a witch scent and it is not even a special kind. because you know, I am a disabled witch who can't go through people's minds, can't cast spells, can't curse, can't do magic, afraid of darkness,"

Jade might have been in shock that she began giving some not so needed TMIs out of nowhere. she was counting all her weaknesses on her fingertips. Even she didn't know what got into her. why was she telling him all that? As she was speaking, he cut her midway and started moving towards me step by step saying,

"Want to be a rebel, be the best potion maker in the realm and rule the kingdom...nice thoughts! "he took a step closer.

Jade took a step backward. Soon she was against the wall and he was two steps away from her.

"Everyone has fantasies. So do I!" Jade decided not to lose her cool from now on.

"Great forbidden thinking you have!" he said smiling. Jade looked to her right, not looking into his eyes anymore.

"Well, I do hope you do not invade my mind... Sir!", she said straightforwardly.

He sighed and stood straight.

"You shouldn't be wandering around in this castle Miss..."

"Jade. Jade Mccnath"

"Miss Jade, this castle is full of weak vampires who can't hold on to themselves after taking in your scent. it is different and strong. I'd prefer you to wear this perfume to lower it.", he said while handing her a perfume bottle. it was emerald-scented. She took it without any further suspicion and applied it to herself. She seriously didn't want to be fed here.

"Now, tell me why are you here...?", he asked and Jade told him about Antony..." He is downstairs..in the main library...", she looked at him confused..." Come, I'll ask a guard to take you there."

"No!", she said immediately, a bit scared, What if he did too?"

He looked at her, with an assuring look on his face.

"He won't! "

"Still, can't you take me and be with me until I reach Antony?", Jade asked him, hope in her eyes. He sighed and started moving in front of her.

"Follow me Miss jade... just because you're new here...and my guest."

"You're saying as if you own this castle," she said a little mockingly and scoffed. She couldn't see his facial expressions as he was ahead of her.

"By the way, what's your name?", she asked, finally.

(so impolite of me to ask his name this late.)

"No need to know!"

"Still...", she insisted and he gave her a side stare...

"You'll know!! " he replied.

(He was, I don't know what kind of vampire he was or what class he belong to, all I knew was he had that power to make everyone mesmerized.)

Hello there, just a note. I am writing the thoughts of the characters in the brackets. At first I thought of writing the story in POVs of the characters but I have decided it make through writer's POV on the whole so there will be no confusion and by doing so, I will be able to do justice to every character.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Anna_Jadecreators' thoughts