
Fate: Remnant

Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Heaven's Feel The three most well-known Fate routes. However, this story takes place not in any of those route, but in one particular route in the infinite parallel worlds that can even be considered as an "anomaly". The main characters found themselves stranded in a foreign world. And they must adapt and survive in this new world. Eh, they can do it right? Zelretch already tortured them by sending them in different timelines, this one won't be so different, is it?

ImperialCupCake · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
26 Chs

Chapter 20

AN; Whelp, I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I forgot...I slept like log. Also, I didn't reread this so there might be more mistakes than usual. Just point it out if you want, I'll fix it when I have time.


"Shirou, do you know....once you reached the pinnacle of spear, you can even slay a god."

"Shirou, if you were born in my time, maybe I would've been just a warrior queen supporting her warrior king...too bad."

"Yes, if it was years ago...maybe. But now, I'm tired. I want to have one last battle with a strong warrior who can kill me...Shirou, will you grant me this wish?"

"Immortal Slaying Scythe...yes, that weapon can end me."

"...It was fun, Shirou...You know, if I was summon in a Grail War, I will win it as fast as I can, and wish for my past self to have meet you..."

"I'm sorry Shirou. You just have to fall for a selfish and evil woman like me...Hahaha, why the tears? You should forget me....be happy with those girls, and make sure you take care of them."

Shirou opened his eyes, finding himself in his room in Beacon. He looked at his side, Medea or Caren wasn't with him...a rare thing

He stood up from his bed, gently rubbing his forehead. "...damn. You are a very selfish and evil woman teacher...even now, you refused to leave my head."

He glanced at his hands...the hands that was dyed with blood of his beloved teacher, the hands he used to end her 'sufferings'.

He blamed Zelretch.

If that vampire didn't sent him to the ancient times to be trained by that woman, Shirou wouldn't have experienced these feelings.

He stood up from his bed and went out of his room to do his daily hygiene.


"Damn, another bad end. This Silvia Ainzburn is really messed up. She cursed Kuro to not die unless his head gets blows off and proceed to torture him indefinitely."

"Edelya Games are really messed up for making this."

"I know right? And she's such a sweet little thing in Heaven's Feel...well, not really, but she's not as messed up as this."

Shirou shivered at those words. No way...did Luvia just decided to make a game out of their alternate life? She's not satisfied with a movie?

What would it take to stop that woman?

Their lives aren't entertainment!

Looking at the living room, Shirou sighed when he saw Ren and Jaune playing the game that Shirou was sure is their alternate lives.

Or rather, showing some parts of parallel worlds that could've happen if they made certain decisions.

"You know, my office isn't a hangout spot." Shirou sighed as he narrowed his eyes at the two males, "What are you two doing here so early in the morning?"

Ren looked away from the screen and turned towards Shirou, "Team RWBY along with Pyrrha and Nora decided to have a girl's time and kicked us out of our room...and it's already afternoon, by the way."

"Oh, and we bought this Visual Novel yesterday, the Edelya Games released it just the other day. Apparently that popular animated movie Fate/Heaven's Feel was adapted from this game. Also, how come they know about those characters from your books Shirou?" Jaune paused the game to look at Shirou.

Shirou went down the stairs, "That's because Luvia and I know each other. She likes my books and asked me if she could use them, and I agreed."

"So...you used to sleep with her?" Jaune smirked, "From what I've seen, almost all girls you're involved with, somehow have a sexual relationship with you."

"I'm not." He said. Which was true. He didn't used to sleep with Luvia...even now, he's still a regular visitor of her boudoir.

Ren raised a brow, "Are you sure? There are pictures online showing Luviagelita, the CEO of Edelya Enterprise, going out on a date with an unknown red haired man. I never thought about it, but now that you mentioned having some connection with her, I suspected it might be you."

Shirou smiled at the two teens before he flicked their foreheads with a reinforced finger.



Shirou then patten the two on their heads, "Kids shouldn't get involved with the relationship between adults."

He couldn't understand why teenagers have this sort of fixation about relationships and gossips...but he guessed it is because they are teenagers.

You know how they are; a neighbor died, it's a pity. Their boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with them, it's the end of the world. He feels like the last onee mostly only applies to girls, but he doesn't want to start an argument.

Well, that exclude his girls. He feels like if he broke up with them, then there is a high chance that they'd go full on yandere just to keep him.

He doesn't know why he thinks they'd go that far for someone like him, he don't think he's worth it.

"Tsk, we're just curious." Jaune grumbled.

Shirou looked at him, amused, "How about you? I think I saw hang out with Blake from time to time, and sometimes you're with Pyrrha. Is there something going on between you three?"

"Huh?" Jaune blinked his eyes in confusion, "Isn't it normal to hang out with friends? Why are you even mentioning them? It's not like we're in some kind of love triangle or those harem cliché you know."

Ren scooted closer to Shirou and whispered, "It's not worth it. I tried it once, but he's dense enough to actually cause two satellites - Blake and Pyrrha - revolve around him, but he just consider it as normal."

Shirou can almost see his past self in Jaune. If Sakura wasn't so forward with her advances and brought him to a love hotel, he wouldn't even know that she likes him, romantically.

'If I'm not wrong, it won't stop with just Blake and Pyrrha. Heh, you'll experience hell before ascending to heaven Jaune...but I promise you it'll be worth it.'

"Oh, by the way," Jaune pointed at the pot on the stove, "Professor Colchis dropped by and cooked you some food."

"I see. I should thank her later," Shirou nodded before he went to the pot to take a look at the food.

"You really should," Ren stated, "Miss Colchis looked so exhausted earlier, like she haven't gotten any wink of sleep...and I swear it's not because you two have an all night session."

"I know." Shirou sighed. It must be because he asked her to look for what Rin and Luvia were searching. He was way too busy with his job he doesn't have the time to search for it.

He should really make it up to her.

"Also, how'd you even know about our night sessions?" Asked Shirou.

"Well," Jaune smirked, "Miss Colchis wasn't really one to hide those things. She'd gladly answer if you asked her."

"That woman..." Shirou groaned. What is wrong with her? He doesn't mind her being open — that's just who she is — but can't she at least not tell the students?

It can be awkward you know. No wonder he can see some students whispering about something while looking at him; some with envy, some with jealousy, some with interest, and some with curiosity.

He hoped she didn't mention anything when he was still in highschool — that was the time where he was most 'passionate' due to hormones.

He especially liked cosplay. So much so that he had Saber cosplay as Rukia from that popular anime that just got released.

He blamed Medea. That woman badly wanted Saber to cosplay that she tricked him into tricking Saber and had her cosplay.

Everyone knows, Saber's soft spot is Shirou — she can't just say no to him if he really tried asking her.

"Well," Shirou closed the lid of the pot, "I'm gonna take a shower first. You enjoy your game."

"We will."

"Thank you for letting us stay."