
Fate: Remnant

Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works Heaven's Feel The three most well-known Fate routes. However, this story takes place not in any of those route, but in one particular route in the infinite parallel worlds that can even be considered as an "anomaly". The main characters found themselves stranded in a foreign world. And they must adapt and survive in this new world. Eh, they can do it right? Zelretch already tortured them by sending them in different timelines, this one won't be so different, is it?

ImperialCupCake · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 19

"Come on Yang, let me do it~" Ruby whined while clinging to Yang's arm while being dragged around.

"Not gonna happen Rubes," said Yang, "The last time I let you fix my weapon you wanted to add a bazooka to it."

"But it would be better! You know, more fire power...don't you like that?" Ruby pouted.

Yang paused and turned towards her sister, "I do. But dammit Rubes ammo isn't cheap! Same goes with Dusts! I'm already struggling to pay with just shotgun bullets, do you have any idea how much a bazooka's cost? Not to mention the materials needed to add that!"

Yes, Yang pays for her weapon's maintenance and ammo with her own money — it was her allowance given by her dad, but she does work part-time from time to time — and those aren't cheap.

"Well, I can fix up Ember Celica just for you. I promise I won't add anything."

Yang sighs, "Rubes, I can trust you to fix my Scroll or our TV, but for my weapon? Nah-uh, I have more faith to a professional."

"Yeah? But I'm the one doing the maintenance for my weapon and fixing her up."

"Good for you. How many times do you repair Crescent Rose in a month?"

Ruby lowered her head and whispered, "Six."

"Mine's one, sometimes two. See the difference? You can fix up Crescent Rose for emergency, but a professional would do it much better than you. You're not that good yet. And unlike what Jaune may believe, you did not make Crescent Rose, you just submitted a very crude design and have an artificer make it for you."

Ruby quickly looked around before glaring at her sister, "Yang! I told you not to say that in public! What if Jaune heard you? I will no longer have anything to brag about!"

"Yes, yes, now move along while I have Ember Celica be fixed by a pro." Yang continued her walk towards the Artificer Workshop.

Her weapon - Ember Celica - a shotgun-gauntlets needed some repairing after it suffered some damage from fighting Pyrrha.

Yang knew the artificer in Beacon, she has been there quite a few times. However, she heard that the artificer was in a coma and has been temporarily replaced by a new one.

She hoped the new artificer would be as good as the old one.

After walking for a few minutes, with Ruby following behind her. The pair of sisters finally arrived at the office of the artificer.

Yang knocked twice before opening the door and walking in, "Excuse m—huh?"

"Yang what's wro—huh?"

The two were completely stunned seeing team JNPR sitting on the couch eating some sandwiches and drinking some juice.

However, what stunned them the most is seeing their teammate, and Yang's partner, Blake Belladonna sitting to Jaune's right side, eating a what seem to be a tuna sandwich.

With Pyrrha sitting on Jaune's left, narrowing her eyes at the faunus in disguise. Oh, that rhymes.



The moment the two walked in, team JNPR plus Blake immediately noticed them.

Jaune stared at them and asked, "Yang? Ruby? What are you two doing here?"

"That's my line," Yang crossed her arms, her lilac eyes narrowing in displeasure, "What are you and your team doing here enjoying some snacks without inviting us. And you Blake, I'm your partner, can't you even invite me for this little gathering?"

"That's right!" Ruby nodded, "And why are you hanging out with JNPR? They're our mortal enemies!"

Nora smirked at her, "It just shows how awesome of a team we are that even the 'Ren' of your team wanted to hang out with us."

"Nora," Ren sighed at her partner and childhood friend, "Please don't antagonize her any further. We don't want to wreck the place, Shirou's kind enough to let us stay here."

"Never mind that," Yang looked around, "This is the artificer office right? Do you know where the guy is? I wanted to have my Ember Celica repaired."

Jaune nodded at her, "Shirou's at the back, in his workshop. He's fixing Nora's hammer, it took a quite a damage after our previous training session. You might want to wait a bit."

"I see. Oh well..." Yang shrugs and sat down on the couch next to Nora, "Gimme some of this..."

She took a sandwich from the plate placed on the table and took a bite, her eyes widened, "Dayum! This is one good sandwich!"

Ruby followed after Yang and also took a bite from a sandwich, "...So good! I haven't had something this delicious since Red Blossoms!"

"Well, you girls enjoy your snacks," Nora stood up and went to pick up her backpack before sitting back down.

Yang and Ruby stared at her in confusion as Nora took out her notes, and to their shock, began to review them. Ren, Pyrrha and Jaune did the same.

With Blake simply savoring her tuna sandwich.

"Hold up," Yang raised her hand, "Pyrrha and Ren I can understand, but Nora...you're studying?"

"I thought we were comrades." Ruby muttered, giving Nora a look of betrayal.

Nora smiled at her, "Well, as you know, Ren and I are orphans and we got in to Beacon through scholarship. We need to maintain high grades or else we won't be able to pay for our school fees."

"That..." Yang was speechless. That was actually very reasonable. Why did she think that Nora wasn't one to study and have the attitude of 'as long as I pass'?

Beacon was expensive. Her dad and uncle Qrow could afford the tuition and she and Ruby doesn't have to worry about maintaining a high grade.

But Ren and Nora are different. They are orphans, and still minor. They can't pay for the tuition fee so scholarship is the only option, and in exchange they must have exceptional performance in class.

"Sheesh, now I feel privileged." Said Yang as she finished her sandwich.

"Same," Ruby nodded in agreement, "I feel bad for sleeping in class."

"Come on, don't need to feel that way." Nora grinned, "Everyone's got their own circumstances. Even Cardin's life is not that easy, and his father is a councilman."

"...Guess you're right." Ruby mumbled.

The room was engulfed in silence, with team JNPR reviewing their notes and the RBY of RWBY enjoying their snacks.

When suddenly...

"Shirou~, breakfast please." A voice that is very familiar to the students sounded, followed by footsteps.

Their eyes went towards the stairs, and their jaws almost dropped seeing their professor in Dust-Science, Medea Colchis, walking down from above.

However, what shocked them the most is her revealing outfit — just a oversized white shirt and black lace panties, glowing face, and some love marks on her neck and collarbone.

"Hm?" Medea halted her steps when she saw Jaune and the others sitting on the couch and gawking at her, "Ah. Since when did our love nest turn into a hangout spot for students?"

Pyrrha gulped, staring at Medea in disbelief, especially the love marks on her neck...one can only imagine what she did last night to have those.

She blushed, "P-Professor Colchis?"

"That's what students call me, yes." Medea said as she walked down and went towards the stove next a few meters away from where the students are sitting.

There is a pot there, and Medea opened the lid and a sour and somewhat spicy scent engulfed the room.

"Hmm~," Medea smiled, "This is...ah, isn't this what we paired up with alcohol last night? He reheated it...well, I can't complain."

She took out a small bowl and poured herself some soup from the pot before walking towards the couch and sitting down next to Yang.

"Um, Professor Colchis," Pyrrha stared at Medea in embarrassment, "W-What are you doing here?"

Medea raised a brow, "That's my question. What are you doing here? Shirou's my boyfriend, and he has given me the privilege to come here whenever I want."

Pyrrha blushed and remained silent.

It was Jaune who answered for her, "Ah, professor, actually—"

"Well, I'm not really interested. So you don't have to answer." Medea focused on the soup and took a spoonful to her mouth.

Jaune shut his mouth, before focusing on his notes, grumbling slightly. Pyrrha was kind enough to pat him on the back.

Yang glanced at the soup...it looks delicious. And from the smell, it's definitely spicy...she likes spicy.

Medea noticed her gaze, and offered the bowl, "Want some?"

"Can I?" Yang wasn't one to refuse.

"Sure. There's still a lot of it, let me go get your friends their own too." Said Medea as she stood up.

"Ah, you don't have to—" Ren began, but shut up with one look from Medea.

"I insist." She stated.

"...Let me help." Ren sighed and stood up.

"I'll help too." Jaune put down his notes and followed after the two.

After awhile, Ren and Jaune distributed one bowl to everyone before they sat down and decided to take a taste.

Medea stood at the side, picking up a scroll to record their reactions for later — she the scroll so they won't notice it.

As the students swallowed a spoonful of soup, they couldn't hide their surprise. It was sour, but not too much, it also has a perfect blend of saltiness and spiciness in it.

The 'meat' was also soft and rather squishy.

"This...is actually quite good," Blake turned towards Medea, "What's this called?"

Medea smiled and replied, "It's called Soup Number Five."

"Soup Number Five?"

"It's a soup made mainly from a bull's testes and penis."

Medea enjoyed the paling faces of the students. That was her reaction when she first tried that too...well, not that intense.

Nora, however, remained calm. Instead, she just look at her bowl in contemplation, "I didn't know dicks taste good."


"What? It's the truth!"