
Fate or Hate

Ava, a 15-year-old teenager, moves away from home with her family to a new location. We observe how her surroundings change, how she adjusts, the people she meets, and her new school.

AnaMaria_writess · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

Moving out

I don't know how this all started everything you'll find out what later on, let me start from the beginning. It was 2022 when I moved out around May. It was hard for me because it was all new to me I had known no one there and had to let go of my old best friend, me and her don't talk anymore and we lost contact when I moved out because when I was there we used to hang out every day but that changed. She was right tho on our last meeting before I moved out she told me that we wouldn't be that close anymore since I'm moving out and everything but I told her no I'll see you once or twice a week, yeah she was right. I had no friends until June. I felt really lonely at that time no one to talk to, it was all new to me the place. This was the second time we had moved out. It's okay now I'm used to this place and it's not bad. This is just the beginning of the story trust me it will get better later on and more interesting that's what I'm trying to say. When moving in we moved our furniture in of it to make it feel like home and better than how it was. Every day I would scroll on my phone or sleep all day long. On a Sunny day, I was sitting on a bench outdoors reading a book when I heard some females laughing and as I looked up, I saw them looking at me from a distance. ''Hey guy,'' one of them exclaimed. I did not respond. I was astonished, but only a little, because I had a short haircut and looked like a guy. They eventually left. But I spotted them again when I was walking up the stairs with my younger sister from the market. Let's just say they assumed I was a boy, and one of them even called me cute or handsome once, so yeah. I mean compliments aren't bad but I mostly nowadays don't like them I feel like they're a lie and people just say that stuff, just to be nice and all.