

in an alternate universe, Emiya Shirou a boy who dreamed of being a hero of justice thanks to a promise he made to his father and a disaster that happened in his city, ended up being bitten by a vampire and his fate of being a slave to the world It has been changed

Alexmorgan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

real dreams

The day after the exams, the tensions at school were almost completely gone and even the topic of the massacre that had taken place the other day had been forgotten, however, one student kept his stress level very high, this student was called Emiya Shirou. Thanks to the declaration of the war she received from Tohsaka the other day, the girl went from not even noticing his existence to having a fire in her eyes whenever she looked at him.

Fortunately, Shirou realized that the girl had no intention of taking this rivalry seriously. If she did, he would have to take steps to ensure he survived and was not exposed to the moonlit world of the abyss, being Emiya Kiritsugu's adopted son didn't help his situation, and being a near-vampire spawned by Kiss-blade, aka Shinou only made things worse.

Not to mention the enemies he made when he was possessed by the curses of Angra Mainyu, Shirou would be very screwed and all the enemies he has are inherited or that he made come to the city, it would be hell

So it would be crucial for him that Tohsaka keep his mouth shut about his circumstances or else he would have to... no, he wasn't like that anymore, he was a hero and should help people and not hurt them

All he knew was that Tohsaka had a slightly smaller aura than him. the real question was how she used this magic aura for battle, Shirou often saw warriors with little magic aura defeating those who had a huge amount of aura, an absurd amount of power means nothing if you don't know how to use it or can't


Shirou was not in a comfortable situation, he decided that day to go after more criminals and play his role as an ally of justice, only he ended up finding a group of 4 very heavily armed criminals putting a small group of teenagers in the trunk of your cars

Kidnappers...no, that made sense, why would such well-armed thugs be kidnapping kids, with these guns, they could be robbing a bank, unless those kids were from some billionaire family, Shirou then shook his head no matter who were the teenagers

they were in danger and Shirou had to save them anyway, he then jumped towards the kidnappers


He cursed the four bandits who were shooting at him and used his reinforcement to transcend his current limits and run as much as possible around the bandits' loops while feinting and swinging his swords deflecting the bullets with them. these bullets were of high caliber and meant that the redhead had only one priority not to be hit.

despite her strong regeneration, Shirou wasn't invincible now and her booster spells would only help him so far. so counterattacking was not an option, as he was in an open field and had no places to hide or shield against the bullets, he had to wait until the enemies opened up and it happened some of the guns ran out of ammo.

Shirou used all his speed to run towards his attackers and within seconds appeared in their midst and with raiding movements, Shirou bent down and swung his foot hitting the feet of one of his attackers

the man fell and Shirou kicked his head hard and then went to the second man who pointed the gun at Shirou is a quick movement of his sword hit the gun and sent it flying

Shirou then jumped and hit his knee in the man's face and threw his sword towards the third bandit, the knife flew and hit the bandit's shoulder knocking him to the ground

"Don't move" The last bad guy who was still conscious pointed his gun at Shirou "Enough with this shit"

Shirou turned to the man without showing any reaction or fear, he felt the man's breath rise and noticed the man's hands shaking, an amateur... he was so scared he probably wouldn't shoot a shot and Shirou was counting on it

Getting ready to attack the man, Shirou suddenly felt a strong explosion of magical aura and for a second he shivered and that second was enough for the last bandit to tighten his gun and shoot Shirou, he fired three times, but it only came out one shot because your gun's ammo ran out

upon feeling the sting of pain in her chest, Shirou's eyes softened and for a second a small amount of happiness entered her chest, if he dies there he could be reunited with her, would she be happy to see her. you in the other world?

Shirou for a second kept dreaming about his possible reunion with Shinobu in the other world and gave the bandit room to reload his weapon and point it at Shirou once more.

The man pulled the trigger and started firing at Shirou, the bullets flew through the air towards Shirou at supersonic speed and when they were very close to hitting Shirou his eyes glowed red

"Of course I won't, wake up my foolish servant, you'll die if you go on like this"

"Trace On"

Shirou projected two more swords in his hand and swung them with all his strength and speed dodging all the shots that came his way and quickly jumped forward with all his speed

He crossed the space between himself and the thug in a second then pulled his fist back and threw it forward, punching the thug in the stomach. the man flew for 5 meters and fell to the ground rolling for another few meters

"Damn, what happened?" Shirou wondered breathlessly, he looked at the thug on the ground and then looked back. the ground where he was standing had formed a small crater and was even more confused by the power level of both magus and vampire, he wouldn't be able to move that fast and he knew it

however, Shirou didn't have much time to reason what had happened, because lights came on and shone for him following him for a few seconds

"Stop is the police" A strong voice shouted from behind the light

"Damn" Shirou felt a bestial growl die inside him and in a split second, he ran to the man who was lying unconscious on the floor and grabbed him by the shirt. he pulled the man over his shoulders and activated his magic circuits to brace his feet and jump, to the roof of the warehouse.

other than what Shirou thought would happen, he flew much farther than he had calculated and saw the night city from above, his eyes gleaming in confusion as he didn't understand why he was flying.


Daisuke Akimi was a very diligent and hardworking detective, he came to Fuyuki City to investigate the case of the vigilante known as Assassin and he joined with his task force received a shooting case in an industrial quarter in the city.

which he found strange, since all shootings take place in industrial quarters, wasn't the police in the city paying attention to those neighborhoods? He didn't know anymore he would find out

he shook his head sending his doubts out and observed the policeman beside him who was named Hana Narukami and was looking at the papers about everything they knew about the vigilante.

"This guy is a ghost," She said showing the paper to Daisuke

"yes, no fingerprints or murder weapons, he doesn't leave anything behind"

"yes, the worst kind of criminal, an intelligent and hard-working one not to expose himself"

"Nurukami get ready," The detective said upon hearing the sounds of gunfire in the distance "let's arrest him now"


"stop is the police"

Daisuke entered the shed pointing his gun forward and saw a shadow of a person standing in front of him a few meters away, he, unfortunately, couldn't see the man because of the lights from the vehicles

"raise your hands now" Daisuke yelled while not taking his eyes off the figure in front of him "turn off the lights, I think I got him"

The lights had gone out and Daisuke blinked for a second because of the change of light in the place and by the time his vision returned, there was no one else in front of him but the men who were all passed out on the floor beside guns and teenagers who were sleeping in several car trunks

"Is that…what I'm thinking it is?" Hana asked

"yes, it looks like we found who was kidnapping teenagers in the city" Daisuke growled in anger, if it wasn't for this vigilante, Daisuke couldn't imagine the terrible things that would happen to these teenagers "just thinking that a vigilante found these kidnappers before us. .. makes me sick"

"I understand you Detective Akimi," Hana said frustrated. she truly couldn't accept that a vigilante was doing police work, but if it weren't for him, the police would never find out who was kidnapping the kids.


"who is paying you?" Shirou asked as he sat in a chair in front of the thug he kidnapped and held him by the foot on the edge of one of the biggest buildings in the city "If you don't tell me, I'll let you go"

The bandit looked down in panic and saw the streets empty and devoid of human or animal life. He was dreaming, Fuyuki city was too big to be so uninhibited, yes it was a dream and he would soon wake up

"You won't talk," Shirou said coldly "Then fall"

He released the foot of the man who began to fall at high speed and screams desperately as he fell. All thought that it was a dream ended when the man saw the ground rapidly approaching him.

"ARGH" the man screamed in agony with all his strength and shielded his face even though he knew it wouldn't change anything

"It looks like you're willing to talk," Shirou said besides the man, he was falling along with the man while keeping his steels crossed "Tell me I'll save you"

The man looked at the terrifying red eyes and the red tattoos around the boy's body falling beside him and swallowed dry in fear, the rational part of him was screaming at him that it was a nightmare and that kind of monster doesn't exist in real life, but, the subconscious part of the bad guy screamed louder

Give the fucking name to this monster, we're gonna die

"I speak" The bad guy screamed desperately" was the #$¨@#$%%$"

"Well, Trace on" Shirou smiled and summoned a kind of bow and arrow

he took the bow and put the arrow in its middle and pulled the bowstring, then he released the string sending the arrow up at high speed and heard a crack that made the world glow, and when the glow died both Shirou and the bandit were in the middle of a green field of forest

"see it wasn't so hard"



Shirou woke up scared and looked around his body in a panic looking for the tattoos of the curse. He searched for some time and even summoned his magical aura to see if the tattoos showed up and nothing

"It was just a dream," Shirou said to himself

He got up and went to take a shower, in the shower, Shirou looked at his hand and projected a small knife, he gripped the knife handle and made a small cut in his hand, ignoring any trace of pain

Shirou saw the blood drain from his hand and waited a few seconds, when those seconds passed, he sighed and turned off the shower, showered himself, and put on his clothes. when he finished changing, he headed to the kitchen where he saw Sakura at the sink cutting something and he decided to join her in helping to make the coffee.

"Ohyo, senpai" Sacura greeted him kindly

"Good morning Sakura, how are you today?"

"I'm fine, breakfast will be ready soon," Sakura says finishing cutting some vegetables

"Shirou~~~" Fujimura Taiga rushed through the door happily and sat at the table "where's breakfast?"

"Good morning, Fuji-nee" Shirou greeted her kindly" breakfast is on its way out"

in a short time, they have finished making my breakfast and will serve the table, Taiga was the first to attack the food while keeping her happy smile as ever.

"Sakura-Chan, you're getting better at the kitchen" Taiga praised while enjoying the food "If you keep this up you'll get over Shirou soon"

"It's nothing I said, Fujimura-Sensei" Sakura countered embarrassedly "I'm far from making food as good as Senpai"

"Nothing" Shirou replied at the time, "I think you are evolving very well Sakura and this is an achievement, I still remember the time when you didn't even know how to heat food "

"Yes Sakura is proud of your achievement," Taiga said taking the girl's shoulder "If you keep this up, you'll be a great wife"

"Hmm, I believe Sakura will make a great wife" Shirou replied thoughtfully remembering the girl's domestic skills

The moment the words left Shirou's mouth, Sakura blushed and began to nervously intertwine her fingers.

Shirou lost the cute reaction of the girl when his eyes widened when he saw the news on television, he couldn't believe it, what happened was a dream and he brought his hand up to his face making a small snap

"Shirou are you alright?" Taiga asked worriedly

Shirou just looked at her with a bit of surprise and then opened a gentle smile on his face "It's nothing Fuji-nee it's just that I remembered something"

Taiga sighed with relief and Sakura too, she tried to open her mouth to speak, but her watch beeped and she made an anguished expression and even a little scared, something Shirou also missed thinking about the news that had been shown on TV

"Senpai, Fujimura- sensei, I have to go, I have to meet Grandpa before school," She said looking down and got up from the table

"yes thank you for helping me make breakfast" Shirou thanked her with a smile

"yes Sakura thank you" Taiga walked away

to be continued