

in an alternate universe, Emiya Shirou a boy who dreamed of being a hero of justice thanks to a promise he made to his father and a disaster that happened in his city, ended up being bitten by a vampire and his fate of being a slave to the world It has been changed

Alexmorgan · Anime & Comics
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dark plans

Tohsaka Rin was a very confident person. She was among the best students in the school both in behavior and in grades, she took the school exam quickly and was confident, a written test was nothing scary for her, her logical magus mentality made any test other than about sentimentality child's play for her

Rin was sure she would qualify in the top position in the school. she walked happily down the hall looking for the results posted on the wall and looked at the top looking for her name, she looked for the first name already knowing it to be her name

1- Ryuudou Issei

Rin rubbed her eyes thinking she was imagining something and looked back already knowing it was just an illusion, and she would be in the first place

1- Ryuudou Issei

No, it couldn't be, if her name still wasn't first, Rin gritted her teeth and sighed, for some unusual reason, probably a mistake in the correction, the president ended up getting ahead of her, but second place wasn't so bad, she wouldn't complain to the school secretary about that mistake and let the fool take first place this time.

Rin then looked to the second place, already knowing her name was written there

2- Emiya Shirou

she rubbed her eyes one more time, someone was playing a prank on her, it could only be that there was no way for her Tohsaka's heiress to be defeated by someone like the school's fake janitor

2- Emiya Shirou

An angry growl died in her throat and a vein pulsed in her forehead. El soon collected himself to maintain his perfect image at school and looked down calmly.

3- Rin Tohsaka

a third place, was that what she got? Being second behind the president of the student council was one thing, he always had good grades and was one of the best students in the school, but being behind the fake janitor? it was very wrong, there must have been a big mistake in the office at the time to correct the proofs, she would go personally to complain to the irresponsible ones who corrected the proofs in the worst possible way and harmed her

No, that wasn't good, if she did that it would make her look like a bad loser and affect her public image and that she wouldn't tolerate at all, she had to swallow all the anger she was feeling and get over it.

It was just a test, and she ended up in third place... a defeat was something natural, and it would make her stronger... being defeated by the fake janitor at the school was not a bad thing... she wouldn't be so childish to be irritated by it

"Damn you Emiya Shirou" Rin growled "From now on, I consider you my rival"


Emiya Shirou was happy, being second in auditions was not something he did regularly. Of course, Shirou was committed to his studies, but normally he was between the number 30 or 50. To be in the second against Tohsaka and Issei was proof of overcoming.

That's what most people would think of it, others, on the other hand, were sure he cheated... they were right

Shirou with what little knowledge of thaumaturgy he had been taught by his father, Shirou while trying to do a booster spell and accidentally managed to boost his brain for a short period.

It was also around this time that he learned about the disadvantages of using booster spells, if you push the container you boost too much, it can break and even fall apart and Shirou understood that when your brain was boosted, it almost blew up the brain. if not for the monstrous vampire cure he had at the time, surely Shirou would have died

once again, at the time he couldn't care less about his body, as he had a super regeneration, and the curses he somehow had inside him and outside reinforced by vampirism ended up changing his mind taking any kind of high protection he already lacked and appreciation for his life and random third parties

For the 3 years he spent as a vampire in the reverse side of the world or intimately known by its inhabitants as the reverse side of the world or intimately known by its inhabitants as the Abyss, Shirou ended up studying his body and improving it with reinforcement and using curses to improve his magic.

Although he didn't care about it, the more Shirou used the curses to improve his powers, the Black glyphs gradually covered his body, Shirou's red hair started to turn black, and when he entered his vampire form his white hair started to turn blue and red eyes started to turn yellow

because of being empty before meeting Shinobu, Shirou couldn't understand what had changed in him and accepted it thinking it was just traces of vampirism that affected his body, which Shinobu denied saying that nothing that happened to Shirou happened to other vampires and that the curses had on him was nothing like vampirism

For starters, vampires didn't need to shape-shift to access their full power.

However, despite their doubts, both Shirou and Shinobu decided to ignore what was happening at the time, to defend themselves from the many attacks they received from the abyss after the news that Shinobu had been weakened. as they continued to fight and defend themselves against all sorts of monsters, humans, and even gods, the glyphs on Shirou's body continued to multiply and her hair grow darker

gradually something was taking control over Shirou's actions and thoughts, because he was an empty man at his core, he didn't realize he was being controlled

Shinobu was the first to realize that Shirou's personality was changing too much, he no longer had any fear of killing or torturing those who attacked them and was gaining fame in the abyss and being feared

This wasn't the Shirou that saved her, and it wasn't the Shirou that she accidentally "gave birth to" by being saved by him and the debt of gratitude to his father being paid.

This new Shirou was cruel and only cared about himself and a little about her, he no longer had any humanity in him, and vampirism didn't do that to a person. By becoming a vampire his personality does not change which makes most vampires evil or indifferent to the life of the innocent was the centuries of loneliness and sadness or the hunger for power, sometimes even the pure evil of their souls

but, only the first one is a consequence of vampirism the rest comes from the transformed person even before becoming a vampire and Shinobu knew very well that something was very wrong with Shirou

The abyss organizations that already feared Shinobu, who was one of the 10 strongest people in the abyss, had another monster ilk of her causing trouble and sent more individuals to defeat Shirou

Shinobu who had already returned to his true form easily destroyed all the unfeasible assassins to defeat Shirou and found him in one day in front of his father's grave.

She knew that the Shirou she knew no longer existed, the moment she felt the distorted yet divine power coming out of Shirou

She realized that all this time there was a divine beast inside Shirou had already fully mastered Shirou's body and consciousness.

Shinobu not wanting to give up on her servant tried to regain it by strength, but the creature was strong, almost as strong as she was, and the two fought for days destroying each other completely

Their regenerations recovered them, and they continued to fight, destroying everything around them. Shinobu being physically stronger than Shirou and the creature together managed in one bite to absorb the creature's cursed blood and began to suck the curses into itself.

The creature desperately tried to stay inside Shirou but was eventually devoured by the blonde vampire, however, it wasn't all over, the creature somehow managed to come close to taking over the body of Shinobu who had already expected it.

She used this chance to stab herself in the heart by Kokorowatari and kill herself, before she died she could see Shirou's eyes of sadness and despair.

"I release you from vampirism, be a human free my beloved servant" She smiled gently at her servant as she disappeared "be happy"

That day Shirou once again lost everything he cared about most and became almost completely human, for some reason some of Shirou's vampire powers stayed in his body.

Shirou was no longer a full-fledged vampire and ended up being presumed dead, as his magical aura had diminished so much that he went from one of the Celestial Thousands to a regular resident of the abyss.

So Shirou can go back to the human world without having trouble being hunted and go back to his "normal human life"


Shirou was walking through the halls of the school with his friend Issei, the two were talking and then it happened, he saw a very radiant Tohsaka looking at the ranking list of grades

Despite the girl's radiant, angelic smile, Shirou could see and feel the girl's aura roaring with rage. He thought about turning around and getting out of there, but it was too late, the girl had already seen him and was walking towards him

"Emiya-Kun, Hyuudou-Kun congratulations on getting first and second place" the girl greeted them with an angelic smile

the students around who couldn't feel her aura dancing furiously around her started gossiping about how good the girl is

Shirou, on the other hand, who could feel her aura, and Issei who had a very sharp sense for the supernatural, since some of his ancestors were part of the abyss, realized the falseness in that smile

"Thank you Tohsaka" Shirou smiled back at the girl "but no need to congratulate me, all I did was study"

"Yes, a good attitude, I'll make sure I work hard for the next race to compete with you," Tohsaka said keeping his voice beaming and went through both "next time I'll win"

"what just happened," Shirou asked looking at the girl's back

"This fox has just declared war on us" Issei replied angrily "I knew she wasn't the saint she portrays herself, be careful Emiya if she's half the evil being, I think she is, you're in danger "

"you are imagining things", Shirou said, "I don't think she will do anything to me"

"but she has a lot of admirers" Issei warned her friend "if she shows a little that she's mad at you, they might attack you"

"Issei, I don't think she's going to do this to attack me," Shirou said. He wasn't doubting Issei that Rin could attack him, but she wouldn't need the help of her admirers, the wizard Tohsaka was too proud to use a dirty game like that.

From his magical aura, Shirou can calculate that he is a little stronger than she is, and she doesn't know that, so he has to be alert.

Although he doesn't believe the girl would attack him


"Caster, are you finished?" a man said upon seeing a small group of dead old people at a table in front of him.

"Yes master," a woman who had a cloak that covered her entire face said emotionlessly, "I have enough mana to keep me in a fight with other servants"

"That's good, but it's not enough" The man who called himself Atrum Galliasta said "the old ones have little mana, let's go after the young ones now, they have more mana in their bodies"

Caster nodded and for a second she made a very grim expression and glared at Atrum, but then killed those feelings and let her poker face take over.

To be continued

time passes more slowly in the abyss, the 3 years Shirou spent there were only 3 months in the human world

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