

The world of the Nasuverse is a universe filled with endless wars of power-hungry people to achieve one's selfish dreams. Alexander Lampros, an infamous criminal was given a task by an omnipotent being to "save" this universe from an unknown demise. Let's follow his journey as he begins to explore this world and find his reason for existing along the way. [An: This is just an introduction to our MC. Please bear in mind that this will be my first time writing. So expect my writing style to be simple and repetitive. As for the cover and the characters are not mine and they are own by their respective owners. This is just something I want to do and if you are down with me on a journey then I will gladly welcome you. this novel will have an irregular update. So keep that in mind. Average chapters are 2000+ words.] Tags: (Calm Protagonist), (Handsome Male Lead), (Overpowered Protagonist), (Multiple Heroines), (Slow Romance), (Friendship), (Tragic Past), (Modern), (Strong to Stronger), (Time Travel), (Dragons), (Gods), (Aliens), (Fantasy world), (Heroes), (Mythologies), (Multiple POV), (Character Growth)

Mystery_18th · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

(15) Aftermath

"Oh, so you like this? alright, be patient. I'll give you one. But I'm curious, what are you? a raccoon? a rabbit perhaps? ahh, it doesn't matter since your so cute!"

Opening his eyes, Alexander was greeted by a familiar sight of a white ceiling of Chaldea. He looked where the soft voice was coming from, and he was startled to see a beautiful woman playing around with Fou.

She has wavy brown hair that reaches her bust and she has mesmerizing blue oceanic eyes. What made Alexander curious about her that she has a weird sense of passion when it comes to her clothes. She wears a blue long glove in her right arm and a robotic arm with a long and sharp pointy nail in her left.

The woman notices his gaze and immediately and flashes him a smile.

"Oh my, you're already awake?"

"Fou, Fou!"

"Yeah, that appears to be the case..." Lifting his body from the bed, the cute little fella then runs up to him and jumps to his shoulder then begins licking his face. He pats the little guy then faces the woman who's looking at him with interest as Intelligence glints in her eyes.

Alexander then looked at her with confusion.

"Oh, what's this? curious about me?" She teased.

"If you don't want to tell your name, just say so, I won't force you to." He sighs in defeat. He already could tell what kind of woman she is. She is the type of woman that the more you resist or deny her teasing, the more annoying she will become. Well, at least that's what he learns from observing women from his past life. In some way, she and Tamamo are similar, they would be a terrifying combo. Thinking about this, he could already see a dark future ahead of him. He sighs in defeat.

Seeing his defeated face, the woman covered her lips with her right hand and giggled, "Why so serious? I just want to lighten the mood."

"Then you failed miserably..."

She giggled once more and rise from her seat, "Since your awake now, I'll be going. Oh, and if you're so curious about me, I'm Leonardo Da Vinci, just called me Da Vinci-chan, okay? Alexander~" She winked one last time before leaving the room.

The silent ambiance that Alexander desire was granted.

"Wait, is not Leonardo da Vinci supposed to be a guy? then why..."

Shaking his head from the unnecessary thoughts. He played with Fou for a while before standing up. He summons a golden portal large enough for him to enter in front of him. He glances at the clock on the wall and saw that it was already noon.

But before taking the first step...

"Fou, Fou!"

"You want to come along?"


"Hmm... I have nothing to lose if you come, so why not... alright, don't leave my side, ok?."

With Fou on his shoulder, both of them entered the golden portal.

Opening his eyes, he was greeted by treasures that would make any man be blinded by greed. He was already used to the sight so ignore them and closed his eyes once again. He then disappears on the spot along with Fou to only appear a few kilometers away.

There, in front of him was a casket with a beautiful woman laying down with a peaceful expression on her face. Seeing that she was okay, Alexander could finally sigh in relief.

"Fou, Fou!"

"Hm? Yes, as long as she stayed in this place, she will be safe."

"Fou, Fou! Fou?"

"That... I do not know, I still haven't figured out how I'm going to bring her alive... But it only is a matter of time before I could do so,"

"Fou! Fou!"

Looking at how adorable Fou is who is raising his hand in the air, cheering for him, Alexander smiled, "With you cheering for me, little buddy, I'm becoming more and more determined to save her."

Glancing at the casket for the last time, he quietly disappears as the Treasury went silent once again...

Opening his eyes once more, the first thing he did was look at the clock. He immediately notices that something was off. If his memory serves him right, he spends a total of 5 minutes staying in the treasury, so it should be that 5 minutes also should have passed in the real world. But the clock proves that that wasn't the case. If the clock is not broken, then this is a huge discovery for Alexander.

'So, 1 second here means 1 minute in the treasury. Does that sound correct, Anna?'

("Yes. That is its default state. But in the future, if you could fully control the power of GOB, you could manipulate time inside however you wish.")

'Really?! That's good to know. That knowledge will be useful in the future.'

He then put that incident in the back of his mind. For now, he should be focusing on what he will do for the time being.

So to start, he begins looking around. His room is like any other room you will find in Chaldea. The reason why he could recognize this room as his own is the feeling behind it. He couldn't tell why he feels this but it's convenient for him so he didn't bother thinking about it too much.

'Since I have nothing else to do, might as well take a walk.'

Staying in this plain room will bore him to death. So might talk a walk to entertain himself. He also needs to know the status of Chaldea after the incident. So it's Hitting two birds with one stone.

Taking Fou with him, they went on a little adventure.

Walking along the hallways, he notices the lack of personnel that made Chaldea lively. The only noise he was hearing was the sound of his footstep that echoed throughout the hallway and the occasional noise of wind hitting the thick glass that protects all life inside Chaldea from the freezing temperatures outside.

Even though he has been walking for almost 10 minutes, he barely glimpses of another human being other than him.

Deciding to end his little adventure, he went to the command room directly. Standing in front of him, was the door to that room. With the explosion that happens yesterday, he'd expected the room to be in a mess.

But he was in for a surprise.

Not only does the command room was clean, but it also returns to its natural state. If not for the fact that he saw this room in chaos yesterday, he would believe that no tragedies transpired in this exact room.

"Ah! Alex, your awake!"

Romani, who is talking to a staff called out to him when he saw his figure in the corner of his eyes. He dismisses the staff and began walking toward him.

"What the hell did you do here? isn't this place supposed to be in disarray right now?"

Hearing his question, Romani's eyes lighten up as he clenched his hand into a fist and gently slam it into his chest, pride-filled his eyes, "Aren't you amazed, this is the technology of Chaldea, Isn't awesome? In just a matter of a day, all of the rubles were clean and all the damages were fixed."

"I don't why you are so proud, it's the technology that fixes it, not specifically you..."

Romani froze, his bubbly attitude went on a 180°, and he became depressed. Seeing how Romani's emotional state change drastically, Alexander was amused, to say the least.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You did a great job, Romani. Without your guidance, we wouldn't be able to complete the mission. So you have my gratitude."

This time, Alexander ways serious with his words as he genuinely believes that Romani made their travel much easier.

Romani could sense that he wasn't joking around as he accepts his gratitude with a smile and a nod. For men like them, this kind of action is enough to understand one another, there's no need for any extra words to express what they're trying to say...

"Looks like the two of you are getting along quite nicely."

Both of turning their heads to where the familiar voice comes from and they were greeted by Da Vinci's teasing smile. Behind her; Mash who is wearing a staff member's clothes, Ritsuka, and Tamamo who waved their hands as a greeting. Tamamo then quietly went to Alexander's side. Alexander greets her with a gentle smile.

"Oh, Da Vinci, you wake the others up, I'm sorry for the inconveniences."

"Don't mind, don't mind..." She said as she waves her hand in front of her face.

"I'm sure she introduced her, or he... whatever that person's gender is..."

"I consider myself as female, excuse you. Although I was a man in the past, my body as of today is a woman. So refer to me as female, thank you very much."

"Right... back to what I was saying, that woman already introduced herself as Leonardo Da Vinci, as you all might have guessed, she is a servant. One of the three heroic spirits that Chaldea successfully summons using the Fate system."

Now that caught Alexander's attention. Fate system? these words are new to him.

"Three? I'm guessing that one of the heroic spirits that exist within Mash counted as one?" Alexander curiously asked.

"That's right!" Day Vinci shouted happily as she clapped her hands.

"Then who is the last servant?" Ritsuka inquired.

"That's..." Romani was tongue-tied.

"What's the matter, Doctor? Everything alright?"

"Ah, yes, everything is fine... It's just... the last servant is a mystery to me. I personally never met him or her."

'He's lying.' Alexander, Tamamo, and Da Vinci said in unison in their mind.

"Ah, that makes sense..."

"A-anyway, Alexander, I have been meaning to ask this. Is the Director still alive?"

"Hm? It's quite hard to explain... to put it in simple words, she is both dead and alive at the same time."

"What do you mean?" His answer caught the attention of Da Vinci.

"Her physical body is long gone while her soul or spirit is still alive. This is the reason why I consider her half dead."

"Is there anything we could do to bring her back?" Mash anxiously asked.

"There is."

His response made everyone light up.

"But it will take time, as long as her soul remains in slumber in the casket. Her soul will remain asleep. This will buy us a lot of time to bring her back to life."

"Alright, don't beat around the bush and just tell us what we need to do."

"Impatient are we? Well if think about it carefully then the answer is quite obvious. Since her soul lacks a body, a vessel, all we need to do is create a new body for her."

"But it's not that easy, does it?"

Alexander nodded to Da Vinci's question, "Her soul needs to be compatible with her new body. If possible, we need to recreate her old body to the very core."

"Isn't that, hard?" Mash asked.

"Is not just hard, it's almost impossible. If we want to recreate the new body 100% similar to the old one, then we would have to do it perfectly."

"Then... Is there any technology that could help us with that?"

Romani then shook his head, "Chaldea doesn't have that kind of technology. All of the funds went to researching Chaldeas and the other big projects. Even if we start a new project for that kind of technology, our remaining funds are extremely lacking to commence a big project like that."

"Then we have to give up, for now, our main priority right now is to stabilize the situation in Chaldea. I'm sure with the loss of a large number of staff, it will be hard to keep Chaldea running."

"No need to worry about that, our current number of personnel is enough to keep Chaldea in motion. Although new members will be welcome with open arms."

"With our current funds, we could hire new staff right?"

"Yes, but the problem not lies in the money itself but we simply couldn't communicate with the outside world."

Alexander's eyebrow twitched, "This is my first time hearing about this."

"I was going to tell you about it but the situation-"

"Doctor! Doctor!"

They were startled by the panicked voice of one of the staff as he runs towards them.

"What's the matter?"

"It's about prof. Lev, he left behind a message to everyone in Chaldea." Everyone's expression become a grin when they heard Lev's name.

"What does the message contain?"

The staff was surprised when he heard Alexander's serious expression. He immediately recovered as he responds, "The mail contains a video clip,"

"Show us. Put it on the big screen for everyone to see."


After a few moments, the big monitor behind Chaldeas lights up like a video clip started to play...

"Why is it so dark?"

"Look, senpai! that silhouette, that is Prof. Lev!"

Mash pointed at the big screen. Everyone, including the staff, look at the black screen carefully.

There, they saw a silhouette of a man wearing a hat sitting calmly as he faced the camera. They waited for the man to talk but minutes passed by and he remains unmoved.

Just as everyone is starting to become impatient, the man finally opens his mouth and begins to talk.

"Before we begin, let me introduce myself, I'm Lev Lainur Flauros. One of the 72 demons of Solomon."

Romani froze as his eyes widened in shock.

"Humanity is finished." He continued, "You, humans, have reached the moment of your destruction. I'm sure you have questions about why weren't able to see beyond the year 2022. (An: It's 2019 in the original.)"

"The reason why you weren't able to see beyond that year is not that it disappeared. It was incinerated. The moment Chaldeas was dyed in crimson, it foresees that the future era no longer exists.

Chaldeas' magnetic field may protect Chaldea, but anything outside out it will face the same fate as Fuyuki."

"I see, we didn't simply lose contact with the outside world due to interference, we simply lose the world itself..." Romani mumbled.

"You could resist all you want but that will be all futile resistance. if the time within Chaldea passes the year 2021, it will be wiped from this universe. No one can change the outcome now. This is a rejection of humanity by human history. You won't perish because of your inability to evolve, nor perish due to war with a foreign species. Rather, it's was your own foolishness! Your incompetence! because you lost the grace of our king! Just accept your faith and perish!"

After saying those last words, the screen completely dark.

Everyone was silent as they digest the information they just heard.

Everyone has a different expression, some have despair, some have homelessness and some even acknowledge the end.

But one completely stands out from the rest...

"I need to take a walk."

"Master?" Tamamo anxiously called out.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just stay here and wait for me, okay?" He cooed.

"If that's what you wish..."

As Alexander began to walk towards the door he put his hand on his mouth. He is not doing this because he is nauseous, no, he is doing this to prevent anyone from seeing a terrifying grin on his face...

'Things are finally getting interesting.'

{An: I wasn't able to post this chapter since I went to the countryside. The lack of Wifi is unbearable. Luckily, I survived. So, yeah, sorry for posting late and I'll see you beautiful bastards in the next chap.}