
Fate as an Alchemist

FMA Alchemy in Nasuverse. Mc is one year younger than Waver Velvet and will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. There are elements from Kara no Kyoukai, especially during volume 1 and 3, but not much and everything is explained. The mc is both an alchemist and a magus so don't expect him to be a hero. All the FMA alchemies are based on the 2009 anime. Ignore any knowledge or info you may have on the 2003 one.

Vitamin_F · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
97 Chs

Just like Rin's thighs, the plot... thickens

[ Dio pov ]

"Well, this was a waste of time." I muttered as I entered the mansion.

After nearly half an hour fighting Scáthach and trying to get her to teach me, she still said no, so I had to send her away.

Unfortunately, my powers only give me access to the throne of heroes and allow me to summon anyone in it, however I have no way of actually controlling the heroic spirits or summoning new versions of them which is extremely annoying. Besides, Scáthach is honestly pretty weird among heroic spirits, I am pretty sure she isn't even fully in the throne of heroes so I have even less control over her.

Alaya is the one who has an actual control over the throne of heroes and I am pretty sure Alaya hates me so I definitely won't have any luck in this area, but still... maybe I just need more experience with my powers to actually be able to understand what makes Scáthach different.

"I suppose it was once again a failure, young master." said Giorno once I entered the house.

"It was." I replied with a sigh. "But don't worry about it, I am sure I will eventually get her to teach me. It is just a matter of time."

"I see... in that case I am glad, young master." said Giorno before handing me two letters. "This arrived earlier today, they seem relatively important so I can't reply without your opinion on them."

"Hmm, sure I will read them." I said as we continued to walk through the hallways. "Anything else?"

"Indeed." he replied wit a relatively annoyed tone. "Reines is here."

"Who?" I asked confused.

"The blonde girl, niece of your late professor." explained Giorno. "You helped her re-make the magic crest of your professor and paid her family debts while also making her the head of the El-Melloi faction."

"Ah, right." I muttered, deep in thought. "But I did that in order to avoid annoyances and get the title of Lord from them. Why did she come here when that clearly qualifies as an annoyance?"

"Well..." said Giorno in a slightly awkward tone. "She wishes to marry you."

With a deadpanned expression I simply stared at Giorno for a moment. "Huh?"

"It is as you might think, young master." he said. "She clearly fell for you when you were teaching her and now she thinks she can be by your side or something."

"Hmm, but isn't she like 10 though?" I asked confused.

Sure, I am pretty certain that she is quite smart and all, but what makes her think that I would marry a child? Not that I would even take her into consideration if she was an adult but still, what makes her think that I will marry a ten year old? Honestly, it is like the fifth time someone tries to get me to marry an actual child, sigh.

"Indeed she is." said Giorno. "I already tried to reject the proposal but she is more stubborn than most."

"Whatever, I will go and kick her out later." I said while opening the first letter and reading it.

"Hmm, the heir to the Animusphere family wants to set up a security organisation?" I asked once I finished reading the letter. "That's dumb, but whatever I suppose I could hear him out."

Giving the letter back to Giorno, I proceeded to open the second letter and reading it as well.

A small smile formed on my face as I continued to read the contents. "This... this is interesting." I muttered.

"I thought so as well." said Giorno. "But what if they are lying? They would by no means be the first to try to scam you, and repeating something like the destruction of the Rail Zeppelin might be..."

"If they are trying to scam me, we will just deal with them like we have dealt with the others." I replied, cutting him off. "There are never too many test subjects or materials to create gems so it will be a win either way. For now make the travel arrangements to visit Wales next week, I will tell Lorelei that I am taking an important business trip so she will take care of my classes in the meantime. As for the Rail Zeppelin, well it was their fault for playing me, so their fate was sealed from the beginning."

"Of course, young master." replied Giorno. "And what about the security organisation?"

"Hmm, I suppose I could give the guy a bit of my time." I said. "If it proves to be useless I will simply reject whatever proposal he has and be done with it. Tell him that I will meet him tomorrow."

"Understood, young master." he said before leaving.

Now alone, I was forced to make a decision, should I go and talk to Reines right now or should I make her wait a while longer while I go to do something more entertaining?

"Hahaha, as if there is even a debate on what I will decide." I said to myself while walking to the lab.

Obviously, I chose to let her wait longer.

She showed unannounced, so I have the absolute best excuse to let her waiting for hours if I want to.

"You seem busy." I said with a small smile while entering the lab, staring at my three heroic spirits.

Diarmuid, Medea and Artoria turned their eyes to me and stopped looking at the stacks of paper.

"Well, it is not easy to determine this type of things you know?" replied Medea. "Besides, the further we plan into the future, the more errors will appear in our calculations and accounting for them is nearly impossible."

"I know." I said as I walked next to them and sat down, reviewing the new writings on 'Project Salvation' they made.

Artoria stopped reading and came behind me, grabbing my shoulders and massaging them.

"You had fun fighting that woman, my dear?" she asked, referring to Scáthach.

"Not really." I said. "While it is indeed a bit fun to annoy her, it sucks getting annoyed by her."

"Hmm, I still don't quite get why you want her specifically to teach you, master." said Diarmuid with a slightly confused expression.

"Well, as much as I hate to admit it, it is probably because she doesn't want to teach me." I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "And since I don't actually have a need to learn spearmanship, I can afford to be petty about it I guess."

I chuckled slightly at my own words before continuing. "I mean she was the first one I summoned with my powers and it was slightly accidental, heck I wasn't even planning on learning spearmaship at the time. If anything it is her fault for appearing like that and then telling me that she wouldn't teach me."

Medea chuckled slightly while Diarmuid simply sighed. "Well, whatever makes you happy and keeps you entertained, my master."

"Hmph, I will get her to teach me eventually." I said. "She just needs to stop being a tsundere and understand the joy of helping me-"

My eyes widened slightly as I realised my words. "Holy f*ck I am becoming Gilgamesh." I muttered before covering my face with my hands.

Gilgamesh is awesome and all, but I definitely don't want to get his arrogance, at least not before being able to back it up against absolutely everyone.

"Ugh, whatever." I muttered, changing the topic. "Let's just focus on this for now. I will eventually need to leave to talk to Reines so let's get as much as possible done in the meantime."

While reading what Medea had written since she left, I couldn't help but be slightly amazed at how good my dear wife is at scheming. I often forget it, but she is pretty damn good at this type of thing.

"So you think we should get rid of the United Nations before getting rid of the Church?" I asked Medea.

"Indeed." she replied. "I think it would be better to alienate the United Nations first and then go after the Church. That part of the plan is still not finished, but we could destroy the Democratic faction, or at least a part of it, while pretending to be the Church. Then, I am sure we could get the rest of the Clocktower to go after the Church without us even having to do everything."

"I see... that is indeed a pretty good idea." I replied with a smile. "By the way, what about the rumours of that former church prophet that made everyone her kill themselves?"

"I am not exactly sure of how useful she would be." said Medea with a sigh. "I have managed to get information on her, but besides the fact that she was sleeping around with a cardinal there is nothing particularly interesting about her. There is a lot of things I still haven't managed to get about her, but I do know her name."

"Hoh?" I said with a slightly surprised expression. Getting information on that level... this wife of mine must have made someone go through a pretty rough time. "Well, what is her name?"
