
Fantasy Online System

A mysterious pandemic called "sleeping beauty syndrome" has terrorized the world, causing deaths everywhere. Fear and depression begin to envelop the world as people decide to end their lives. As the pandemic is getting worse, one of the famous game companies releases a game called FOS (Fantasy Online System), successfully reducing depression levels significantly making the game very popular throughout society. One day, a high school student named Ethan receives a mysterious message from someone named Athena while playing FOS. He finally tries to find out about the mysterious message which turns out to have something to do with the emergence of this pandemic. Will he successfully find out what the message means?

Little_BlackHorse · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Chapter 16: Underwater temple

The elf chiefs said that there is one way to defeat the orc king by using the power of the guardians of light. Each region has its GL, but the existence of the Guardian of Lights (GL) itself is unclear and is only considered a legend.

"Ah, I guess talking about that is pointless. "The elf chief sighed and walked away from Asher and Chronos.

"Ash, do you think the guardians of light exist?" Chronos shook his head.

"I'm not sure either, Chornos." Asher stroked his chin repeatedly. "But, for one reason or another, my skill column shows the words GL"

"Huh?" Chronos scratched his head. "Wait, but how can-"

"That's because it's a special ability of the white magician class." Persea immediately cut Chronos off. "Light guards do indeed exist and only white magicians can control them."

"Wait, so you know where the guardians of light are here?" Asher turned to Persea.

"We elementals fairies know the details of our territory and of everything here, of course." Persea flow around Asher and Chronos. "The guardians of light are just like us elemental fairies, but they have a force strong enough to defeat the orc king.

"Well, that's good news." Asher clapped his palms together happily. "We can finally defeat the orc king."

Persea said this GL is located in an underwater cave and the access to it must be through the river Venus which is being guarded by several aquatic creature residents (Venus guardians).

"Well, I remember now. It must have been those creatures that first pushed us out of the venus river when we attempted to retrieve the beads of light at the bottom of the river." Asher snaps his fingers.

Persea nods her head and explained saying inside the cave there will be a sealed door and to open that door the white magician must have to perform a special ritual.

"A special ritual?" The frown on Asher's forehead becomes apparent again.

"Yes, the ritual to open the door and find GL of course."

Persea explains to go there they at least have to find a special plant that enables them to breathe underwater and turns out the plants grow in a swamp south of Altaria's village.

"Alright, we should go there and get the plant."

Persea and Chronos immediately set off from Altaria village towards the swamp. During the journey, Persea says the plants' effectiveness will only last for a few hours, so they must quickly find the cave under the water.

"Alright, we've reached the fairy swamp."

Persea quickly flies to the center of the swamp and appears to take some parts of the plants from the swamp and give them.

'Persea gives you 2x water plants'

[Water plant: A special plant that is often used by fairies to be able to breathe underwater and only grows in fairy swamps]

"Alright, now we have to go to the Venus forest." Asher snapped his fingers. "But, the entrance to the forest of Venus seems to have been covered by vines so we can't get in there." Asher lowered his shoulders weakly and sighs.

"Relax, I can use my teleportation power to take you guys there without having to go through the annoying vines."

Persea asks both of them to stand nearby her and soon she uses her power and they teleport quickly into the forest of Venus. They eat the plant and jump into the venus river.

The atmosphere in there is very dark and there is absolutely nothing to see there, Persea uses her power and instantly everything is visible. Asher and Chronos continue to swim, but it turns out that the venus river guards notice the presence of the intruders and immediately attack them. Their faces look like lizards with scales covering the surface of their bodies and Chronos tries to attack using his dash skill, but that skill can't be used in the water.

"Ash, use your laser beam." Chronos is trying to dodge every attack fired from the Venus guardian trident. "Damn it! I can't attack it at all."

"Laser beam!" Asher aimed at one of the guards, knocking him unconscious. "Good, it looks like the laser beam can attack them, Chronos."

"Good, this way we can get to the underwater cave safely."

However, one of the guards suddenly manages to hit Chronos until he is thrown out of the water.

"Chronos!" Asher tried to swim back to the surface, but Persea immediately pulled his hand away.

"Asher, we don't have time to get back up to the surface because the effects of this plant are fading." Persea continuously prevented Asher from moving upwards. "Come on, Asher we have to keep swimming.

Persea's words sound reasonable as returning to the surface would take quite some time, so he decides to swim deeper and try to avoid some attacks that are trying to push him out of the water.

"Laser beam!"

The laser light hit one of the Venus guards and knocks the Venus guard unconscious.

"Asher, come on we're almost there." Persea pointed at the mouth of the cave in front of her. "There's the entrance."

Asher continues to move his body swimming toward the direction Persea has mentioned. Some Venus guards start chasing after them and fired several attacks at Persea and Asher, but they dodged the attacks and finally reached the mouth of the cave. When they got there, suddenly all the Venus guards stopped chasing them and turned around.

"Asher, we made it!" Persea spun around Asher. "We escape from the venus river guards' attack, Asher!"

"Strange, but why are they not chasing us at all, Persea?"

"I think it may be because of the creatures residing here." Persea pulled Chronos by the hand to ascend to the surface. "Come on, we should look for that thing.

The two of them continued swimming until they reach the surface. Asher's face is instantly amazed by the beauty of the stalagmites and stalactites in the cave.

"Oh my, what a beautiful place." Asher's eyeballs looked around.

"Hey, come on we need to focus on finding that thing." Persea snapped repeatedly.

They continue to walk, and suddenly in front of them is a strange temple and a door with a weird symbol in the middle of it.

"An underwater temple? Looks interesting."