
Fantasy Online System

A mysterious pandemic called "sleeping beauty syndrome" has terrorized the world, causing deaths everywhere. Fear and depression begin to envelop the world as people decide to end their lives. As the pandemic is getting worse, one of the famous game companies releases a game called FOS (Fantasy Online System), successfully reducing depression levels significantly making the game very popular throughout society. One day, a high school student named Ethan receives a mysterious message from someone named Athena while playing FOS. He finally tries to find out about the mysterious message which turns out to have something to do with the emergence of this pandemic. Will he successfully find out what the message means?

Little_BlackHorse · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 15: Fierce battle

Persea calls all the remaining players to enter the Altaria village to regenerate their energy first.

"Chronos, now we have to ...." Asher feels his body getting fatigued and immediately makes his legs weak. "Damn, this must be because my mana is getting low."

Chronos hands over a bottle of Elixir to increase Asher's mana and blood.

"Ash, I think we can rest for a while in the village square." Chronos lets out a long breath. "We also now have nothing mission and just waiting for the orc king event which will start a few hours."

"Yeah, you right Chronos." Asher nods his head slowly.

"Ash, I think we can take a short rest in the village square." Chronos let out a long sigh. "We also don't have any mission and are just waiting for the Orc king's event to start in a few hours."

They sit in the village square while watching the players walking around and interacting with the NPCs as if they were talking to real humans.

"Chronos, I really admire the creator of this game because he pays attention to everything in detail and creates as if this game is in the real world."

"Ash, I think so too." Chronos' smile is clearly painted on his lips. "Hey, we should buy the necessary items before." Chronos slowly stands up and sees to Asher who is beside him. "Oh yeah and also we should upgrade our weapons before the event starts."

'You bought potion 5x. elixir 5x, bomb 10x'

'Congratulations! Altaria's fairy wand reached (lv. Max)'

[Mana power increased +40, wand passive skill: Laser light]

'Congratulations! Fairy clothes reached (lv.2)'

[Agility increased +12]

'Congratulations! Elf shoes reached (lv. 2)'

[increased luck by 15%]

Not long after the sound of someone blowing a trumpet which sounds so loud and makes both of them cover their ears.

"What is that sound?" Asher furrows his brows and looked at the surroundings.

"I don't know either, but the sound seems to be from the exit of Altaria village."

"Let's head over there."

The sound apparently comes from the fairy chief blowing the horn and they see the fairy chief along with several fairies wearing battle uniforms gather there and the orc king event officially begins.

The fairy chiefs direct all players to guard the entrance of Altaria village so the orc king's army will not enter the village.

"There are 3 waves of attacks the orc king will deploy, so all of you get ready!"

Not long after, the first wave appears which includes large wolves running quickly toward them. All players begin to launch attack after attack trying to protect the entrance of Altaria's village.

"Laser light!" Asher fires a beam from his staff and instantly kills three of the wolves.

However, the wolf pack increases and grows in number, leaving several players hurt. Asher along with several other white mages cast blood-enhancing skills in trying to help those who are dying.

Chronos is seen continuing to use his dash skill and kill some of the wolves quickly. However, suddenly Chronos' leg is pulled by a plant vine, causing him to fall down.

"Chronos!" Asher immediately fired his laser light at the venus plant and managed to kill it."

'You gained 150 Exp.'

"Thank you, Ash." Chronos stands back up and starts killing the creatures one by one.

Moments later, the second wave arrives and it turns out to be a group of orc warriors, orc guards, and orc archers who begin to attack. A rain of arrows begins to rain down and instantly kills several black mage players in the middle row.

The orc guards use their shields and together they push all the magic sword players, assassins, and monks until they are knocked down and seriously injured.

The Orc Swordsman immediately grabs the opportunity and slashes each player in front of him brutally.

"Cure!" Chronos continues chanting the spell until his mana slowly runs out.

"Cling! Cling!"

"Argh! It's hard if it continues like this. We need back up!" Chronos tried to hold off the onslaught of Orc warriors who continue to attack him. "We can't fight all of them!"

Suddenly Persea uses her skills and takes all the water around her, forming a huge wave of water and sweeping away the monsters until they are all instantly dead.

"Oh my! I don't expect the power of elemental fairies to be this great." Chronos raised his eyeballs at the scene. "Their power is amazing!"

All the players cheer because of the last-minute victory which makes them victorious, however, it does not last long as a strange vibration feels making the stones on the ground tremble.

Not long after, a large green orc is walking with a large axe on his back. He starts slashing at every player in the front row and killed them instantly. Several black mages start to cast their magic, but the orc king throws his axe for an instant kill.

"Oh my God, he's a monster!" shouts one of the players trying to escape, but the orc king immediately uses his axe and kills the player.

Asher and Chronos' faces instantly become tense because they see the strength of this orc is completely incomparable to their current abilities. Asher feels his heart racing and shows a tense look on his face when he sees the orc king easily defeating all the players who are there.

"Ash, this is suicide." Chronos shakes his head. "We simply don't have that much power."

Suddenly the elf chiefs used their abilities to create some kind of special cage and lock the orc king in it and then instantly disappeared without a trace.

"Huh? What happens to the orc king?" Asher furrows his brows as the cage containing the orc king suddenly disappeared. "Where does he go?"

"The orc king has been teleported to another place, but sooner or later he will return with his army." The elf chief shakes his head and go back into the Altaria village.

"So what should we do now?" Chronos furrows his brows.

"You guys must get stronger!"