

William, cold hearted person marries Marie an orphan raised by her uncle . He married her only due to an agreement between his father and her uncle but he always consider marriage as a nuisance. He thought Marie like a toy spinning in his house. So he never cared for the rumours or about her feelings. Marie who was a die heart fan of romantic drama,dreamed of having of having a lovely life filled with romance with her perfect husband , but was left with a broken heart in end . She forced herself to run away while pregnant only to keep her baby safe . It was the child of the person whom she loves so much . So she can never withstand her baby's loss. Side characters: Tom, classmate of Marie and collgemate of William, now his subordinate was suspected to have feelings for Marie. Sara , a model ,on the other hand was a rumoured girlfriend of William . She even threatened Marie once . Marie's uncle , Albert , a suspicious and quick witted person who loves Marie like his own . So when Marie finally decides to leave William after she found herself pregnant, how it will affect their lives?? Will William ever get to know his true feelings? What is the real identity of Tom? Why Uncle Albert made such agreement? To know these answers please read my book....

Zarabriarr · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Chapter 9:Enjoying ourselves

It has been long since she went out of her house. Marie knew very well that pregnancy was making her quite lazy.

"Marie, at this rate you might get huge aches all over your body. Why don't you accompany me to the nearby park? It will also be great for your health...." 

Ray even without waiting for an answer dragged her into the streets.

It was almost early autumn. Most of the leaves were red and falling, looking like a red carpet on the street. Marie felt quite relaxed after coming out. The sounds of the motorbike and car were comparatively less. 

"Maybe, as today is a holiday, cars are less on the street." 

Ray was also struggling with the twins. They just wanted to get rid of her hands which were holding tightly to their little forearms. Unknowingly Marie's lips curled upwards, after looking at them. She sometimes doubts herself.

'Can I become a good single mother like her....'

But every time she asks this question to Ray, she just gives one answer...

" Kids are like clay. The way you will control them, they will be controlled in the same way." 

Ron came running to her, held one of her hands and told...

"Auntie I will become your guide..". The only way to differentiate the twins was their dimples when they smiled.

Ron got one on his left cheek, and Rim on right. Marie slightly stroked his hair and in return, he giggled.

They were two different women, from different backgrounds but are reunited after fighting on their own in different situations. Both of them have lost the support of their husbands and have a great world ahead.

After reaching the park, Marie's eyes widened. The park was wholly covered with red colour leaves -giving a romantic vibe. Suddenly their eyes turned towards the lake. There was a small group of people who came for a picnic.

"Will you marry me?" 

"Yes," the girl answered. Everyone standing there clapped and congratulated the boy for his acceptance. They both then kissed.

"A proposal?" Marie said. She always dreamed of a proposal like this, a bit romantically. She just wished for their happiness.

"It's all a show. Everything is fake. This promise, happiness nothing will last. One day everything will become a mirage...". Marie suddenly noticed Ray standing behind her and her eyes were filled with tears. Marie was shocked for a moment. She had never seen Ray like this. It was as if she might break into tears at any moment. The strong and arrogant Ray was now looking like a helpless woman.

Marie had no idea what caused their divorce. Neither of them pry about their past. They talk as if they had no past, especially about their husbands.

"Marie, I need to tell you something."

"You dont need to force youselve ray. Talk to me when you are ready"

"No I think you need to know the woman whom you have admired is nothing but a pathetic fool"

They both sat on a nearby bench. Marie was nervous about how to handle this awkward situation but Ray was matured enough to handle it on her own.


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