
Falling for Miss Director

"Nature doesn't force love, it presents it to you, like a delicate rose in bloom." ***** As Sydney's gaze met Jordan's, her heart skipped a beat, and her words tangled in her throat. His piercing silver eyes sparkled like diamonds in the light, and his black tuxedo accentuated his chiseled features, making him look like a debonair prince. The warmth of his gentle smile enveloped her, and she felt like she was surrendering to the whisper of fate. This was love at first sight, but... Sydney's hand instinctively went to her stomach, and she rushed to the side, overwhelmed by a sudden wave of emotion. But it wasn't just her heart that was racing - her deepest fear was also stirring. L-O-V-E! Sydney Mia, the well-known director in the country, had always lived by her motto: "Rule the world with my movies, collect trophies, and gain a legendary reputation." Love was never part of the script, just a distant hum in the background.  But Jordan's presence was like a gentle earthquake, shaking the foundations of her heart, and awakening a longing she never knew existed. Yet, there was something about Jordan that was different. He was the calm in every storm, the safe haven where she could be herself and face her fears. As she opened her eyes, her hand still trembling, their gazes met once more. His silver eyes shone with an otherworldly intensity, filled with concern and kindness. "Are you okay?"  he asked, his voice low and soothing, like a gentle stream meandering through a lush meadow. In that moment, Sydney felt her walls begin to crumble, her fears slowly unraveling. Could Jordan be the one to finally awaken her heart, to show her that love wasn't a weakness, but a strength that could move mountains and shatter the shackles of deepest fears? Could he be the one to make her rewrite her motto, to make love the leading role in her life's script?

Favour_9_Olajide · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs


"What?" Sydney's eyes widened with surprise as she fiddled with her fingers, her gaze darting across the room. 

She quickly removed her spectacles and opened her drawer, carefully storing them in their case. 

"Sydney, you are not saying anything," Pene observed, her placid manner in sharp contrast to Sydney's mounting anxiety.

Pene's gaze followed Sydney as she marched toward the closet, sensing an ominous tone in her demeanor. 

Sydney quickly unlocked the wardrobe and got her nightgown, her motions marked by a subtle anxiousness. 

"Nothing happened between us; I'm just—" She drifted off, her words lingering in the air like half-spoken secrets.

Pene's interest piqued. 

"Pene, did mother say anything when she called?" Sydney inquired, her voice tinged with concern. 

"Not much, except that she was concerned about your well-being. She added something about your father being concerned about your response, and that he might be unhappy if you disappoint him," Pene responded, her brow furrowed in puzzlement as she mediated her sentences.

She gazed up at Sydney, wondering if she had the answers. 

"Sydney, what does your mother intend? What is that about?" 

Sydney's gaze became turbulent, her secrets spinning like a tempest. 

She recalled her conversation with her mother six months ago, after Jordan consented to be her boyfriend. 

Her mother's words persisted, a continual reminder of the gravity of her choices. 

"Sydney, there is a forgotten expression there. What are you thinking about?" Pene inquired, her voice soft yet penetrating.

Sydney's sight wandered, her mind a thousand miles away. 

"I will go change," she whispered, her voice barely audible as Pene's anxiety grew as she saw Sydney close the bathroom door behind her. 

Curiosity probed deep within Pene, and she knew there was more to the story, so she headed towards the door, hoping to get it open, but it was locked. 

"Sydney," she attempted to open the door but received no response. 

She made some knocks before settling down to listen to the sounds coming from the bathroom. 

She could hear Sydney puke in the restroom. 

"Are you okay, Sydney?" She yelled in fear as she attempted to open the closed door. 

"It is nothing, just my reaction," Sydney said, followed by the sound of flushing the toilet. 

Pene was intrigued by the situation; what possibly be going on? 

Pene expected Sydney's allergy to go away after her relationship with Jordan, but it has only become worse. 

A year later...

As Jordan suited up for the important evening, he was getting ready for a memorable Valentine's Day celebration.

He had reserved an entire restaurant for a romantic supper around three days before the date, but this was not your typical date. 

Finally, he was going to pop the question to Sydney this time, with all of his arrangements in place. 

His pal Michael was sitting on the bed, flipping through his phone, as Jordan came out of the dressing room looking stunning in a red-black tuxedo.

"What about this one?" With obvious trepidation, Jordan questioned. Michael rolled his eyes jokingly, knowing that none of his remarks would be effective. 

He had to mention how wonderful the outfit was for the hundredth time, and still—

"Dude, you already know that I am not going to say anything else. I have ran out." 

"But, Michael—" 

"What is the deal, Jordan? Take it easy; you have got enough planned. You have a million dollars worth rings that you bought for her and reserved a whole restaurant for the two of you because you want to propose to her. And let us not get into how you bought seven outfits because of this event. Just pick one yourself, guy. You are the one who wants to propose," Michael responded, raising his hands in the air in surrender, his eyes blurred by the opposing viewpoints. 

Jordan took a long breath and laid his palm on his button, his head fell slightly. 

"I am quite nervous and excited about the plans I have made for Sydney's Valentine's Day because I truly want to make it memorable. This time, I want her to feel loved and appreciated." 

"If her love for you is genuine, she will comply with your request and carry out all of your plans. I am confident it will have her leaping in the air in amazement, and before proposing to her, she could ask you to be her partner," Michael explained. 

Jordan chuckled as he strolled towards the wall-to-floor mirror in his massive room, his chin shifting slightly as he twisted his head to look at the top half of his outfit. 

He did a delicate brush on each side. 

He did seem gorgeous; at the time, he admired his appearance, his eyes beaming with pride.

Perhaps this was not that horrible after all. 

"Besides, did your father lend you the money?" Michael said nonchalantly, his attention still fixed on his phone's screen as Jordan's stare darkened, gazing at him in the mirror, his countenance a mask of concealment.

When Michael realized Jordan had not said anything, he raised his head from his phone, his gaze fixed on Jordan's. 

He gulped his saliva, slightly rattled by the stare, and the air thickened with tension. 

The gaze made him appear darker and more menacing, with a diabolical mood engulfing the room. 

"Hey, do not give me that look," Michael warned before feeling shivers, his voice barely above a whisper. 

"You know I am not going to ask that man. Besides, dad is greedy to even lend his son money, not until he has what he wants, and you know it is not going to end well if we do it that way," Jordan's tone brightened a little, his voice tinged with a note of caution.

"Yeah, it is something to say about your father," Michael said, then adjusted the ring on his middle finger, his gaze never leaving Jordan's. 

"You will see, once it is your turn, I am going to tease you one hundred times when you are about to propose to that woman. Then I'll remind you of the way you acted when it was my period," Jordan said with a chuckle, his eyes glinting with amusement, as he walked to his drawer and then opened the safe, which held expensive watches carefully placed in their boxes, sparkling with an attractive lure, dressed as an expensive piece. 

"Jordan, are you going to inform Sydney about your identity this time?" 

Jordan lifted a massive, sparkling diamond watch and fitted it around his wrist, his eyes shining with a hint of intrigue. 

"Yes, I was thinking about that. I believe it is best if Sydney knows who she is dating this time. No more secrets from her." 

"I'm sure she'll be startled to learn that you're—" Michael was stopped by Jordan's phone ringtone, which pierced the air like a stunning revelation.

Jordan took it out, a twitch growing on his face and his eyes sparkling with urgency. 

"Oh sh*t, I have to leave now, bye," Jordan said as he rushed out of the room, leaving Michael with more questions than answers. 

"Good luck with your proposal," Michael said as Jordan exited the room.