
Falling for Miss Director

"Nature doesn't force love, it presents it to you, like a delicate rose in bloom." ***** As Sydney's gaze met Jordan's, her heart skipped a beat, and her words tangled in her throat. His piercing silver eyes sparkled like diamonds in the light, and his black tuxedo accentuated his chiseled features, making him look like a debonair prince. The warmth of his gentle smile enveloped her, and she felt like she was surrendering to the whisper of fate. This was love at first sight, but... Sydney's hand instinctively went to her stomach, and she rushed to the side, overwhelmed by a sudden wave of emotion. But it wasn't just her heart that was racing - her deepest fear was also stirring. L-O-V-E! Sydney Mia, the well-known director in the country, had always lived by her motto: "Rule the world with my movies, collect trophies, and gain a legendary reputation." Love was never part of the script, just a distant hum in the background.  But Jordan's presence was like a gentle earthquake, shaking the foundations of her heart, and awakening a longing she never knew existed. Yet, there was something about Jordan that was different. He was the calm in every storm, the safe haven where she could be herself and face her fears. As she opened her eyes, her hand still trembling, their gazes met once more. His silver eyes shone with an otherworldly intensity, filled with concern and kindness. "Are you okay?"  he asked, his voice low and soothing, like a gentle stream meandering through a lush meadow. In that moment, Sydney felt her walls begin to crumble, her fears slowly unraveling. Could Jordan be the one to finally awaken her heart, to show her that love wasn't a weakness, but a strength that could move mountains and shatter the shackles of deepest fears? Could he be the one to make her rewrite her motto, to make love the leading role in her life's script?

Favour_9_Olajide · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

My daughter

Luckily while the leader and the lieutenant were interacting, Truce had instructed one of his men to place the unconscious bandits around the hostages so if they were going to kill, then they were going to be used as the victims instead. 

When the leader gestured for a gunshot, one of the brigade pulled the trigger and then shot the bandit just for the woman to fall to the ground. 

Seated in front of Sydney, it was a close call making Pene perplexed, stunned by the activity. 

She was shocked to see the woman fall to the ground, thankfully Sydney wasn't shot by the bullet. 

"Sydney, are you okay?" Pene shuddered as she approached her trying to make sure she was okay. 

"Yeah," Sydney muffled under her breaths taken aback by the event, she placed a hand on her forehead and then on Pene's hand which was on her cheek. 

"Pene, these men are dangerous. I just really hope wherever Anna maybe she's okay," Sydney hampered as she tried to calm herself.