
Fairy Slayer in Fairytail

Kind hearted MC gets reincarnated 3 months before the story starts with five wishes. He uses fairyslayer magic primarily. If you're interested in a Fairytail self insert check it out. No harem, no romance don't bother asking. I will post 2 auxiliary chapters the second auxiliary chapter is meeting Morgan Freeman and the wishes. Discord link- https://discord.gg/TqNH2aS7GU

Clap_Cheeks · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Fairy Slayer Magic

My senses immediately overload from the sudden change from the smell, pressure, gravity and magic making me fall to my knees. I begin gagging even though I have nothing to throw up. After a few seconds I start getting used to the change in my environment and get up. I look around and all I can see are trees and bushes. I examine my clothes. I'm wearing a white dress shirt, black suspenders ,black dress pants and black dress shoes. "Fancy" I say with a smile.

'I can sense magic coming from two directions one feels small and far away and the other feels close and much stronger.' I look up and can barely see the sun through the thick leaves. "That's it!" I made my way over to a nearby tree. I bend down my knees and jump to the nearest branch that could hold my weight. I break apart the ground and lunge to grab the branch. However I underestimate my new strength and jump straight through the large branch. I tore it apart and sent myself flying 30 meters over the tree line yelling "OH SHIT!"

I quickly reorient myself and land on another branch looking towards the sun. It's just barely passing over a mountain range and I can see that it's a new morning. There seems to be a magic signature on the other side of those mountains, probably a small village. So if the mountains are east then I need to go west which is right behind me. As I turn around and look behind the tree I'm on I see a sea of hillsides. 'Damn this is going to be a rough hike'

At least I can feel where the magic coming from the town is so that it works as a sort of compass. 'I could just run at full speed, I could be there in a jiffy. I shouldn't think I need to figure out my magic before I start going near human settlements.' So I started walking at a leisurely pace and took the time to get used to my new body.

As I make my way towards what I'm hoping is east in this world I think about what magic I should make. 'I can't use too many magics. It's better to be a master of one than none. Since my goal is to stop Acnalogia I need my magic to hurt him. He's troublesome since he can eat any magic element and turn that into raw ethernano. I need a magic that he can't eat. Maybe something that would poison him, no he can eat Erik's magic, maybe an ethernano poison that could drain his magic.'

That got me thinking of a character in the beginning of Fairytail, Aria of phantom lord. He could purge ethernano from someone's body and release it into the atmosphere. ' I need an attack magic like that one that causes damage too. One built like dragon slayer magic that could actually hurt a dragon.' I stop walking and focus on my magic. 'I need this to be perfect. I really don't want to start from square one after practicing this magic.' I start focusing on what qualities my magic should take. White light magic that burns ethernano like steam and forces it back into the atmosphere it needs to burn through defenses and hit its target no matter what.'

I raise my hand and I feel a massive energy surge from my body. 'The infinite core! I need to add one more feature, the magic has to be cannibalistic and eat the users magic when inside their body. This way if Acnologia eats it the magic itself will eat his entire ethernano reserves. Same with magic king August of Alvarez if he tries to copy my magic his reserves will be consumed as well.'

I focus and try casting a spell. A silver white light emerges from my fingertip and spreads to the area around me and I feel the magic in the air rise to the sky and leave the air around me void of ethernano. "YES!" I threw my fist into the air to celebrate, but then I get the feeling of the magic in my body burning. It doesn't hurt but it's an odd feeling having the magic try to fight the infinite core like a piece of poison has infected me. I can also sense the ethernano from my body burning into the air refilling the area I just voided with ethernano. 'That's going to take some time to get used to'

I practice another spell. I make a lance out of the energy and send it flying towards the tree. The tree and the two behind it have a chunk vaporized causing them to fall over. The trees have a scorch mark where the chunk of tree was. 'Damn Mr. Freeman was right, this would suck if I unleashed that in town.'

I decide to speed things up and get into a run westward. My new body is starting to move pretty quickly. I'm holding back so I don't take off like an airplane though. I should be there in about an hour and a half if my directions are correct. As I'm running I try to access the internet and play some music to get me into the zone while running. I start picking up the pace and dodging the trees while my running playlist goes to the next song.

I must've started moving faster than I thought because in twenty five minutes the trees begin to clear and I see the town edge ahead. I slow down as I enter the town and see shops along the street open and people shouting at food stalls for me to buy the food. 'Damn that looks good I need to start doing jobs if I want to get something to eat' I walk towards the center of town and Kardia cathedral. I walk around the cathedral admiring the beautiful architecture.

I was halfway expecting to see a conveniently placed fairy tail member to guide me to the guild but alas no luck. I use the internet connection to find the guild hall. 'On the southern side huh.' I make my way down the road towards the coast and at the very end I can see it. The guild hall looked like a cross between a wizards tower and a small castle, its roof stretched to look almost comedic. As I'm walking towards the guild I see a pink haired young man come flying out of the guild hall directly at me. My instincts flare up and time seems to slow. I plant my feet and catch the boy out of the air. The whiplash seems to knock him out though… wait no the bright red fist mark on his face seems to have knocked him out. I threw Natsu over my shoulder with a smile on my face and walked to the guild hall.

As I walk in I see people fighting and breaking the furniture. 'These guys have so much energy' When I step inside it seems that a couple people notice my presence and are on edge namely Master Makarov, Erza and a mean looking pikachu upstairs. My magic is basically on fire from the cannibalism effect so if you can sense it flowing towards the ceiling it probably looks pretty intimidating. The kids keep fighting though and start sending spells everywhere 'Should i make a big entrance… nah' I walk towards the bar with Natsu and sidestep the stray attacks.

"You must be master Makarov, I think you dropped this." I say putting Natsu on the bar next to him.

"No it was Erza who dropped him" he says with a tired smile. He continues, tilting his head looking over at the guild members "I'd make them mind their manners but alas I'm a bit tired from yesterday and it's only ten o'clock."

"Do you want me to calm them down for you?" I offer with a gentle smile

"If you can go for it just don't hurt them" he says lazily

'So much for not making a big entrance.' Gray, Loke and Elfman seem to be charging up their attacks to finish it. I hold up my hand and a magic circle like before appears but much bigger. A bubble of silver white energy erupts out and it kills the magic in the room. It brushes against everyone and they seem to stop everything to look towards the bar.

"He-" I tried to introduce myself but Natsu seemed to have other plans and yelled "Haha I got you now Erza, Fire Dragon: Iron Fi-" as Natsu sprang up I turned around and he clotheslined himself on my extended arm passing out again. I turn back around and introduce myself to master Makorov properly. "Hello my name is Ostrum i'd like to join this guild."

Master seemed to ponder for a moment looking at me. I guess my magic was a bit unnerving. "Alright welcome to Fairytail you can take requests from that board over there. You can't go to the second floor until you become a S-class wizard. As for your guild mark, Mirajane can help you with that." he points to the white haired Strauss girl. "Thank you." I say as I walk to the other side of the bar.

Mirajane looks at me with a smile on her face. "Where do you want your guild mark to be and what color would you like it?" she says sweetly. "On my center back please in white." I say as I lower my suspenders and unbutton my shirt showing her my back. I hear a distinctive pop and magical sizzle as she removes the guild stamp. I feel a strange magical connection form. With the mark on my body I redress and head over to the job board.

The jobs on the board range from fetch quests to subjugation. I grab a subjugation of vulcans job and head back to the bar where the master is sitting showing him the quest. "Can you promise to come back safely?" he asks, looking serious. "Yes." I say in an equally serious tone. I can probably beat them but I know for sure I can return safely if something goes awry. Master nods at this and I head to the mountains east. Exactly where I came from.

As I leave the guild hall I can hear people start to whisper and talk as I walk out the door. 'Geez guess I made a bigger commotion than I thought they were so quiet while I was there I forgot that they were even in the room with me.

—---Erza POV—---

5 minutes ago

'Finally after three days of being stuck in the boonies hunting that herd of rampant hytrotosen I get to enjoy this strawberry cak-' interrupting my inner monologue Natsu jumps onto the table and steps over my perfect strawberry cake. "Now you've done it Natsu" Happy says from the sidelines "IMMA KILL YOU NATSU!" I quickly stand up and send a right hook straight to Natsu's face sending him flying through the front door.

I'm still mad about my cake though and Vijeeter seems to want to start a fight with Droy so I lunge at him to try to quell some of my anger. As I'm beating the life out of him something puts me on edge. I turn my head and see a man walking with Natsu over his shoulders. His magic was insane. It was burning and flooding straight towards the ceiling flooding the second floor with ethernano. It seems everyone is too engrossed in the fight to notice it though as he steps ground zero of the fight. Swaying through the fight avoiding the magic and flying fists. 'He has good agility and instinct.'

I see him conversing with master. 'I can't tell what they are saying' but suddenly he turns around and raises his arm and in an instant I feel like I'm in a hot sauna but it's not a good feeling. I can feel my magic disperse from my body and flow towards the ceiling. His magic puts me in a cold sweat as in an instant a chuck of my mana is gone and my body is rapidly trying to refill my reserves from the air around me.

This stops the fight and everyone in the guild hall looks at him in shock at what just happened as all their spells just went up in smoke literally. Then he speaks up.

"He-" suddenly Natsu wakes up and yells "Haha I got you now Erza, Fire Dragon: Iron Fi-" the man turned around and Natsu seemed to crash into the man knocking himself out with his own momentum. Talks with the master again then gets a guild mark from Mira. 'guess fairytail has another monster' he walks over to the job board then picks out a subjugation request and heads out.

The whole guild hall erupts as people start talking about him. I ran outside and tried to talk to him. As I go outside I see him walking and I call out. "Hey, I need to ask you something?" he turns around and says "Yeah, what's up?"

"What kind of magic was that I've never seen or felt anything like it?" I say exasperated.

He stops for a moment then says. "It's called Fairy Slayer Magic."


Alright 6 hours later I got the chapter and the two auxiliary chapters done. If you have any recommendations or critiques please let me know through Webnovel or DM me on discord. BTW if you haven't joined the discord what's wrong with you it's free and fun

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