
Fairy Slayer in Fairytail

Kind hearted MC gets reincarnated 3 months before the story starts with five wishes. He uses fairyslayer magic primarily. If you're interested in a Fairytail self insert check it out. No harem, no romance don't bother asking. I will post 2 auxiliary chapters the second auxiliary chapter is meeting Morgan Freeman and the wishes. Discord link- https://discord.gg/TqNH2aS7GU

Clap_Cheeks · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Forest vulcans

—Ostrum pov—

"It's called Fairy Slayer Magic."

"Fairy Slayer Magic. Is it like Dragon Slayer Magic?" the armored redhead asks.

"Not really, I can't eat magic like your Dragon Slayer friend. However my magic was made to combat magic creatures like dragons." I explained to her.

"I see. Oh sorry by the way my name is Erza. What's your name?" She says remembering her manners.

"My name is Ostrum, It's nice to meet you Erza." I replied.

"Well, good luck on your quest and try not to cause too much collateral damage. We have enough issues with that as it is."

I give a small chuckle and say. "I'll keep that in mind"

I walk through town head back to the forest I came from. 'The job poster says to head to Minia the town at the base of mount Hakobe. 'That must be the town I sensed earlier.' The commission is not bad 140,000 jewels for a few vulcans.

As I walk through the city I think back to my magic. 'The lance is a good spell but far too lethal. It should only be used on lacrima and monsters I intend to kill humanely. However, against a wizard or in my case victims of a vulcan's take over magic. I need something non-lethal.' As I walk towards the forest I notice a path with a sign on the edge of town called Minia's path. 'It must be a trade route.' I take the dirt path and follow the road leading to Mt. Hakobe.

Walking on the path I try to come up with a spell that I can use as non-lethal but still cause damage. I hold up my hand and prepare a Fairy Slayer: Lance. The magic condenses and forms a solid spear of white light out of a magic circle. As I inspect the lance I notice its solid form and condensed power. 'It's too dense i need it to be more like a blast jet of steam instead of solid magic'

I cancel the spell and prepare a magic circle. 'Blow it out like a jet of steam' as the magic circle forms I raise my arm and point the attack at a nearby tree. "Fairy Slayer: Jet Blast." The magic blows out as a large beam of energy and wraps itself around the tree trunk. Once the magic fades I walk towards the tree to inspect the damage. The tree is still standing and the ethernani seems to have been purged from the tree. As far as actual damage the bark of the tree is noticeably darker and scalding hot where the blast hit.

'Damn it looks like that attack put in work. I imagine that it would hurt like hell to be hit by that attack.' As I'm walking on the path I start to get a fix on the town and start to pick up the pace. I access my running playlist and start booking it. 'Damn I'm glad I got internet access. I can't imagine doing this without it. It would be the most boring thing ever. I continue on my path and start to serpentine on the dirt to practice high speed agility.

That's when I noticed a flipped magic carriage on the dirt path. I cautiously approached the raided carriage, careful not to damage any evidence. I look at the side of the carriage and see a symbol on the side. 'I've seen that symbol in town.' I do a search on the internet and 'Shit these guys are kingdom knights. I'll have to write a report when I get back to Magnolia.' I look into the flipped carriage and see that all the boxes have been taken. 'Bandits maybe.'

I try using my magic sense to find any people or monsters in the thicket of trees around me. However when I try to scan I get a sort of interference and prevents me from sensing the area around the magic carriage. I decided not to go into the treeline and return to my task.

I keep on the path and head towards Mt. hakobe. 'The path goes over the mountain instead of around. Seriously why not go around it would be faster than going over it's just a small mountain range with one very tall mountain. I decide to take the path in case someone on it is in trouble. I don't see or sense any people on the path but there seems to be a small nest of monsters near the mountain top. 'Probably the vulcans in the start of the series that macao beats.'

I get through the mountain range and see the village resting against the mountainside. I enter the village and see a large stone archway with dark writing labeling Minia village. I head towards the town hall as it says on the poster to meet Diggins the town mayor . As I make it to the village center I see a small stone keep with the words town hall across it. 'I'm glad everything is labeled in this world with large text.'

As I enter the town hall I see various rooms holding different departments each with text over their doorways. Labeled finance, heath, defense, recreation and at the very end executive. I head towards the executive office but two knights stand guard at the front of the office so as to not let people in.

As I step forward they say "state your business."

"I'm from Fairytail my name is Ostrum and i'm here for the vulcan job." i reply

"Let him in." a gruff voice from inside the office sounds out

They stand aside and let me pass. As I enter the office I note my surroundings. There's a series of bookshelves along the right wall and a fireplace on the left. Also to the left is a large standing globe that's floating with magic slowly spinning around showing me unfamiliar continents. Finally at the center of the room there's a wooden desk with a small old man. The old man had a giant gray mustache and dark blue jean overalls to top it all off he had an odd hat that looked like a pickaxe striking his head.

I approach the desk and have a seat in front of the man. He looked at me then said. "You got here in less than two hours."

"How did you know I left two hours ago?" I ask

"How else? Old man Makarov told me you were on your way. Honestly I was expecting the delivery from Magnolia to beat you here."

'That must've been the flipped magic carriage that I saw on the road here. I'm still curious as to what could have blocked my magic sensory skills. I get back to reality and ask "Okay, could you please give me the details of the quest?"

"Well we here in Minia are mining folk and on account of the cold weather don't harvest much food so we buy food from the farmlands of magnolia to help us. However recently our food deliveries have been getting attacked in the East forest by forest vulcans. We had to ask the knight's order to cover the carriage this time. So I need you to enter the forest and take out the band of vulcans sealing our food."

'Damn the magic carriage was coming here after all. Then that probably means that they have used Take Over Magic on the knights. In other words I have to fight a band of armed vulcans with hostages that I can't trace.'

"Okay I'll be on my way" i say as i begin to leave

However as i leave the old man starts "Hold on about the commission, we think one of the merchants, Flarence had Take Over Magic used on him. If you can bring him back unharmed, I'll double the commision."

Hearing that I give a thumbs up and head on my way. This time however I go way faster and bolt towards the carriage. As I pass the mountain and head towards the East forest I feel the void in my senses deeper in the forest. 'Not going to bother with that right now. Probably some special magic creature was watching me when i investigated the flipped carriage'

As I get closer to the carriage I slow down and enter a light jog. Upon closer inspection of the carriage I can see tracks that lead into the thicket. I use my new nose to try and find where the vulcans went. I lock onto a rosy perfume and follow it through the brush and quickly realize that it goes straight towards the blank spot in my magic senses.

I pickup the pace and run towards the void. I can see the trees starting to clear and slow down as I get closer to the blank area. I walk towards the blank area and see a large cave entrance into a small hill with one big green ape holding a sword watching out front.

'Alright time to try out my new magic on something alive.' I chant out "Fairy Slayer: Jet Blast" Before the Vulcan can react it fades into smoke revealing a well armored knight. 'Damn that was kind of overkill.' The knight seems to be unconscious but alright as he falls to the ground. I walk closer to the cave entrance and pick the knight up. I drag him to the side of the cave entrance so he doesnt get trampled if a vulcan runs out while I'm clearing house.

I walk into the cave and notice it lit by large gemstones affixed to the walls and ceiling. As I step further I see a pack of nearly Forty vulcans, nearly a quarter of them with swords and small armor pieces seemingly from the knights guard they took over. They all seem to be surrounding a woman in armor that's tied to a stalagmite . The woman seems to notice my presence and fixates her gaze on me seemingly begging for help. 'Jeez vulcans are all perverts across the board, poor lady knight.'

I charge up a new attack and raise my hands "Fairy Slayer: Jet Barrage" in an instant from my hands several dozen balls of steam erupt from my hands and fly towards the vulcans taking out several of them. However some of the vulcans dodge, namely the ones that used Take Over Magic on the Knights. The big apes look pissed at what just happened and get into formation to fight me with several knights surrounding the largest ape who has glasses and an odd red gem necklace.

I decide to put a video game song on using my internet connection for the fight. I charge in and use my Fairy Slayer Magic on my legs to give them a bright silver white aura. Three vulcans charge at me as I begin to dodge their incoming sword swings, I start kicking them as I dodge causing them to fade and release the knights they took over. As the fight continues I throw the unconscious knights towards the bound woman. With a smile on my face I say "twenty seven down, eleven to go."

I start jumping through the pack of vulcans one shotting them with my kicks util there's only one left and he is looking pretty concerned. I run forward then, he does something that surprised me, he activates a magic circle. I'm surprised that one of the knights was a wizard and cast "Fairy Slayer: Jet Blast." the light blasts from my magic circle and blows through the wind spell that the vulcan had cast. A load *POOF* echoes and the last vulcan fades into a scrawny man with glasses and a hat with a quill.

I step towards the female knight and break the lock on chains by crushing them in my bare hands startling her. "Are you alright?" I ask giving her a hand.

"Yes thank you, who are you?" She asks

"My name is Ostrum i'm from the Fairytail guild" I reply

"Are you sure you're from Fairytail, you didn't cause a lot of property damage"

'Damn that is kinda sad to hear' I guess fairytail just has that reputation. "Yes I'm sure." She seems to gather her thoughts while I walk towards the scrawny wizard who seems to be waking up. I give him a hand up and ask "Are you Mr. Flarence?"

He meets my eyes and says "Yes that would be me."

I look at his necklace and ask "What kind of magic tool is that"

He looks surprised and says "I got it from Minia. It's a stealth lacrima that covers the wearer and their allies in magic to obscure their location. We were unlucky as the vulcans caught our smell. Speaking of which, how did you find us with the vulcans having this necklace?"

I look over to the female knight who had a rosy perfume then respond to him saying "I noticed the lack of presence in the air and figured that's where you were."

His eyes shine and says "Ah I see, good to know if I'm ever attacked by a dark guild."

I smile and say " Mayor Diggins was worried about you, he even offered me extra money to ensure your safety."

"Well that makes sense he is my dad after all." I give him a smile and head towards the cave entrance then turn around.

I address the room "I am heading back to Minia if they have any questions send them to fairytail tell them Ostrum was here."

I jog out of the cave and head straight to the town. Same route as usual but this time i have to run through a snowstorm on the peak of Mt. hakobe. A mountain vulcan tries to jump me but I blast it and continue toward Minia.

When I enter the town I b-line straight to the town executive office. When I get there the guards let me through no problem and I see mayor Diggins deep in a pile of paperwork. "The job is done and your son is unharmed."

He looks at me and smiles "Thank you Ostrum, you can go to the finance office with this slip and Mr. Aur will give you your commission. I will send the other 140,000 once I confirm that my son is safe."

I step out and head to the finance office on the left and step through the door. I look around and see shelves of various gems and metal bars displayed with light lacrimas shining on them. They are encased behind enchanted glass with a magic lock. I look over a desk carrying an assortment of weighted scales behind them is a lanky man in a black suit with a top hat and a monocle weighing a small gemstone one a micro scale.

"Uhh, Mr. Aur." I carefully say trying to get his attention

"Yes Sir" he says, popping up so quickly the momentum pulls him a few centimeters off the ground.

I pass him the slip where he examines it for a moment and nods. Then he takes a scale out from one of the cabinets. He picks through the drawer on his desk and grabs two cases one black the other blue. He opens the blue case and picks through an assortment of weights gathering three bronze metal cylinders placing them on the scale . He then opens the black box filled to the brim of jewel bills grabbing a stack of 10,000 jewel notes. He carefully places the notes on the other side of the scale one at a time. He stops at thirteen and I raise an eyebrow as he places a fourteenth bill. After the last bill is placed he looks satisfied and passes me the 140,000 jewels. I pocket the jewels and head out towards Magnolia.

"That was a good training session"

Job Complete


Alright so chapter two is done. It took longer than I thought but it looks like I should be able to do one chapter a day

Discord link - https://discord.gg/TqNH2aS7GU