
Factory Inc.

More than 500 years have passed since World war III, A war that changed everything. Humanity has long since recovered from the war's effect. Many human lives were lost, in return they also gained much more. But the Scars of war remains. Monsters and Beasts roam the Earth, and many places remain deadly due to radiation. Still, humanity stood firm and was able to persist and even surpass their ancestors in terms of science and technology. One day! A boy receives the greatest gift in the universe, in the form of a System that can produce factories. Now everything he needs is within his reach. He only needs to grasp this opportunity. But it won't be so easy, as he finds himself surrounded in a quagmire of conspiracies and attacks from powerful gods and demons that are trying to spread chaos in the universe. Follow Arc in his adventures to uncover the secrets of the System and the universe, while creating a safe haven for him and his loved ones. PS. I'm doing this by myself, and I'm no expert in English, so don't expect much. I'm just doing this for fun.. if you have any suggestions let me know every bit of it helps.

Gravedagger · ไซไฟ
274 Chs

262 Monster

V.60 Monster

The Pope and the Cardinals were astonished by what they are seeing clearly they severely underestimate the capability of their enemies.

~Just what kind of Monsters we are fighting.~

~And what do we have that was so important that these monsters have decided to attack us?~

This is what the Pope and the cardinals thinking of when they witness the battle between god and monster. And clearly the monster is doing great.

Drall emerges from the rabbles and most of his injury are already healed. But there were no smile on his face. And Arc knows why.

Arc can feel the amount of energy Drall is emitting has lessened a lot. As soon as Drall emerges he saw Arc Gathering energy and above him Eve was summoning several spears but the most dangerous of all Lilly is already dashing to him.

So even though he wanted to very much kill the mortal first, he has no choice but to intercept Lilly the small monster who was clearly stronger than him. He knows this ever since both of their attacks collided.

Hehehe.. Lilly was laughing as she dashes to Drall holding her huge sword.

Drall Roared!! And runes began to form on his body. His greenish scales began to turn darker in color.

"Hehehe, Baby Big Lizard lets play some more" Lillys cute voice rang and everyone has heard it.

And despite the cute voice of Lilly to (HOC) that was the voice of the Monster.

Determination flash in Drall eyes and Arc can see it.

~As expected of the race that battles the gods, if only I can turn them into allies that would have been perfect…~ said Arc in his mind

But Arc knows that kind of thing is just a wishful thinking, and that's not going to happen. After all Adam is their most hated enemies. Even more so than the gods themselves. As it was Adam and his family who rounded them up and killed most of them and imprison the rest under the gods order.

Arc heard a sort of sounds in the air like a hymn in a sort of rhythm. Arc may not understand what it was, but he knows what Drall is planing.

"Lilly be careful" Arc didn't need to shout it as he and Lilly are connected by a bond and no matter how far he is to Lilly he can speak to her without any problem.

Judging by the amount of energy Drall is gathering it is safe to assume he was casting some spell. That was Arc have summarized.

Drall seeing Lilly Dashing began to cast a spell it's a spell unique to the forgotten and using the old language of the forgotten. Huge amount of energy was being gathered and in just a blink of an eye the spell was finished. "Dragon Force" Drall shouted.

Drall's muscles began to expand at an alarming rate his wings began to disappear and his tail began to shrink. While his body began to expand. Dragon Force is one of the forgotten techniques that concentrates all muscles into increasing one strength. Using runes all energy of Drall was concentrated on his muscles.

This is the forgotten version of Berserk skill. But unlike berserk skill dragon force didn't take one sanity it just takes away all the pain and fear while increasing strength and healing ability.

Drall as a forgotten despite being young he have many spell on his arsenal, but against an overwhelming force all of that was useless, he could have used a god-level spell, but that will take time to cast and during that time the little monster name Lilly could have killed him countless time.

So he goes for the fastest spell and the most useful in the current situations. Dragon Force.

Lilly saw Drall transformation and Laughs even louder. Lilly spread both her arms and another huge sword appeared on her arm, in other words she double equips two great swords. Arc saw that. ~thats Cheating~ he said on his mind.

And soon enough Lilly reached and attacks Drall. Arc dashes and joins in the fun, knowing fully that unlike Lilly a single attack from Drall has severe consequences if one hits him directly.

Boom!! Bang!!

Building after building is being demolished every time Lilly and Drall attacks connected.

Roar "Dragon Punch" Runes began to form in Drall's fist Lilly saw that and laugh, Lilly is having the best time of her life, having been constrained inside the sovereign tools for countless years unable to do anything even after being attack countless times. She can only watch as monsters of many kind attacks the house, but she was unable to do anything. And despite being unharmed she felt very bored and lonely.

But now with her new Boss, she can finally let loose she was so happy.

Lilly combined both greatsword and an even bigger sword emerges the new giant sword in Lilly's hand looks menacing. Jet Black with runes covering it is three times bigger than her previous sword. Even the handle is several times bigger than her. The edge is blood-red almost looks like fresh blood flowing from it because of the runes.

"Bye Bye Big Lizard," said Lilly with a huge smile on her face.

And true enough as soon as Lilly's blade made contact with Dralls fist there was no collusion the sword just obliterated Dralls Arm, Arc seeing the opportunity appeared above Drall head and unleash a powerful blast. That attack blast away half of Drall's head and Eve's follows up with throwing several spears impaling Drall to the ground.

The HOC and especially the Pope and the cardinals couldn't understand what happened.

But Arc knows. It may look like it was Arc and Eve to gives the finishing blow, but it was actually Lilly who made it all possible.

Dall used all his energy to block Lilly's Attack only to fail, so when Arc attack. Dralls energy that was protecting his body was already exhausted. And that's also the reason Eves spear was able to impale Drall without much resistance.

Arc landed in front of Drall who was now in a sitting position several spears impaling his body. .

Drall looks at Arc and with a last of his strength says, "as expected of Adams descendants" after saying it the light on Dralls eyes faded.

After the tension faded Arc didn't notice that his body is drenched in sweats. And he was breathing hard. That last attack was the most powerful attack he can muster at the moment. Using most of his energy.

Eve landed next to him, "Boss What's next?"

Eves power source is different from Arc, and despite unleashing several powerful attack Eve still have plenty of energy left and what's more, the energy is being replenished very quickly after all Eves body consists of several 1-star droids, those 1-star droids can fast charge. Making Arc jealous.

In fact, Arc has plenty of energy reserves its just he doesn't know how to use it yet. So he can only use a small portion of his power. After all the source of his power comes from the most powerful being that ever walks this universe.