

captione 1

Amily :- I'm feeling better now p'. I will leave.

Amily leaves

In car 

Amily Pov :- I hope, you know what are you doing R. I have been trusting, your words please don't do anything stupid.


Amily run behind Ren

Amily :- R Stop

Ren :- What's up Amy is everything ok?

Amily :- No I want to talk to you ... alone

Ren (Nodded) :- I am going to the beach you wanna join?

Amily nodded they went to the beach

Ren :- What's wrong haven't able to get proper sleep?

Amily :- I'm not here to talk to you about me r, I want to talk about you

Ren :- About me, there is nothing to talk about me, Amy. (Forced smile)

Amily (In stern tone) :- Mr Renavir Aira (Giving questioning look)

Ren (shigh) :- ok what do you want to know

Amily :- what happened in France, What happened between you and P'mira?

Ren :- Nothing I went there to meet P'mira and have some fun but then I realized our worlds are different now so we parted ways that's it

Amily :- Are you going to give up on P'? You have admired her your entire life.

Ren :- Trust me Amy it's best for me and P'mira. (Squeezing her hand)

Amily nodded, After a silence.

Ren :- What about Thyme and Gorya 

Amily is looking at him in confusion about what to say.

Amily (Sighned) :- T likes Gorya, he is pursuing her, but about Gorya, she hasn't been clear yet..... I think she still likes you.

Ren is shocked as he thinks it's his misconception that Gorya liked him, but he knows out of all only amily knows how to read Ren's thoughts.

Amily :- You liked her too? (Ren is silent) 

Ren :- What do you think? You know me better than anyone.

Amily :- I don't know R, I feel you are trying to ignore your feelings toward P'Mira, and using Gorya's Liking as an escape. (Taking his hand on her) Don't make a rational decision R, If you really like Gorya take some time to recognize your feelings.

Ren :- And what if it's too late?

Amily :- It's better to be late than hurt someone (Taking her hand and looking at the sky) 

there was an awkward silence

Ren :- I don't like her, No doubt she is sweet, cute, and ambitious but I don't think she is my type. (Amily just nodded in agreement) I would be happy if she and thyme were together, but I want to test them first. (Amily looks confused) Gorya is a nice girl, I don't want her to fall into Thyme's evil plan, and neither do I want Thyme to be Gorya's escape from her feelings. I want to make sure they both really have feelings for each other.

Flashback end


Scene 2

Gorya is sitting in her room typing an apology message to Thyme suddenly she gets a call from Tia 

Tia informed her about the Boy's fight and she ran toward the school


Scene 3

Kevin and Mj are already tired of the whole fight, they are lying on the floor.

Ren :- Admit it, Thyme. You're just a kid who's possessive of his toys. (Punch thyme)

Thyme :- I told you... I've never thought of gorya that way. (Punch Ren) Get it straight, Ren.

Ren :- Which Way do you think then? You said you didn't care about her. But you're just all talk. (Puch thyme)

Thyme :- Fine, I'm all talk. So? (Grabs his shoulder) I care about her. Gorya is very important to me. I love her. Stop insulting her. (Punch him)

Ren just sit and Laughed

Ren :- That's all it took for you to admit it. (F3 is confused) I lied to you. Everything I said was a lie.

Mj :- Aii Shia! What the hell?

All the Boys just sit down

Amily just came 

Amily :- You all stupid bastards. (Saying this she started beating all of them) You really need to go this far R? (Seeing Ren)

Ren :- If I hadn't done that, would He have admitted to me that He's in love with Gorya? (Pointing toward Thyme)

Thyme :- So? What if I'm in love with her? what's the point?

Ren :- The point is Gorya Loves you very much. You know, I went out with her today. She couldn't stop talking about you. Now that you know, are you still backing out?

All smiled and looked at each other

Ren :- How did it feel fighting it out with us? 

Thyme :- It sucked.

All chuckled

Ren :- You're on the right track, thyme. Don't go back to how you were. (They hugged each other) But if you choose the wrong path again, I won't back off for you for the second time.

Thyme :- jerk (chuckle)

All are looking happy suddenly they notice Gorya Coming

Amily :- Now it's your turn (to thyme)

Thyme sighed and went near gorya but she started beating him

Gorya :- Why didn't you use your head? (Thyme try to stop her) What have you done?

Kevin and mj came to stop her but they also got beaten by her 

Mj/ Kevin/Thyme :- Gorya Stop

Kevin (Grab her hand to stop her):- We have sorted it out. We're all good.

Gorya :- Are you sure?

Trio nodded, she looked at Ren and Amily and They also gave her assurance.

Amily :- (Putting her hand on her shoulder) Now it's just you two who haven't sorted it out. Do it now.

Gorya (Sees thyme and then other) :- Sort what out?

Ren (Come beside Amily) :- Your feelings You know how you feel about thyme. (Amily, Kevin and Mj pass them to leave the place) (Ren goes near Gorya's ear) You shouted out loud and proud at the mall that he's your boyfriend.

Gorya remembers and feels stunned

Gorya :- I was just... (Kevin and Mj tease her) It was a slip of the tongue.

Thyme :- Did you call me a boyfriend 

Gorya (Closing his mouth) :- I said, boy band

They start bickering and others leave


Scene 4

Kevin, Mj, Amily and Ren are leaving when suddenly Ren stops and starts seeing the sky

Kevin :- Ai! Ren Stop being so indie. Let's go (When Ren didn't respond Trio sigh) Anyway, you went extreme today. How did you come up with this ploy to mess with thyme's head?

Mj :- yes, and you can't be silent this time.

Ren :- Nothing much. I just wanted to .... beat up thyme

Mj :- What for?

Ren :- I haven't got back at him for tearing apart my doll.

Trio sign

Mj :- when we were in kindergarten? Are you insane?

Amily :- this is so you R. (Grabbing his hand) Let's go now.

Near parking lot

Mj :- Amily can you drop me home, I haven't brought my car as I came with Thyme

Amily sure


Scene 5

Gorya is treating thyme

Thyme :- How's your day out?

Gorya :- Less trouble than when I went out with you.

Thyme :- hey (Protest)

Gorya :- Its true

After some minutes of silence

Gorya :- Khon tode na 

Thyme (got confused) :- Huh?

Gorya :- I know now that you punched Kaning's boyfriend to defend my honour. Sorry for getting you wrong. Sometimes I thought I had figured you out, When in fact I'd never really tried to understand you. Before I knew it, things had escalated. You must've been very angry and frustrated. I'm very sorry.

Gorya gets emotional so Thyme teases her to make her normal

Thyme :- How can I stay mad at you? You're the only one I love.

Gorya blushed

Thyme :- But it's not that surprising (Smiled slowly) I was a horrible person. 

Gorya :- (Caressing her face) But you are trying to be a better person which is more important for me.

After that, they both have some heart-to-heart conversations and Thyme completely cancels the Red card.


Scene 6

Amily and Mj are in a car, Mj is sitting on the passenger seat closing his eyes. Amily stops the car

Mj :- Are we home

Amily:- Mishae Sit here I will be back in a min

She got out of the car and went somewhere after a minute or something. She came back and sat on her seat. She came close to mj and unbuckled his seat, just then Mj open his eyes and see what she is doing. Amily takes things she took right now, It contains some medicines.

She took oilment on cotton and applied it on Mj's Wound, Mj winced in pain.

Amily (Emotionally) :- I know you don't like this, and you are not going to treat your wound after going home. That's why I have to do it here, Please bear some pain with me. 

Mj nodded Amily continued doing his treatment Mj just watch her and unknowingly started smiling, Amily see him and their eyes locked. They are inches away they can hear each other heartbeat. They were lost in each other, suddenly Amily's phone rang and they went back to their senses

Amily picked up the call 

Amily :- Swadi kha khun mae ....(Her face paled and she started shivering Mj noticed her and took her hands in his) What... ohk ohk I got it ... I will be there ... No I'm currently with Mj ... I haven't decided yet I'll inform you if I change my plan.

Call cutted

Mj :- Your Pha is coming back?

Amily nodded and put her head back on her seat

Mj :- when and How many days?

Amily :- Tomorrow early morning and he is gonna stay here for a while 

Mj :- So Are you planning to go to thyme's place?

Amily :- Mishae Thyme's mom is also back I can't stay there 

Mj :- so you can stay at my place, I'll ask Mae to make an excuse or if you want, I can call Ren, Kevin, and Thyme to stay at my place as well, if that's cool.

Amily (Smiled) :- You know I don't need any excuse to stay at your place. Your parents love me more than you, (Smirking) and there is no need to tell others. Things are back to normal after a while let them enjoy.

Mj :- (smiled) So are you coming?

Amily :- (sighed) Ohk, I will come tomorrow after school.

Mj :- cool Let's go.

Amily :- chai 

Amily start driving


Scene 7

Ren is in his room seeing sealing Suddenly he remembers something and messages someone



Can We meet?


Yes If you are free

Sure I'm free, where do you want to meet 

Cool I will be at your place to pick you up in 30 min




After some time Ren is at the person's Gate the person comes out and it's Maira 

Maira :- Swadi Kha

Ren :- Swadi lets go 

Ren pointed toward his car and Maira followed the direction they both went to an ice cream parlour

Ren came out of his car followed by Maira

Ren :- Which Flavour 

Maira :- anything is fine 

Ren takes two vanilla icecream, and gives one to Maira.

Maira :- You want to talk about something? or you called me for an ice cream treat only

Ren :- (Chuckeled) No I just want to thank you. (Maira sees him in confusion) You helped me with my dilemma, not once but twice, and you took care of Amily in my absence. It means a lot Maira.

Maira :- (Smiled) I'm glad to help you P'Ren and about amily, I don't think I do anything.

Ren :- You being there for her at that time is more than enough.

Maira being a little confused then just nodded. They both ate icecream in silence, suddenly maira saw some kids, Seeing them she called them and bought them some ice cream as well she looked happy 

Ren sees the entire scene with adoration in his eyes.


Scene 8

Next day 

Gorya came back her home, She is happy that things are good between her and thyme. suddenly she observed some unfamiliar face at her home, and there she see Thyme's mom.

She bribe gorya to leave Thyme and when she denies she threatens her and leave


The End

Thank You

Love You

Your Sweet Writer
