
F*ck Yeah! I’m The Villain

Walking across the street 23 year old Bai An saw an injured kitten limping across the road as a huge vehicle sped towards it. Her animal lover instincts kicked in and she pushed the kitty away just in time it's body landing on an old torn up mattress. However Bai An herself was not as lucky with no one wanting to risk their lives to save hers she quickly fell victim to Truck Sama. "At least I did a good deed" was her final thought before her mind gave into the darkness. Waking up she sees her self floating in the air, everything around her is pitch black as her mind races wild with idiotic thougts. "What the-..." all of a sudden a ball of light appears out of nowhere. "WELCOME MY DEAR CHILD TO THE DIMENSION OF SPIRITS" A fat man bellowed his bald head shining brightly with vigor as if saying " look at me, look at me see how smooth I am I know u wanna touch it." Bai An laughs at her ridiculous thoughts before bringing her attention back to the piece of blubber in front of her. The fat man whose name she learned is Jun Qiang told her that he's from the committee of gods who decided that her death was too early so they decided that she would be Reincarnated into one of their worlds. Which one she doesn't know but she's a little excited because from the novels she's read before the protagonist always gets sent to a world that's a game they already played in their past life and they have a ton of cheats so she's hyped up. Jun Qiang then wishes her good luck as she feels her spirit being sucked into a vortex. "Awwwww YEAHHHHHH" she screams but it comes out as a baby's wail instead as her arms flail around her eyesight blurry.

queenk091 · แฟนตาซี
119 Chs

Chapter 38

Life is

Too short

To let stupid people

Manipulate you


Finished getting dressed mom and I met father and Benjamin at the double french doors, waiting to be announced. Dad was adorned in a black hanfu. The outer gown had black storks sown onto it, as thought they were flying while the inner garment was a plain white shirt. The emsemble was finished with a neatly tied belt.

His jet black hair is slightly curled on his hair with a neatly trimmed beard. For a man in his 40's daddy looks dashing. Benjamin and father is dressed alike just that his hair is pin straight and slicked back. Kinda like those maestros, its really adorable.

Mom is wearing a scarlet red dress, like me hehe. It has a split down the side showing off her curvaceous legs, I noticed dad staring for a little too long. Then there is me. I have on my favorite red dress with lots and lots of ruffles, just the way I like it.

The Eunuch announces our arrival and everyone bows, as per usual. We take our seats at the front of the banquet and Dad then rambles on about rejoicing this and that, my arrival and all that buzz.

The banquet begins and nobles of all ranks chat with eachother exchanging views on politics and their stand on it all. I sat drinking my bottle taking it all in.

I watched the different body languages of the nobles and the auras surrounding them. I sigh in dissapointment, most of the people here are deceitful but hey thats nobility for ya.

Some of the madams have an orange glow surrounding them. This tells me that their character is that of kindness and truthfulness.

It got boring after awhile, reading people's auras. With my chubby hand on my chin dully looking around I spot a familiar figure approaching me.

"Tian Tian!" I whisper shout excitedly. What? I have to keep up my image. Mommy see's my excitement and carry's me over to sebastian and his family. Sebastain's mom's name is Clara Serviont and his dad Alexandrius Serviont.

Their family and my family go wayyy back in terms of friendship. Daddy and Alexandrius are childhood bestfriends, so they have a long history.

Sebastian's mother placed him down and reminded his wet nurse to watch over us while she and the king go to speak with my parents. I am so happy! I missee Tian Tian so much, he is the first and probably the only friend I've made since transmigrating into this world.

He has gotten a little bit taller since I've last seen him but still the same. And he looks so cute with all of his baby fat, it's adorable.

"You look pretty." Aww he is so sweet.

"Thank you, you look pretty too." His face heats up like a hot air balloon all the way to the tips of his ears. Did I say something wrong?

"U-uh, ehem thanks."

After that we spend the longest time talking about baby stuff. Like how I am quickly rising in my cultivation ranks and how he already finished all of the cultivation realms for purifying the body.

(Those are the one's Melia is cultivating now. As I said there will be more cultivation realms)

Benjamin see's me conversing and comes over to get in on the action. This is great! I can finally introduce him to Tian Tian.

1 hour later

Okay, maybe I should not have done that. The two were at eachother's throats like cat and dog I had to call daddy to come and get Benji before it escalated further. Sheesh someone's over protective.

Different misses of manors try to come up to speak to Benji but he just tunes them out. And indifferent expression on its face. Quitr frankly ot very hillarious. Guess thats his punishment.

They are all very pretty but I am still cautious. Women and men in these days are all alike, scheming and very selfish, young or old I'm keeping my barriers up.

I don't particularly like social event like these, too much deeper meanings behind them.

"Your majesty to liven up the celebration for the young princess' return, I've gotten courtesans from the Blooming Flower Brothel.

A man soon comes up to speak with daddy. His aura is purple and a sneer makes its way onto my lips. Hehe seems like the play I've planned a while back will be starting soon.

"Your majesty, under the decsision of officias of the imperial court, we have come to the conjucture that either your majesty takes a secondary consort willingly and if not then your majesty should abdicate.

"You can use this time to select any women that meets, your eye."

In the corner of my eye I see the female lead's mother up on the balcony, hidden in the shadows. There's a sneaky smile on her face. Laugh while you still can.



Exams are finally over so that means no more studying and more time to update yay!

So some questions on the story:

Why do you guys think the female lead's mom is so hell bent on destroying Melia and her family?

Also, is there anything more that you'd like to see of in this story?

So yh, thats about it.

Lil Baddies Retreat!!!

P.s thanks for getting this story to 62k I am so happy❤