
F*ck Yeah! I’m The Villain

Walking across the street 23 year old Bai An saw an injured kitten limping across the road as a huge vehicle sped towards it. Her animal lover instincts kicked in and she pushed the kitty away just in time it's body landing on an old torn up mattress. However Bai An herself was not as lucky with no one wanting to risk their lives to save hers she quickly fell victim to Truck Sama. "At least I did a good deed" was her final thought before her mind gave into the darkness. Waking up she sees her self floating in the air, everything around her is pitch black as her mind races wild with idiotic thougts. "What the-..." all of a sudden a ball of light appears out of nowhere. "WELCOME MY DEAR CHILD TO THE DIMENSION OF SPIRITS" A fat man bellowed his bald head shining brightly with vigor as if saying " look at me, look at me see how smooth I am I know u wanna touch it." Bai An laughs at her ridiculous thoughts before bringing her attention back to the piece of blubber in front of her. The fat man whose name she learned is Jun Qiang told her that he's from the committee of gods who decided that her death was too early so they decided that she would be Reincarnated into one of their worlds. Which one she doesn't know but she's a little excited because from the novels she's read before the protagonist always gets sent to a world that's a game they already played in their past life and they have a ton of cheats so she's hyped up. Jun Qiang then wishes her good luck as she feels her spirit being sucked into a vortex. "Awwwww YEAHHHHHH" she screams but it comes out as a baby's wail instead as her arms flail around her eyesight blurry.

queenk091 · Fantasy
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119 Chs

Chapter 37


Is the diary

We all carry about

With us.

~Oscar Wilde


With a happy mood my mom took me to get dressed, as if the situation from earlier did not happen at all.

The maids all gathered around me inside of my princess room. A nostalgic feeling comes over me, they didn't touch a thing in here. I- It's hard for me to believe that this is my life now.

Everytime I see my parents in this world, I think about the one's I had on earth. And that dreadful night. For years I've struggled with replaying nightmares, the bloody scenes repeating themselves over and over. Sometimes I can't help but feel scared, constantly thinking that if I become too close to them they're gonna leave me, just like my mom and dad in my past life.

A warm body encases me, relinquishing me from my depressing thoughts.

"Baby, mommy and the maids are gonna dress you up just like a pretty doll, what're you thinking about that's got your cute face frowning?"

Holding in the tears I just smile and shake my head, ceasing mother's worries.

The maids start to brush my hair, its about 3 of them. The minute they take my hair out of the braid, it flows like a river giving birth to the maids excited exclamations.

"Oh princess your hair is so soft!"

"Yes, princess it feels like silk!"

"Wow so long and curly, it is such a beautiful silver."

The compliments give my overly large ego an upgrade. Mommy and the maids wash my hair with warm water their sift fingers massaging my scalp. Ohhhh this feels so good.

Next they towel dry my hair. When I look at my reflection in the crystal mirror, all I see is a lion's mane. I giggle at my funny reflection. Unknowingly my powers secretly leaked out making the atmosphere funny and light hearted. Turns out that this is one of five hidden talents that came with my legacy, but that's a story for another time.

When it came time for choosing a dress it was a big argument mom and the maids wanted me to wear white while I wanted to be dressed it red.






"But baby red is too mature for a child like you." Did you just assume my age!?

"Mommmy pleasseeeeee?" I beg, cutely puffing up my cheeks with grape like tears in my eyes. Hehe lets see you say no now.

I could see mommy battling with herself internally. Finally she heaves a sigh and relents. "Fine you can wear red but on the next banquet I call the shots."

"Thank you mommy."


Yes i know its short but I have a lot on my plate right now so I couldnt write as much as I want to even though I have a lot of ideas.

Also let me tell you about my week, so I sprained my ankle at soccer practice. Very painful. I also knocked down a girl twice my size trying to take the ball away from her. Woohooo!!! Lol let me stop, so see you next update.