
Eye of Aragos: The Darkness comes

[ ... In a momentous evening, Christopher Salvatore, a compassionate person who often feels manipulated by others, experiences a profound change when he encounters a mysterious woman. In a twist of fate, this unexpected meeting grants Christopher supernatural abilities as a vampire, forever altering the trajectory of his life. Not knowing what powers he owns, he later discovers that there is an individual residing within his very soul. The individual is known as Ardelean, a servant of The Darkness, the embodiment of Evil, who possesses an intense thirst for revenge upon his previous love partner, The Light. After Christopher is chosen by Ardelean to become his host, The Darkness is determined to possess Christopher's body and unleash its vengeance upon the Universe. If such an event occurs, his life will be lost. However... Is that truly going to happen? Or Christopher breaks free from his puppet strings and emerges as an indomitable Vampire, striking fear into the hearts of all in the Universe ... ] ________________________ ! Warning: Narcissism, Manipulation, and other Toxic behaviors are present in the later development of this book together with R-18 Chapters ! ! Reader is advised ! ________________________ [ Cover is mine. All covers are made by myself or at least edited if they are done by someone else. If an Author wants, I'll change it but only if you have proof the cover is yours :) ] ________________________ [ This story is fiction and any connection to the RW is mere coincidence... ]

Patrik_Crown · แฟนตาซี
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88 Chs

A bit of my current strength

"Hello, missed me?" grinned Christopher after he changed his position with the three silver coffins.

"HAH! Finally you fucker! Your whore there is pretty mean you know!"

"You should teach her manners about how she should treat a man!" said Azmel and launched himself at Christopher, who in the last second just disappeared like a shadow.

Azmel's eyes narrowed "Huh, where did he go?" as he looked around but he couldn't find him.

"Look down Idiot" he heard in his head, so he looked down and saw his shadow, with red eyes, forming a wide smile like he was alive.

He didn't have time to say anything, before every single bone in his body broke and he fell on his knees, screaming.

For everyone, it lasted just a few seconds, but for Azmel, it was longer than an hour.

When Christopher started, the time around the two slowed down, so Christopher could enjoy the feeling and sound of every single bone being broken again and again and AGAIN!

He broke Azmel's entire body at least a hundred times, and each time, he waited for him to fully regenerate so he could do it again.

"AHHH, you motherfucker! LEAVE ME AND SHOW YOURSELF!" he shouted and Christopher finally left his shadow, saying "But I'm right here" while the time returned to its normal pace.

Azmel looked at him with tears in his eyes and instantly felt an incredible pain in his head.

It was because of two stone spikes that grew from the ground about a meter behind him, and in the blink of an eye, those spikes still connected to the ground pierced his skull and eyes from behind, pulling them forward from his eye sockets.

Meanwhile, Christopher was whistling one of his favorite songs, (An Unhealthy Obsession), while standing in front of Azmel.

Pulling out the katana he gained from Ardelean, he sliced his chest, forming a cross sign.

Then, he cleared the blade, hid his katana back into the shadows, and pierced the chest of Amanel, more precisely, right into the middle of the cross sign.

Opening his chest like it was a Birthday present, Christopher wore an excited expression while he was pulling out Azmel's inner organs.

After he was done, he turned those inner organs into blood and opened his mouth widely, consuming it.

With a wide and satisfied grin that showed all of his sharp teeth, Christopher turned at Zanderiel and Etalon, leaving Azmel with his eyes hanging on the two earth spikes.

"Heh well, that was easier than the last time," said Christopher and dissolved into shadows again, appearing in front of his wives, with his back towards the riders.

Zanderiel and Etalon shook in fear when they saw their friend dead, again.

Looking straight into the eyes of each of his wives for a few seconds, his heart was filled with love and possession as he started speaking "I missed you, my dear wives~. Oh! I have a gift!"

Christopher snapped his fingers and from the sky fell three yellow lightning bolts with a crashing sound.

When the light died, the three silver coffins appeared in front of them, each wife having one in front of herself.

Christopher bent down and touched each door of the coffins, which caused the green magic seals that were working as locks to break and the coffins were unlocked.

"Help them, they need it," he said as all three doors of the coffins suddenly flew away, revealing the interier filled with mercury.

Suddenly, Zanderiel started laughing like crazy.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA maybe you were able to open them, but, heh, you can't pull them away from it."

"Oh," Christopher understood now. He looked at Zanderiel and asked as an even bigger grin formed on his face.

"Are you sure?"

Zanderiel's laugh died "You are bluffing! No one can do it when the liquid is under my control!"

Christopher smirked and repeated himself.

"Are you really sure?" as he cut his wrist with a sharp nail on his right index finger, letting nine drops of his blood fall on the mercury, three drops for each coffin.

Vicki, Claudia, and Rose started drooling at that delicious smell as their eyes started glowing red and the shape of their iris changed to dragon-like.

Somehow, the blood smelled even more delicious than before.

Wondering why, they began to be lost in that sent.

Etalon shuddered and looked at Zanderiel "You saw that... right?"

"Girls, focus!" Christopher said and his girls woke up from their stupors, "Yes!" all three replaying at the same time.

'Ahhh, it's good to finally see their cute reactions again' Christopher's heart shuddered at the memories of his wives drinking his blood.

["Focus Christopher, this is not the right time"] Ardelean replayed and Christopher woke up from his stupor 'You are right.'

When all nine drops of his blood fell inside the coffins and started mixing with the mercury, Christopher's wrist healed completely as he heard, ["You only needed three drops, are you not trusting your blood?"]

'That's not it, I just wanted to be sure, that's all' he replayed to Ardelean, who just smiled.

["Because you like them?"]

Christopher's cheeks turned red!

'No! I mean kinda... Alright fine, YES but, NO in that way. Fuck, Yeah I like them that way, so what! They remind me of my wives... Ahhhh, I need to be more honest with myself...'

Ardelean just started laughing ["I knew it"] as Christopher took his right to stay silent and looked down on the effects that were causing his blood.

The mercury started disappearing after the touch of his blood, slowly revealing Elizabeth's, Celeste's, and Isobel's faces.

His blood worked like some toxic substance and was slowly dissolving the mercury into the sand, although it didn't hurt his mothers-in-law.

When the mercury disappeared completely and the sand was blown away by him, Christopher's blood drops started levitating in front of him and merged, forming three big drops of his blood.

He controlled the three drops and placed them inside the mouths of his mothers-in-law, each having one.

The Countesses suddenly opened their eyes as their injuries quickly healed and from their bodies flew three pillars of light energy, each having a different color.

Elizabeth had blue, Isobel orange, and Celeste white.

Christopher smiled when he saw they were right and shouted "Marcus!"

The next second Marcus appeared "Y-Yes Lord Christopher?"

Christopher took a vial of his blood from his pocket and gave it to him "Hello friend, go home and give this to Lorie. She's going to be alright after it. It's an antidote." he spoke with a happy smile.

All this time, Etalon and Zanderiel were looking at Christopher with their mouths open, thinking the same.

'He changed. I-I don't know how, but... he looks much wiser than before. Like he was away for more than just twelve minutes! We need to leave, and fast!!!'

Marcus suspiciously looked at the vial but, "Don't you hear him?!" three female voices, merged together were suddenly heard and when Marcus and Christopher looked in the direction of those mixed voices, they saw the Countesses with blue, orange, and white auras around them, overflowing with energy.

The irises of their eyes had dragon-like shapes and they were talking at the same time in questioning but at the same time ordering tone "We are asking again, don't you hear our husband?!"


[... Everything went quiet ...]

Rose, Vicki, and Claudia looked at their mothers with lifeless eyes while their irises turned dragon-like too.

Christopher, Marcus, and the riders opened their eyes wide when they heard that, but suddenly, ["HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"] Ardelean started laughing like crazy as Marcus apologized.

"I'm sorry Lord Christopher for not trusting you."

"It's okay my friend, I understand."

"Take care and say to Thomas that we are a family now, so we need to trust and help each other, and then return here."

"Now go.'' replayed Christopher as Marcus nodded, disappearing in a black cloud of smoke and Christopher finally turned towards the two riders with an innocent smile.

"Oh sorry, I forgot you two are still here."

Zanderiel was looking at Christopher and those six women who were standing behind him with dragon-like eyes in disbelief.

"Gentleman, shall we?" said Christopher as Etalon disappeared in a bolt of lightning, wanting to surprise Christopher.

"I have enough, you are ANNOYING!" he shouted, but when he reappeared behind him, his chest was immediately pierced by shadow spikes that were coming from Christopher's back.

After a second, the spikes disappeared and Christopher turned to him.

Grabbing Etalon's neck, he snapped it and threw Etalon's motionless body towards Zanderiel's foot.

"Too slow and predictable" he laughed.

Zanderiel looked at Etalon and saw signs of healing, he internally sighed in relief as he started walking towards Christopher, who did the same.

Christopher's handsome face was bathing in the moonlight as his gold irises were glowing with desire for the strong opponent.

Arriving in front of Zanderiel, he grinned "It's your turn now, old man."

At incredible speed, Zanderiel's right fist started approaching Christopher's face who at the last moment dodged and disappeared with a cracking sound of his yellow lightning.

"What the-" Zanderiel didn't even have time to end his sentence when he felt something quickly approaching him from behind.

Turning his face to the side, he tried to dodge, but he was too slow as Christopher's left fist collided with the right side of his face, burying him to the ground.

Zanderiel opened his eyes, and found himself in a big crater with Christopher, crouching on the edge of it like a famous spider hero.

"What? Are you shocked?" laughed Christopher and jumped down to the crater, grabbing Zanderiel by his neck in the next second.

Pulling him out, hot air started circulating them, as Christopher's entire body lit up with Lilith's flames like a supernova.

Isobel and Vicki opened their mouths wide, saying "That's our fire?" at the same time, but Elizabeth interrupted.

"No you Idiots, don't you see the color? That fire is cursed and corrupted."

The girl's eyes widened except for Celeste, who continued "These flames are the ancient underworld flames. They are Lilith's, The queen of all demons."

The girls' eyes turned lifeless when they heard a FEMALE name in this talk so they turned their gazes at Christopher, who was enjoying his fun time.

Wasting no time, Christopher flew with Zanderiel to the sky.

"Do you like flying my friend?" asked Christopher and Zanderiel started shaking his head like crazy, his heart being filled with fear.

Christopher narrowed his eyes, caught Zanderiel's head, and started moving it to the back and front.

"Oh, so you like flying, that's good! Because you are going to fly my friend!" he said.

Zanderiel's eyes widened as he heard, "Fly, you are free HAHAHAHAHA!" Christopher laughing like crazy.

When they were two thousand meters from the ground, Christopher released Zanderiel, who started falling and screaming like a crazy chicken.


Suddenly "One thousand, five hundred meters captain! What are we going to do!" was heard, so Zanderiel looked to his left and saw Christopher, wearing a pilot uniform and hat.

Wearing an incredibly wide and creepy grin on his face, he was looking at him and enjoying the falling.

His hands behind his head and legs stretched in a relaxing, sitting position as if he had them placed on a table.

"Oh no! One thousand meters captain! We need to do something fast! Hahahaha~" laughed Christopher with a sarcastic tone again and looked at the ground that was quickly approaching them.

Zanderiel started sweating "ETALON! WAKE THE FUCK UP!"

"Oh shoot! Only five hundred meters capit-huh" started Christopher, but before he could end his sarcastic comment again, Etalon appeared with a crackling sound of lightning and grabbed Zanderiel by his hand.

"Hold me tight!"

Green lightning started cracking on Etalon's body as Christopher, who saw it, quickly disappeared and appeared between them.

Grabbing them by their necks from behind, he asked with an annoyed expression.

"Where do you think you two are going?"

"Hah, now I need to use my plan B Idiots!"

"Anyways, don't disappoint me, my friends~. You asked for it after all hahaha.~" he chuckled.

"Now, Kamikadze!" he spoke with a wide grin as the eyes of those two riders were hidden.

Their bodies began to struggle as Christopher's body lit up with Lilith's flames again like a torch.

He quickly increased his speed and crashed with the two riders against the ground at the speed of a falling star.

But before they touched the ground, Christopher formed around his wives and their mothers a big, purple but almost transparent barrier, made from darkness.

His control over the darkness power was now more flexible, thanks to the training.

When the three collided with the ground, a big explosion happened as a wave of dirt and stones flew in every direction.

The barrier had a few cracks that at the same time were repaired and the big explosion woke up the countesses from their Draconic stupor as they asked.

"Ughh what happened?"

Their daughters opened their eyes a little when they saw the eyes of their mothers had returned to normal, so they turned to each other and Rose said.

"Looks like they don't remember it so let it be, for now."

*Ahm, "We can hear you, you know?" replayed Elizabeth as she and her friends felt an incredibly desired feeling leaving their bodies.

It felt like part of their heart just disappeared and their loved one just, left them alone in this world again.

It was not a good feeling and because they wanted it back so badly, all three countesses suddenly looked at a certain man who made them feel this feeling as they thought the same thing.

'You made us feel like this and we became addicted! Bear the responsibility for that!'

When the dust from the explosion settled, the moonlight revealed Christopher's handsome face and he was standing on the edge of the big crater, looking like a true warrior with his hands crossed.

The three hearts of the countesses shook in love when they saw Christopher's eyes looking at them, slowly caressing their bodies with his kind gaze.

It was not a desire, but love, and they felt it.

Then, he shifted his gaze to his wives, with a loving and kind smile, which made them blush.

His look now contained a desire too, a big desire.

["Focus, they are not going to run away, even if they wanted"] he heard in his mind, so he smiled and calmed down his feelings, while his eyes returned to the bodies of an unconscious Zanderiel and Etalon, who had their faces buried in the ground.


... ... ... ... ...

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