
Midnight Assault

Remembering the earlier fight some people felt a shiver down their spine, everyone knew that in the case of an attack the type of beasts that were going to come weren't the average beasts but the stronger ones.

Milo and Leon remained calm. Leon was the first to talk. Signaling with his head at two guys he started to give orders and split areas to increase the surveillance.

"Go to the law enforcers and tell Benton about this."

"Yes! Sir!"

The guys left the store right away.

The preparations started. Despite the severity of the situation they decided to not wake up Blake yet so he can recover and be ready to fight at the top of his condition if something happens. The other leaders were sent to inform the teams that were on duty to be prepared, and the scouts to stay alert. The number of reports required from the scouts was doubled too, mainly to keep an eye on them.

Despite my willingness to scout too, they sent me to rest, I told them that I was fine, but having bandages on half of my body didn't make a good impression or helped my case.

The new skin on my arm was still growing, the rest of my body felt okay, the reason for the difference was that the arm was treated later as they couldn't move it away from Rose. After all this end, I plan to heal myself back to how I was before the battle in the forest.

Since they didn't let me help, I went to a nearby couch (it was a furniture store after all), I lay down and closed my eyes enhancing my senses trying to hear all the information that the scouts got, I wasn't going to sleep and I wanted to be ready if there were any news. I couldn't shake off the bad feeling, but I couldn't pinpoint the exact source so I will have to trust the scouts…

An hour went by. The time wasn't enough to heal, and if I start now my body would go back to the time it was wounded so I couldn't risk to do it, and stop midway.

The Chief how they liked to call Stanley Benton, was informed and increased the number of patrols that were around the refuges, the scout units were composed of at least two people and we're working with the law enforcement patrols. They did their best, but the rain was playing against us.

At the store, there was a constant flow of people going in and out, but until now there were no signs of an attack or anything weird happening.


"Going to report every time we finish around?! That is so useless, like if something would appear with this weather… I don't even know what is happening 2 meters in front of me! How am I supposed to know what to report?!?!"

"Hey, this is important so stop whining and work."

"I was doing that just fine, but they decided to increase the work in the middle of the night under this f*cking rain!!"

"Our team leader said that some guy came with a hunch and everyone freak out."

"All this just because of some guy had a nightmare!? I'm freezing here because of a f*cking hunch, great I have to be here while all those "leaders" are in their cozy beds with their blankets and dryness?!?"

"Is dryness even a word?"

"Of course it is! And of all the things I just said that is what you are focusing on? I bet you that the guy that came with a hunch is perfectly fine under a roof, resting."

"Well you crying about it is not gonna change anything… and I heard that the guy that came to tell them this is the same that told us about the invasion this morning. So I think it is alright to freak out, he was right about the invasion after all."

"Wait what!! You should have started there then!! We might be in danger!"


"Did you heard something?"

"No… why?"

"I'm pretty sure that I just heard something."

"You really think you can hear something with the rain hitting this hard? You are just paranoid."

"Stay quiet."

*Tack, tack, tack.

"What is that?."

"Should we go and report?"

"Wait we need to confirm what it is first, or you are going there and say "Hey I heard something" we are going to be laughing stocks if we go there just because of this."


After that, another hour went by, it was about time to rotate. Leon was going to get some sleep too, and Blake was gonna come here. Leon was listening to the last reports when someone slammed the door.

At that point, a guy came into the building screaming with blood coming from his shoulder. The guy looked inside, but before he could open his mouth, he fainted and fell face first in front of all of us.

The store was silent…

"Someone quickly identifies him… we need to know his route!"

People started to move, someone recognized the guy and others went to check the route right away. Blake arrived at that time to see the chaotic situation.

"What the F***, what happened?!"

We needed information so once they identified the guy, I used time healing, the wound was recent so it shouldn't take that much time and once he is okay, we can have more information about what happened.

I explained the situation briefly to him as Milo left with the group to check the area that the fainted guy was patrolling, and Leon started to send people to inform the groups in the area to coordinate the search.

It took some precious minutes, but I managed to heal him and we he woke up. He grabbed me by the shoulders with a desperate gaze…

"You have to go help, Danny!"

He noticed the bandages on my arm and let my shoulder go.

"There are already people on their way to check your route… what happened?"

"We were talking, and suddenly he said that he heard something, I didn't give it credit, but then I noticed the sound he was talking too, it was like… a woman walking in heels. A hard sound. It happened fast, I didn't recognize them, but there were at least three silhouettes I think they were humans first but then I noticed that one of the was bigger than it should. Danny told me to run and report but as I was running here something pierced me… I tried to get here as fast as I could, I remember that I opened the door and everything went black."

After hearing the story, we knew that they were most likely semi-human beasts, and as we thought we were under attack. The heels like sound were most likely the sound of hooves which was the most common type of feet for farm animals.

The guy was taken to the field hospital as we tried to figure out their plan. All we knew about the attackers was that… there are at least three of them, there is at least one ranged attacker, and at least one with hooves… so basically the only information we have is that there are three semi-humans inside Green Shelter…

The guy was taken to the hospital for a checkup after that.

Blake and I were looking at a map of the city, from the looks of it, it was drawn by someone recently, but it showed Green Shelter most important places. We had just an approximate area of where the attack happened, but it wasn't enough for us to think of a route since they could go anywhere from there. As far as we know, they had just get inside and were still trying to find their objective.

It's difficult to try to predict their plan, we don't know how much they know about us or how far the intelligence of the Alpha cow goes, it has shown good planning and quick responses to the changes during the fights without revealing herself.

Would it be smart enough to attack our supplies or wicked to go for the weakest members of our community at the refuges? The field hospital is also a possible target for what it means to us. Maybe they are only roaming and attacking randomly, but this doesn't seem to fit what the cow has shown until now.

In the end, all of them were just theories, we will need to wait for the scouts to inform us.

At that time a voice appeared in my head, a voice that should be resting, but that had important news with it.

'Help Dana~.'

The location of the attack was the school's refuge.

Chapters 4/7+0/5

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