
Met on The Moonlight

"Okay, but before you go, make sure you stuff the suitcases under the bed."

Hearing this, my heart rate increases dramatically.

"Why should I do it?" the man named Jerrold asks.

"Because I have a bad back. You know that!" replies his wife, Martha.

I move my index finger to prepare to slice my palm.

"Martha, if I put in under the bed, you'll need me to pull it out every time you need something. Lets just put it in the closet."

"Fine, whatever."

"Okay, well, I am leaving."


Hearing the door open, Jerrold leaves the room. I take a short sigh of relief, and a tiny smile creeps across my face.

'Now, this can be done much quieter.'

I spent a lot of time on the internet researching the best way to stowaway on a cruise ship. To summarize what I found, there is no good way.

All the success stories were from decades ago or from someone who simply stayed on the boat after their first cruise ended. Of course, none of these people were willing to go as far as me and simply get rid of the occupants of a room.

While lying under the bed, I watch Martha walk around the room and talk to herself.

"That man is unbelievable. Leaves me the first chance he gets."

Continuing to watch, I see Martha walk up to the mirror and get real close, possibly adjusting her makeup. She continues to talk to herself.

"He used to be so kind. What happened?"

Taking the opportunity, I begin to unwrap myself from the sheets I took last night. Gradually I slide out from under the bed. Making sure my reflection doesn't show up in the mirror, I stay low to the ground. Having made my way behind Martha, I slowly start to rise.

"I really hope this trip will help us grow close again.", Martha whispers.

Martha raises her head, and we make eye contact through the mirror. Seeing Martha preparing to scream in fright, I jump up, grabbing hold of her neck and covering her mouth. In the mirror, I see my eyes glow red as I bite Martha's neck.

Finding herself unable to resist Martha's eyes grow big as she stares at me through the mirror. Slowly the color leaves her body, and we both fall to the floor together.

[5 Essence Acquired]

'Delicious! But I just ate yesterday, so I wasn't that hungry honestly.'

Searching Martha's body, I take her passenger ticket, room key, wallet, and her passport.

'It seems they are U.S. citizens that decided to cruise back home instead of fly.'

Picking up her body, I place it in the jacuzzi in the bathroom.

With a sound mind, a full belly, and time I finally take a second to breathe. Looking around, I start to examine the scheme of the room.

The room is set up much like a luxury hotel room. There is a queen-size bed, a small couch, television, coffee table, nightstands, and a mini-fridge.

The bathroom has a large jacuzzi on its left side, a shower on its right, and obviously a toilet between the two. Like many hotel rooms, the sink is actually outside the bathroom with a divider dividing it and the bed.

'This is where I'll be staying for the next few weeks.'

Feeling the blinding light coming in through the curtain, I immediately move to close the blackout curtains making the room very dark.

**Knock. Knock**

"Hey, Martha, it's me. I forgot my room key. They said the casino wouldn't be open until the ship starts moving."


'Well, at least I can go ahead and do this.'

Walking to the door, I open it just enough where someone could push it open. After that, I ran into the bathroom shower before he realized what was going on. Jerrold opens the door with a confused voice.

"Martha, why did you run off? Why is it so dark in here?"

Sensing something isn't right, Jerrold starts to walk toward the bathroom. Slowly I hear him open the door and reach for the light switch. Flipping on the lights, he looks at Martha in the jacuzzi.

"Martha!" he yelled.

Jerrold runs and jumps into the jacuzzi to help Martha.

Seeing an opportunity, I leap out from behind the shower curtain and rapidly run toward Jerrold. I extend my nails and lung toward his neck, slicing it open. Jerrold grips his throat in disbelief as the blood runs down the drain.

Gazing at Jerrold, "I'm sorry. It was just unlucky for you to get this room."

Almost immediately, Jerrold collapses.

[7 Essence Acquired]

Glancing at Jerrold in the jacuzzi.

'This way, there is no cleanup. I am not hungry enough to drink his blood.'

Just like Martha, I take Jerrold's ticket, passport, and wallet. Not long after, the ship blares its horn and starts to pull out of the dock.

'I have no idea what I am going to do for three weeks. I am going to get cabin fever for sure.'

Placing the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the room door, I lay down on the bed. Turning on the tv, I start waiting for the night to come.


That night I dumped a lot of my nonperishable Japanese food from the storage ring onto the bed. After that, I stored Martha and Jerrold's body in the ring. I then turned on and drained the water of the jacuzzi a few times to wash away any blood.

'You would never know something happened here.'

Preparing to leave the room, I change into a gothic style red and black lace dress along with some black stockings. This dress is sleeveless, so for once, a coat doesn't look too out of place. This is a dress Himari was very insistent on. I think it is growing on me a bit honestly.

Leaving the room, I walk through the empty halls. At this time, it is just before midnight, so most people that are awake are hanging out in the ship bars or clubs.

However, I am heading for the main deck or, more specifically, the stern of the ship. Passing by a few very drunk individuals, I exit onto the bow of the ship. The wind blows hard, causing me to hold my hood. Walking along the outside of the ship, I walk all the way to the back of the ship.

'The moon is glowing, especially bright tonight.'

Looking off the side of the ship, I see the subtle movements of the water made by the ship's propellers. I hold out my right hand; two figures appear in the air and begin dropping rapidly. I watch quietly as Martha and Jerrold disappear into the dark water.

The wind once again blows, but this time I don't bother stopping my hood.

'No one should be walking around here at this time of night. Plus, feeling the wind blowing through my hair feels nice.'

My long snow-white hair that was tucked away blows out, and I lean against the rail staring out at the ocean.

After a few moments, I hear someone walking up from behind me. I couldn't help but sigh.

'Why as soon as I think one thing another happens. Can't I relax for a second?'

When I was about to turn around, a delightful voice feels my ears.

"Are you an alien?"

Hearing the girl's question, I couldn't help but laugh.

"Miss, you are the first one to call me that. I've been called a lot of things, but for some reason, that one kind of hurt my feelings."

Turning around, I see a girl who looks to be roughly sixteen. She wears a simple light blue dress with a white apron. Taking a closer look, she has golden hair tied in a bun, deep blue eyes, and beautiful facial features. The girl is quite lovely, but if you take a hard look at her expression, you'll find a sense of emptiness.

'She must be part of the ships cleaning staff.'

Keeping with my recent habit, I use <Analyze> on her.

Name: Eden Groth

Gender: Female

Race: Angel-Human

Level: 1

Health: 70/70

Mana: -/-

Strength: 3

Endurance: 5

Agility: 5

Intellect: 3

Constitution: 7

Talents: Banshee's Wail

Skills: -

Titles: -

"Oh, who exactly is the unusual one here?"