
Moonlight Stowaway

It's now around midnight a light drizzle falls over the area.

Three male security guards sit at various points around the dock where the cruise ship sits anchored. They all lazily walk their designated patrol zone equipped with flashlights. Scanning the area, I can see other guards at the security gates and in the pier building.

My goal is to get rid of the three men hanging out on the dock. After that, there is a walkway leading from the terminal to the cruise ship. The walkway is similar to those you'd find at the airport that connects the terminal and plane.

However, the door in the terminal and on the cruise ship is closed until the passenger's load tomorrow. My plan is to jump down onto it from the raised walking path and then jump to the safety rail on the cruise ship. Once I am on the cruise ship, I'll climb up one of the ropes hanging from the lifeboats and into one of the rooms with a balcony.

The reason I have to get rid of these three guards is that all three of them have a good visual on the walkway. If someone was walking and jumping up and down on top of the walkway, it would be obvious.

'Okay, this is going to be pushing my current capabilities, but let's give it a shot.'

White gray mist begins to gather at three locations. The mist takes the shape of three women. All three women are drenched with water from head to toe. They wear lavishly decorated kimonos that are so wet that puddles quickly form around their feet. The first woman drops to her knees and covers her face, the second woman stands gazing at her feet, and the last stands with her head tilted watching the ocean. Their dripping black hair covers their faces and makes them each appear pitiful.

These women are Nure-onago. They are spirits believed to arise from accumulated sadness and loss. Typically Nure-onago will appear near bodies of water waiting for someone to save them from their grief. They are particularly effective against men, but what is most important is their natural abilities.

Each Nure-onago is placed in the patrol zone of a guard but set in a way that it is out of sight of the other two guards.

I watch as the first patrol approaches the Nure-onago that is on her knees. Coming across the unexpected presence, the man first jumps a bit in fright. Seeing the pitiful state of the 'woman', the man runs up to her.

He puts his hand on her wet shoulder, "Miss, are you okay?"

With my improved sense of hearing, I can barely make out what he is saying.

Hearing someone's voice, the Nure-onago slowly lifts her head, revealing the face of a gorgeous woman. She puts on a brilliant smile and reaches out her wet hand, touching the cheek of the guard.

"You're alive. Why did you leave?" she whispered.

The man's pupils abruptly increase in size.

"I'll never leave again.", he whispered back.

Hearing his reply, the woman stands and takes the hand of the guard. With the guard, they both approach the ocean. Together they jump into the Pacific.

It is at this time I cut the connection with the Nure-onago leaving the man alone in the sea.

If things had continued, the man would have sunk into the ocean never to be seen again. Having all three disappear without a trace could have prompted a search. Most likely, this search would have included a thorough search of the ship. However, this way, I hope it will just be written off as a mysterious occurrence or as some drunk antics of some young guards.

'He should be able to swim back to shore...hopefully.'

The second guard approaches the Nure-onago that is staring at its feet. This time he is very suspicious and has his hand on a stun gun.

"Miss, this is a restricted area. You shouldn't be here.", he says with a stern voice.

Hearing the voice, she raises her head, revealing her beautiful features. She smiles deeply at the young guard.

"I've been waiting for a very long time."

With the charm of the Nure-onago taking hold, the guard's pupils enlarge.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.", he replied.

Reaching out her dripping hand, the guard takes it, and they both plunge into the ocean together. Again I cut the connection between myself and the Nure-onago.

The last guard approaches the Nure-onago that is looking out at the ocean.

At this time, with two guards swimming around in the water and one distracted, I jump down from the raised walking path onto one of the walkways. I do everything I can to make my landing as light as possible. Looking around, no guards seem to have noticed me.

I glance over at the last guard and Nure-onago.

This time the guard takes out a radio, "We have a situation over here."

Someone on the other side of the radio replies, asking the guard for more information. Just as he is about to, answer the Nure-onago looks back, giving him a bright smile.

"You told me if I waited here, you would come back. I knew you wouldn't lie."

Again the man's pupils expand as he falls under her charm.

"Yes, I would never lie to you."

Smiling, they both take each other's hands and fall into the dark waters of the Pacific.

Feeling my mind reaching the limits of consciousness, I cut the connection to the last Nure-onago.

'I need to get into a good position quickly. I am mentally at the limit.'

Running across the walkway, I reach the edge of the cruise ship. Jumping to the maximum, my enhanced stats will allow, I grab onto the floor of the bottom deck. Digging my left hand's nails into the wood of the deck, I swing my right foot up and grasp the lowest rung of the safety rail with my right hand.

Pulling myself up, I take a breath of exhaustion and relax my mind. Standing on top of the handrail, I reach out for a rope on the lifeboat and use it to pull myself up onto the lifeboat.

'I am almost there just need to get up on the balcony.'

Suddenly in the distance, I hear some guards heading this way.

'They're probably coming to check on the guard who never replied back over the radio.'

I lay down on the lifeboat as several guards start searching for their missing coworkers. Listening to their conversation, it seems they are indeed looking for the patrol guard who reported over the radio. They also seem to be looking for the other two patrol guards who didn't respond.

"They're in the water; quick grab some life rings!", one of them yells.

While they are distracted by saving their fellow guards, I take the opportunity to finish climbing up onto the balcony of one of the passenger rooms.

Breaking the latch on the sliding door, I enter the room. Closing the door, I take a very long sigh of relief.

'I don't know what I would have done if I was discovered.'

Taking a look at the room, I can see it is cleaned and waiting for guests to arrive.

'I have to leave the room exactly as it is in case they recheck the rooms before passengers arrive.'

Looking around the room in one of the closets, I find an extra set of bedsheets.

'Okay, I know what I just got done thinking, but they probably won't notice these are missing.'

Taking the bedsheets, I crawl under the bed. After pushing my <paranormal> talent to my current limit, I can feel myself losing consciousness.

Closing my eyes, I fall asleep hiding under the bed.


"Jerrold, this is our room where are you going?"

"Okay, Martha, I know I was just looking at the ship. There are some interesting murals on the wall."

"Jerrold, don't lie to me. You just weren't listening to what I was telling you."

"Okay, Martha, whatever you say. You're always right."

With my awareness slowly recovering, I hear two people arguing in English.

"I'm gonna go to the casino Martha like you said I could."

"You can go to the casino back at home. Why do you want to do that here too?"

I must have been unconscious for a long time; the passengers are already boarding. These must be the people who were going to stay in this room.

"Martha! I'm a grown man if I want to go to the casino. I can go to the casino."

"Whatever Jerrold, I don't even care anymore."

"Alright, we can go to the buffet together later if you want, I guess."

"Okay, but before you go, make sure you stuff the suitcases under the bed."

Nure Onago – The Soaked Woman:

Many believe that Nure-onago arises from the accumulation of sadness and loss of the drowned victims in torrential rain, floods or tsunami. They typically appear in places like swamps, beaches, rivers, etc. They will bewitch men with their smiles and then will enter the dark water together never to be seen again.

Tilted_Axiscreators' thoughts