
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Paying The Debt!

"The edicts of the Supernatural Code hold no sway over a dragon," Grandpa Lance muttered, his voice tinged with resignation. He was well aware that the Lionheart City Lord's Mansion might hesitate to press him for debts, considering the unique powers at his disposal.

If the Bronze Guild shirked its financial obligations, it was likely that the Nord Kingdom's Supernatural Guild would intervene, seeking a diplomatic resolution with their counterparts where the Bronze Bounty Guild resided. Yet, this scenario seemed distant unless the Lionheart City Lord's Mansion persisted in its demands for reparation.

"The Lionheart City Lord may adopt a lenient approach, perhaps hoping we'll settle the matter amicably. If so, the Bronze Bounty Guild could delay or offer a fraction of the due amount," Grandpa Lance explained to his young apprentice, who listened intently. As time dragged on, such matters often dwindled into oblivion.

For the most part, common folk hesitated to enforce claims against those touched by the supernatural. Despite the existence of the Supernatural Code, there was an ingrained respect, or perhaps fear, that dictated their interactions with such beings. Rarely would anyone dare to provoke or demand from a supernatural entity, for the repercussions were often dire and final.

"Grandpa Lance, there's no need for such gloom," the rabbit girl interjected, hoping to lighten his mentor's mood. "During my talks with the Lionheart City Lord's Mansion, I inquired whether we could settle our debts using extraordinary items. They were amenable to the idea."

"Should you find yourself short on gold, you could offer some of your crafted potions," the apprentice continued enthusiastically. "Your potions are not only potent but hold considerable value. Alternatively, you might consider parting with some ancient artifacts or collectibles that have gathered dust over the years."

The apprentice paused, a scheming smile playing on his lips. "There's more, Grandpa Lance. The City Lord's Mansion proposed an intriguing barter. If we can persuade the master of the Sword Scroll to take the city lord's daughter under his wing as a student or disciple, they would not only forgive our debts but also offer valuable items from their vault as a token of gratitude."

Grandpa Lance's expression soured slightly at the mention. "Accept a student? With young dragons to rear, I scarcely have time for apprentices," he scoffed, his thoughts momentarily wandering to the playful antics of his dragon wards. "However, if a day comes when the dragons seek a human companion, perhaps I could consider it."

The receptionist nodded, understanding the complexity of their situation. "No need for gold then, Grandpa. We could easily cover the debt with a thousand gold coins' worth of your storied potions, be it transformation, invisibility, healing, defense, or even those legendary potions that grant temporary supernatural abilities."

"Grandpa, just decant some of those magical potions into smaller vials, and they'll sell like hotcakes," the receptionist suggested with a knowing grin. Lance, a storied collector of rare artifacts, had amassed an enviable assortment of cultural relics, calligraphy, and paintings over his many years of wandering.

"Not to mention," the Receptionist continued, eyes gleaming with admiration, "you possess original paintings by Lance, the renowned human artist. Those are real treasures in their own right."

Lance nodded, his eyes twinkling with pride. "I've gathered many valuable items on my travels. I'll send over a few bottles of potions and some art pieces for the Lionheart City Lord's Mansion to appraise. If the value exceeds our debt, I'll either refund the surplus or offer you more."

"Grandpa, it's good to see some color back in your cheeks!" the receptionist exclaimed, her relief palpable. "I much prefer your smiles. Your silence and those brooding looks can be quite intimidating."

Chuckling softly, Grandpa Lance added, "I'll also send along three bottles of healing potion for Louis, Dalton, and Bazel, those three buffoons could use a good dose."

"Uh, Grandpa," the apprentice hesitated, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Perhaps they should take it slowly?" She knew well that Grandpa Lance's potions often had... unexpected effects on those unaccustomed to their potency.

"Magical, extraordinary potion for ordinary folks might cause some... unusual changes," she hinted. "And for the extraordinary, well, it could lead to mutations."

"They'll be fine; no side effects to worry about. Let them drink with confidence," Grandpa Lance reassured her, though his assurance did little to dispel the underlying mischief.

"Alright then," the apprentice agreed, albeit reluctantly. She knew better than to argue. Crossing Grandpa Lance could accidentally turn her into a test subject or worse, a 'drug-testing rabbit girl.'

Noticing the shift in Grandpa Lance's mood, she quickly changed tactics. "You know, Grandpa, you always say that losing money can ward off disasters. Let's think of this payment as just that, a charm against misfortune for us."

Grandpa Lance raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming. "I may preach that to others, but it's a different tune when the coin leaves my own purse. As a dragon, I'm usually the disaster others fear, not the other way around."

Despite his gruff exterior, the apprentice knew how to coax a smile from her mentor. Clearing her throat, she announced, "Let me sing a song to brighten your mood. This one's for you, 'Good Little Rabbit.'"

With a soft laugh, she began the nursery rhyme that Grandpa Lance himself had taught her:

[Little Bunny Be Good, open the door, open it quickly, I want to come in.]

[No, no, I won't open it, mom is not back, no one will open it.]

The simple melody, a stark contrast to their complex lives, filled the room, reminding them both of simpler, more innocent times.

"Simply decant the potions into smaller bottles, and they'll fly off the shelves," Grandpa Lance mused aloud, eyeing the rows of bubbling concoctions that lined the ancient shelves of his workshop. His collection wasn't limited to just potions; it included an impressive array of cultural relics, calligraphy, and paintings, collected over countless decades of adventures.

Among these treasures were paintings by Lance, a legendary figure in human artistry whose works were as valuable as they were rare. "These pieces are more than just art; they're pieces of history, imbued with stories of eras past," Grandpa Lance said with a hint of nostalgia.

"I've amassed many remarkable items during my wanderings," he continued, turning to his apprentice. "I'll send a selection of potions and some artworks to the Lionheart City Lord's Mansion. They can appraise them. Should the value exceed our debt, I'll adjust accordingly, either with a refund or additional items."