
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Distressed black dragon!

"Losing money?" Lance's voice echoed with a mixture of confusion and concern. He stared at the hexagram before him, his brow furrowed deeply. Having been secluded on the island for some time, he found the sudden appearance of this ominous sign perplexing.

"Why is it a losing money?" the young dragon inquired, her bald purple head tilted in curiosity as she nestled closer to Lance's jaw.

Lance chuckled softly. "Even dragons can divine fortunes, it seems."

"And yet, it seems the one thing he can't master is falling in love," she mused aloud. "He can engage in the mystical arts of divination, but love remains elusive. Is there truly anything beyond his reach?"

"How do you interpret this hexagram, Lance?" she asked, her gaze drifting towards the ancient divination tools before them, a tortoise shell and copper coins. "And why these tools? In the imperial capital, seers use crystal balls, fate cards, or even astrology charts."

"Why opt for a tortoise shell and copper coins here?"

"This tortoise shell looks oddly familiar, almost like... Could it really be from a tortoise?"

"Is it possible for the shell to regenerate if it falls off?" she pondered aloud, her mind racing with questions.

"Losing money," Lance repeated somberly, his voice a low rumble. "It signifies a financial loss."

"Could it mean that the evil dragon might face financial ruin due to unfortunate events?" she hypothesized, her voice tinged with worry. "Poor creature, already so destitute, and to lose more... It's no wonder he was left gasping in fear."

"Is there a way to avert this prophecy without leaving the island?" the young dragon queried, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Lance, using his mighty dragon claws, gently pushed her aside, picked up the tortoise shell and copper coins, and began the divination anew.

"I, Lance the black dragon, have always been benevolent. How could I possibly suffer financial ruin?" he questioned the universe, unwilling to accept the grim forecast.

Despite his skilled manipulations, the hexagram stubbornly displayed the same message of loss, not changing even after several attempts.

"The hexagram persists," he murmured, resigned. "It appears I cannot escape this fate. Had I known, I might have refrained from divining at all."

"Fear not," she reassured him boldly. "When I ascend to the throne, I shall ensure that the coffers of the evil dragon are replenished. A thousand gold coins shall be yours to squander."

She paused, a new thought dawning on her. "Lance, could you possibly divine my future? I wish to know if I will rise to become emperor."

Lance looked at her, disbelief etched across his features. "Are you certain?"

"Absolutely. I am serious about my destiny!"

He sighed deeply, a sound like distant thunder. "Then, I must advise you against such actions. Knowing your future can deeply influence your path, be it for better or worse."

"Really? Is that so?"

"Yes. I make it a point never to divine my own future."

She nodded slowly, absorbing his words, her mind abuzz with possibilities and newfound respect for the mysteries of fate.

"Then, what exactly were you divining about just now? Wasn't it fate?"

"Yes, and no," Lance replied with a thoughtful tone. "I divined about wealth, which generally has a minimal impact. However, if you really want to know about your future destiny, I can do that too."

"Then... then, forget it. I won't ask for any more fortunes," Youlong stammered, her confidence suddenly waning. The possibility of receiving a dire prophecy terrified her; she feared that a negative outcome could shatter her spirit. Her resolve to become the empress had kept her spirits high, even when captured by the evil dragon. She dreaded that a negative divination about her chances of becoming the empress of Pharaohland might break her.

"Fate should not be divined lightly. We can explore other fortunes, like marital prospects, financial luck, and general omens. Would you like to know about your financial prospects? Or perhaps your marital prospects, which essentially concerns love?"

"Marital prospects are about love?"

Youlong's eyes sparkled. "That sounds much more appealing than plain 'love.'"

"Should I let the evil dragon divine my future marital prospects?"

"Should I try divining about my love life prospects then?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and hesitation.

Suddenly, Lucia felt a playful punch from Lance.

"Why did you hit me again?"

"At your age, you're already eager to divine about your future love life? Being focused on romance can make you vulnerable, not just to deceit but also to heartache. Haven't you heard? Among the thousands of words in the world, the word for 'affection' is the most damaging to dragons."

Silence fell briefly as she processed his words.

Damn, she thought, a proud imperial princess, who would dare deceive her? "Just divine about my marriage prospects!"

"Alright, I'll do it."

Young dragon frowned, a bit annoyed. "You agreed to do it, so why hit me again?"

"Damn evil dragon, when I become the emperor, I'll give you just 100 gold coins a month. No, make that 20 gold coins!" she muttered under her breath.

Lance handed her the tortoise shell and copper coins, explaining how to use them before letting her attempt the divination herself.

She carefully followed his instructions, and soon the hexagram revealed its message.

"Lance, what does it say about my marriage?"

Lance studied the hexagram closely. Youlong's marital prospects were unexpectedly shocking. Typically, marriage fortunes ranged from finding a suitable partner to facing challenges in love.

"No marriage," he finally said, the words feeling heavy in the air. "This is quite unusual."

"How can there be no marriage? With her hopeful outlook on love, how could it be?" Lance wondered, baffled by the results which were more perplexing than even the most cursed fortunes of loneliness.

"No marriage? Does this mean that I, as her dragon guardian, will have to look after her into her old age? Am I doomed to be a dragon who burdens his old age?" Lance pondered, half in jest and half in genuine concern.

"Does this hexagram mean that Young dragon won't marry until she's of age?" Lance mused aloud, a hint of protectiveness in his tone. "After all, with me as her guardian, who would dare approach her romantically while she is still so young? I'd deal with anyone who tried rather... decisively."

"How is it? Is my marriage fate positive?" Young dragon asked eagerly, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"Yes, it's quite favorable. The hexagram indicates that once you are of age, your prospects for marriage are very good," Lance reassured her.

"Of age? Isn't that next year?" she gasped, a spark of excitement lighting her features.

She would be an adult next year! A good marriage fate, did that mean she might meet a legendary hero? Or perhaps an epic hero awaited her?

But then, she wondered, isn't the presence of the dragon here a bit complicating? Would the dragon become intertwined with her marital fate? She hoped not. While she didn't dislike Lance, the massive dragon with his intimidating maw and sharp teeth, falling in love with him seemed beyond reason, a small human like her pairing with a formidable dragon?

Pushing aside those thoughts, she pondered, "Do you want to divine about wealth as well?"

Lance, curious about his own fortunes as much as hers, nodded. "Let's see."

She picked up the tortoise shell and copper coins, replicating the divination method Lance had taught her. The coins clinked crisply as she cast them, forming a new hexagram that baffled her.

When Lance saw the hexagram, he was momentarily stunned, then his eyes narrowed in a calculating look.

"Good fortune? Great wealth?!" He murmured, a growl of satisfaction rumbling deep within his throat. "This must mean that you, young dragon, will inherit the wealth of an adult black dragon like myself. How else to explain such a remarkable fortune?"

As he reflected on her prosperous hexagram, Lance began to deduce his own future wealth. "I will be rich and powerful by the time I'm seven or eight thousand years old," he calculated, although that meant nearly four thousand years of waiting. Despite the joy this brought him, he frowned, troubled again by his earlier hexagram of losing money. "How can I resolve this hexagram of loss? It will surely keep me awake tonight."

This troubling thought about his financial future lingered as the scene shifted to the human world, specifically in Lionheart City, Kree Province of Nord Kingdom, at the City Lord's Mansion.

"Louis, are you certain?" a voice queried in the shadows.

"Yes, the Lich that Grandpa Lance wants to eliminate is here, in the City Lord's Mansion. He's the chief steward here."

"Then shall we proceed tonight?" another shadow spoke, its voice laced with urgency.

"Absolutely, if we don't succeed tonight, by tomorrow we might be reduced to skeletons serving him tea!" the first voice replied, determination steeling his words as they prepared for the impending confrontation.