
Evil Cultivator Reincarnated

How do you define evil? In a Civilized world, even theft is considered evil. But what about the world of Cultivation? Where's it is the world of the strong? Theft, Plunder , Rape and even mass murder is an everyday thing. What is 'Evil' for them ? You'll be stocked by the answer!! For Cultivators and more so for those adhered on their Dao and nothing else, for whom the peak is everything they can see. 'Evil' for them is Mortal !! Not really mortals but the sins they are born with and the reason they are looked down on by mighty Cultivators. What Sin you ask? The Sin of Everything! The Sin which every Cultivator must cut off before ascending. The Sin which gives birth to their Heart devils which must be suppressed or extinguished!! The simple yet frightening Sin of Emotion!! Sin of Pride - a high opinion of one's own dignity, importance , merit or superiority. Sin of Lust - a passionate and intense desire or craving. Sin of Greed - a selfish desire of more than is needed. Sin of Envy - desire to have a quality, possession or an attribution belonging to someone else. Sin of Sloth - spiritual inactivity or apathy. Sin of Wrath - strong vengeful anger or indignation. Sin of Gluttony - excessive eating or drinking, overindulgence. _____ The so ' Evil Cultivators ' are nobodies but fools who thought highly of themselves and thought cultivating their Heart devil might give them power beyond limits. And the result? All succumbed to their Heart devils instead and lost themselves and ending up being chased by others and killed. But what if ?...........

pacman_3301 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs



Looking outside the window of the City Hall from her courtyard while sipping the tea prepared by Sebastian, his name being courtesy of her very self was one Priscilla's favorite time as it made her to feel relax and forget about this strange world.

Many called her a Heavenly genius, some even called her a reincarnated Immortal but she knew the truth, a truth which changed her life. She was no Genius or an Immortal in disguise but just a loser from her past life!!

She came from a World known as 'Earth' which she has regarded as a Tier 0 planet as per Cultivation knowledge. She was a loser in life in a World that Cultivators even didn't consider a World!! They called it a colony of 'ants'.

She was just a Neet in her previous life and died as one in her late thirties as a virgin pathetically. As she thought this was the end , a voice echoed inside her soul. " Do you want to an another chance and become an Immortal? "

She, as a veteran geek knew this cliche very well and didn't waste a second to accept and got her very own system. She Reincarnated in a Tier 1 world in a woman's body, the previous owner was someone who was bullied often and got her fiance stolen after she lost her spiritual root.

Again seeing this ol' n boring cliche she left her family and focused only on increasing her Cultivation with the help of the system.

While others were considered geniuses if they reached Mahayana Realm Cultivator within 1000 years, she did that in 100 years and was called a Heavenly genius by those people.

She didn't become arrogant though , she knew very well that these people were just all frogs inside a well.

She didn't chose the easy path like others and walked on the path of the Heavenly. Knowing that it would be hundreds of difficult to advance than those of Divine/Infernal Cultivators didn't dampen her spirit.

She was not low key but knew that standing out too much is bad also, so she kept her achievement suppressed. Even now everyone believes that she is just a high grade Demon Emperor capable of crossing Realm and fight Demon Monarch on equal foot.

By the grace of her system , no one would have imagined that she is a peak-grade Heavenly Monarch who could even fight Heavenly Ancestors if she want and was no more than 500 years old. If someone came to know this it would cause chaos in Verenti and maybe disturb the Upper Sanctum too. But she knew that there are always higher skies.

Just because she's the uncrowned queen here didn't mean that the same would be for the Upper Realm, and while people only talked about Celestial Realm in legends, she knew it was real!! Her talents would be a joke there!!

She didn't want to follow the cliche and that's why showed what was considered Heavenly genius but not an "Anamoly". Standing out too much would be foolish, and she wasn't one.

"So what are your thoughts, my lady? " Sebastian who didn't even realized that his very existence was westernized from an 'ant colony' asked politely and reverence in his eyes.

His question brought Priscilla out from her system shop browsing, she gave this over thousands year old guy a side glance.

She found him after coming to this World and after showing a few tricks from system he became a loyal dog.

' So simple~' she gave an internal sigh knowing how easily Cultivators were fooled. Ofcourse that only applied for weak Cultivators. After listening to his news of some High Commander from Upper Sanctum, she didn't care much.

" So what if he's some big shot? He's still a small character in Upper Sanctum, not to mention the very Celestial world which he would never be able to see." she replied in a flat tone.

"That's true, everyone is below your eyes. Forgive my improper behavior. "

As her close aide and a self proclaimed Butler, he was aware of the existence of Celestial World and even though he didn't know exactly how strong her Miss was he knew that she would reach Celestial world one day for sure and as a loyal dog he would ofcourse accompany her!!

" Do you want me to keep an eye on him?" even though he thought less of this character it wouldn't hurt to see what he's here for.

" Do what you want, I'm going out to eat something. " as the Commander of this city , she controlled all the formations and was not restricted for flight and disappeared like smoke.

" My lady is really someone from Celestial World for sure. The world of 'Immortals' , I wonder how it is like. " happy that his master was someone so wonderful he went outside and ordered some subordinates to monitor this new guy secretly.


After leaving the Inn, Ryu zen boarded a luxurious carriage and went towards a restaurant for some fun. The restaurant 'Howl' was yet another of the Pavilion's business. And with the token given to him by that old man he was taken to the VIP area with no one around him.

Not for long, as a redhead entered after him taking the empty table next to his. There were only ten tables in the VIP area, most of them empty. Priscilla was used to this and enjoyed this lack of crowd.

When she looked around and found only two tables occupied, both new faces to her one taken by a young Master of some place and other was a middle age man with calm demeanor, ' This guy must be that High Commander Sebastian told me about' she looked at the middle aged man and used her ocular technique ' Eyes of Truth ' which was considered a high level ocular technique even in Celestial Plane.

" A Heavenly Saint disguised as an ordinary Monarch? Isn't he supposed to be a side character that dies early by some wannabe protagonist from lower plane after underestimating him? " she found this new development interesting where she found a hidden master instead of a some stepping stone.

" Master, that old man is secretly observing us. Should I kill him already?" Orion's clear voice silenced the area.

" What did I expect from an arrogant servant of a young master? Why are all of them blind?" she didn't want her meal time to be bloodied and disturbed and cursed Orion in her mind.

But when she didn't hear anything from the young Master that made her curious, 'Is he perhaps one of those cunning and calm young Master? ' her budding hope was broken when she followed his gaze and saw him oogling a veiled woman.

' Haizz... why am I even disappointed? But he sure has guts to leer at the Holy daughter of Yuhei Sect so openly. They keep handsome males as their cauldron, doesn't he know that? '

" Ask her to come here and sit with me. " the simple words spoken Ryu zen to Orion were heard by the person herself as he didn't bother to lower his voice. Orion didn't see any problem and went down in front of that veiled lady.

By now they had become the center of attention for everyone and all were waiting for a good drama. Not many people knew the true identity of the veiled woman and Ryu zen was new face to everyone. They thought it was the usual young master harassing a weak girl situation.

Orion didn't bother with any greetings and got straight to the point " My master has asked you to join him for a meal." The disrespect for her opinion was so obvious that anyone could tell.

The woman was ready to kill but came to still after looking at Orion, even though his looks were handsome and his Cultivation of Monarch Realm was suppressing her down that didn't make her stop.

But she could see something others didn't, his Yang Qi was so pure and rich despite being in meager amounts of an ordinary Monarch.

' Is he hiding his Cultivation or practicing some Yang Cultivation Method from Higher Plane, both would be incredible.

I haven't seen such pure Yang Qi even in those Ancestors and Saints when I went to Upper Sanctum with Mother.

Is he perhaps a Sovereign or perhaps a Heavenly Path Senior ? ' whatever the reason was, she knew she couldn't afford to be rude to him, ' And he's just a servant?!! ' when she took a peek at Ryu zen her body shuddered and she quickly got up. "

It would be my honour." That's all she could reply.

Even though it would hurt her dignity but what's the use of dignity if one is not alive anymore?