
Evil Cultivator Reincarnated

How do you define evil? In a Civilized world, even theft is considered evil. But what about the world of Cultivation? Where's it is the world of the strong? Theft, Plunder , Rape and even mass murder is an everyday thing. What is 'Evil' for them ? You'll be stocked by the answer!! For Cultivators and more so for those adhered on their Dao and nothing else, for whom the peak is everything they can see. 'Evil' for them is Mortal !! Not really mortals but the sins they are born with and the reason they are looked down on by mighty Cultivators. What Sin you ask? The Sin of Everything! The Sin which every Cultivator must cut off before ascending. The Sin which gives birth to their Heart devils which must be suppressed or extinguished!! The simple yet frightening Sin of Emotion!! Sin of Pride - a high opinion of one's own dignity, importance , merit or superiority. Sin of Lust - a passionate and intense desire or craving. Sin of Greed - a selfish desire of more than is needed. Sin of Envy - desire to have a quality, possession or an attribution belonging to someone else. Sin of Sloth - spiritual inactivity or apathy. Sin of Wrath - strong vengeful anger or indignation. Sin of Gluttony - excessive eating or drinking, overindulgence. _____ The so ' Evil Cultivators ' are nobodies but fools who thought highly of themselves and thought cultivating their Heart devil might give them power beyond limits. And the result? All succumbed to their Heart devils instead and lost themselves and ending up being chased by others and killed. But what if ?...........

pacman_3301 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Young Master

Ryu found a good looking inn, even though it wasn't the most good looking from outside but from inside it gave you the natural feel of home. It's signboard outside literally had " Home " written over it.

The reason it was more crowded than other Inns despite charging absurdly high was due to the services it provided were top notch and the name association which supported it. " The Hibiscus Pavillion " , that's a name even kids would know in Lower Sanctum.

The largest Merchant association of Lower Sanctum which would provide you anything if you are ready for an equal exchange in their auctions. If you can't find it there then you can't find it anywhere in Lower Sanctum.

Even though over ninety percent of their profits come auctions, the rest ten percent is still an unimaginable amount they siphon through any other business. But not everyone from Lower Sanctum knows the true reason why and how it has become the largest Merchant association.

Ofcourse some people from good backgrounds and few knowledgeable are aware of the reason.

Entering inside the Inn , the atmosphere of serenity could be easily felt. The people here were relaxed and no one disturbed the atmosphere. These young masters and old masters all behaved here like village people.

Going t owards the counter he saw the female receptionist ,her looks pretty and her smile professional.

But still she was a Demon Venerable Realm Cultivator , "Sir how may I help you?" even calling a King Realm brat by respect. They were all trained professionals, very reason everyone flocked here.

She noticed Ryu while he took out a copper coin and tossed it towards her. People gave him some curious gaze while some laughed secretly.

The woman too was surprised a little but soon she received a voice transmission and she she got serious. " Honorable guest, please follow me." and led him to the fourth floor where even Monarchs were not permitted entry.

There were only four rooms here and one office , the woman knocked on the gate before they were invited by a voice inside. " Sir , please come inside." her tone was extremely polite to Ryu which he took for granted and entered the office.

An old man was sitting behind a desk with a transparent projection in front of him showing most of the areas of the Inn as spiritual senses were blocked inside by formations. The woman went near him and handed the coin.

The old man raised his brow seeing the copper coin but still he was relaxed and performed a hand seal and the coin vibrated slowly before melting and morphing into one word " Entara " which soon disappeared after that turning back to a coin and landed into Ryu's hands.

The old man almost tripped from his chair, his eyes opened wide and his hands trembled, no more relaxed. The woman was already on the floor kneeling towards the place where the coin disappeared. She didn't dare to get up and the old man was already too shocked to say anything.

Ryu didn't want to waste too much time so he pulled up the woman and a stare from him dragged out the old man from his stupor.

Finally he managed to regain his composure and came forward to give a deep bow, "Honorable guest, you can tell us any request you have and it'll be fulfilled. "

Though this was the motto of their business but the words held different meaning. Ryu gave a light nod acknowledging him. " I'll be staying here for a while and I want to participate in the yearly auction but I don't want to leave the city. Do you understand what I mean? " his first request didn't bother the old man much but the second one made him laugh while cursing inside his mind.

" Don't worry Honorable guest, everything would be according to your wish." though he said that, he knew he would have a lot of work to do after this.

Ryu didn't say anything more and exited the office and entered one of the next rooms.

After he left the woman opened her mouth " Manager Zhang, th-this...is this for real? Who is this person?" her confusion was reasonable as what she had seen just now was far too much important for " The Hibiscus Pavillion " or maybe much more than that.

" We shouldn't get too much curious. " though he said it simply the woman could feel the hidden warning lest she do something foolish. She remembered how easily that man pulled her like a child and shut her mouth not saying anymore.

The old man looked at her and smiled, "Let me give you an advice, if it's something way above your pay, grade, you shouldn't bother with it. That's the job for the higher ups. we're just the small characters, remember that." his words lightened her tension. She realized that it's not something she should care too much for as that would be meaningless.

" But what should we do about it now? And what about his request for auction?? You know it'll cause us problems. " The old man didn't tell her how he got scared when that person stared at him briefly even though he was a peak-grade Demon Emperor!!


Inside the room , Ryu saw the hall connected to bedroom and a separate alchemy room and a open bath. Even though he didn't like luxury but didn't deny it too, what's wrong in doing what you want? He sat on the bed and put up a concealing formation.

" Come out. " his soft words shook the space but he suppressed it easily or else this simple Space quake would have half destroyed this world. Soon two lights came out of his body and transformed into human forms.

A handsome man with an air of majesty around him, his long golden hair and sharp eyes with golden sparks within them suppressed anyone who looked at him. But when those eyes fell over the man sitting in front of him, it lost the shine and dimmed.

" Master " his voice low, he could still feel Shackles binding his very Dao. He was no more than a Servant now , doesn't matter who he was before.

A woman stood next to him, a seductress. Eyes in the shade of pink and Violet hair with a soft and lovable face. Her body compelled anyone who saw her to sin, to ravish her. Even a little gesture of her could make a strong willed person lose his mind.

" Master " she called out in a low tempting voice, the same Shackles didn't bother her too much.

Both of them were Supreme beings that even Immortals would fear if they existed. But here they were , serving a mortal.

" Mask your presence to Monarch level first and behave like ordinary Cultivators. I have tasks for you both. " they didn't wait a second more and complied.

" Good , I was feeling a little bored so I have decided to play around as a young master of some mysterious background. Your name would be Orion and Asmodeus from on, Orion would be my Guard and Asmodeus would be my Bed warmer and Maid obviously. Do you understand? "

Both of them looked at each other to confirm they didn't hear it wrong and saw the open mouths of each other. They didn't hear it wrong!! This guy really is a madman!! Just because he got bored? Want the Sin of Pride to be a Guard and the Sin of Lust be a bed warmer?!

Though ' Asmodeus ' didn't feel much wrong by satisfying this Supreme being she couldn't see through but was dejected how she, the Goddess of Lust was degraded to just a Bed warmer.

' Orion ' had it worse , he was considered the strongest Sin among his siblings, when had he, Sin of Pride followed someone's orders much less be a Guard?

But seeing the inpatient look of their Master they didn't hesitate for a second and replied together, "It would be our honour to serve you, Master!!"

Ryu was satisfied with them, " You have learned your lesson, good. Not everyone gets the chance to serve me so you should be happy. " If they had heard his words they would have certainly not believed me but they remembered very well, their heart would still beat hard when those ephemeral Eyes flashed through their minds.

" Thanks you, Master. " they could only try to slowly adjust to their new roles.


I would add images later.

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