
Ethereal Life

An old half-assed programmer, taken out by the wind, falling into a black hole and resurrecting back to his young man self in a pond. Journey new life in this new world filled with various fantasy colors and strange powers lurking around on scene. Being alone in the grassland, with various supernatural unknowns. The primitive life will teach him to work hard amidst his lazy personality to achieve his ideals and lifetime goals! He will built tall walls, grand castles, take in wives and concubines, as well as have countless descendants to govern his ideal country. Trust is an issue while adaptibility is a way! He who desire longevity and worry free life all his life. Would he sacrifice power for life or is it the other way around. If you can't survive three chapters of prologue, why bother to continue? Just skip it to chapter 4! 1 Chapters everyday. Maybe more if I'm in the mood, and vice versa. For faster updates, please vote for me thanks. Or if you have some change their please support me in my GCASH: 09455977813

I_DontWantToDie · แฟนตาซี
73 Chs

Ethereal Life, Chapter 46: Creek Village, Craft Fish Trap!

And here I thought it was some kind of shocking thing that I would hear. It turns out I'm still too disconnected with the people of this world's common sense and thinking.

Nai nodded with a smile and said, "Yes. This is indeed where the miracle water came from. Don't tell others about it, okay?"

Acacia was shocked, and at the same time, she felt her heart beat a little faster. It was miracle water! It was what saved her village from that illness back then. It's what saved her, too.

The treasure is protected by the village! The cure that was exchanged was the effort of the whole village, which cut down trees and traveled on foot for three weeks in the vast grassland filled with danger!

But here? It was used as regular drinking water! Cleaned the bowl and washed clothes! What else does her husband use it for?

No, it seems it was her who was doing this things! Oh no! What have I done? Husband, will he throw me away?!

Nai seems to see through what she was thinking. He neared her and calmly said, "I take a bath here too, almost every day."

Acacia blushed as her face turned red. She never felt that this day she would experience many things that made her want to find a hole and hide from her husband's teasing.

At the same time, felt a little relieved. Husband won't throw me away.

Nai knew that he couldn't go too far. Even teasing can be fun sometimes, but too much of it would have the opposite effect. 

"Don't be too shy in the future. Just learn to accept things from now on, okay? Let me help you with this first."

Looking at Nai's face up close, Acacia felt this day was so surreal. "Am I dreaming?"

Suddenly, she felt a pain in her cheeks. Nai's right hand, still wet, was pinching her left cheek. "Are you dreaming?"

Acacia was stunned; her heart suddenly tasted something called sweetness at the moment. She let out a sweet smile she didn't know she was showing "no."

When the bonfire was out, they closed the doors and windows of the house.

The moonlight above shone through the ceiling walled by basketball-ring-size glasses from his helmet, which he pieced together.

At the bed, Nai turned sideways and hugged Acacia's tense body. "Your husband felt that your body is still too young to bear children. So, let's wait till you grow bigger here and here in the future."

Naturally, his dishonest hands were moving between her bum and her growing pointy peaks, which made her tremble many times as she thought she was being electrocuted.

However, hearing her husband's next sentences made her feel lost. She didn't know what to feel anymore. Should she feel relieved or disappointed?

Knowing that she had calmed down considerably, Nai didn't stop his dishonesty. "However, there are still things you can do."


Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.

The next day.

Nai woke up feeling refreshed. Seeing Acacia's sleeping face and remembering what happened yesterday night. In a good mood, he left the bed and exercised more heavily this time.

Weight lifting, jumping, and even running to the walls vertically, and mark the height he can reach today.

Yesterday night, although he did not take her purity, he made her do all kinds of stuff that would cause those who watched pink videos to feel their throats dry.

Hearing the movement in the house. Nai thought of the future and said, "Looks like in two to three years, she will be ready."

Nai can wait under the rule that she will not leave the future castle's foundation area. As for meeting anyone, Nai forbids her from doing that for now.

Although Garut is an old man and the only one who can come near him, he still dared not take the risk of being given a green hat.

He sighed at the thought of that. "Trauma from watching too much of such a genre."


After having breakfast, I left the castle's foundation area and walked casually towards the village.

"It needs a name to be easily identified in the future. Let's call it Creek Village." Nai casually spoke out.

Garut, who was eating his bread and meat soup breakfast at the back of his mudstone house, accepted the name. "I'll tell the other villagers later."

Nai sat down beside him. The sun had just risen, and they were being shaded by the mudstone houses around them. "How many villagers remain?"

Putting down his bow, Garut put out the fire with water as he replied, "The numbers of my whole fingers.".

"Ten huh. Just enough; gather them all after they have had their breakfast. I'm going to teach you all new things."

Garut stood up after he finished his bowl. "Here?" 

Nai nodded. He watched as Garut called his son, the former village chief in the next house, to convey what Nai had said.

It can also be interpreted as an order, but that would make both parties awkward. It's better to leave some things unsaid.

Nai naturally won't make it difficult for another person who is neither hostile nor harmful to him.

A while later.

Ten villagers gathered in front of Garut's house. Sitting on the ground where grass has long since been cleared out.

Nai motions for others to sit down like him. "Sit with me; don't be nervous."

Ten villagers. 

Aside from Garut being old and his wife having long since died of old age,

There were five men, one young man, and four women, including him, sitting around the put-out bonfire, waiting for Nai nervously.

After all, this is their first time meeting the person who can throw those stone spears from afar to lift up the soil, as they were sent flying from both shockwaves and from the land lifting up.

That wasn't something a normal person could achieve just by throwing a spear from a high place.

In their eyes, they weren't seeing a person but a human-clothed monster, the same as those they called 'kind' in their lore.

After all, this is their first time seeing another human outside their village. They view Nai as some kind of intelligent monster that can talk instead.

"Alright, don't look at me like that. Don't make me unhappy early in the morning while I'm in a happy mood. Hmmm, yes, just like that."

Nai pointed at an honest-looking man who was smiling wryly at the moment of being pointed at.

"Good man, remember to smile more, just like him. Living in the grassland isn't going to be just a day or two after all. It might be for a lifetime; it depends if you're going to forever stay."

"Enough of that; I'll get to the chase. Gather some thick branches, pieces of clothing, and vines you have. Welll be making things to catch fish along the way."

And so Nai led the villagers into making all kinds of fish traps he knew of. Demonstrating to them how to make one and then how to use it.

In the creek, although he called it a creek. It was shallow, at most deep enough to be on the same level as his knees. Stepping onto the water, he searched for a good spot before installing his fish trap.

Then, while he left it there, he had the villagers make it for themselves while he also chatted with them to improve what they had started.

As time passed, everyone's fear of him lessened but did not disappear. The easy-going personality he has shown them has changed their impression of him.

And the noisy crowd chatting and exchanging views on their craft resulted in this. Nai didn't mind the noise; instead, he joined in the fun.

This surprised the villagers and Garut. In their hearts, the eccentric and dangerous image they had constructed of Nai slowly melted.

What replaced it was an easy-going young man who was quiet, talkative, and a boaster. "Hmph, see this fish trap of mine. I've got three fish!"

Nai lifted up the three fat river fish he caught with his fish trap. This made the villagers eyes shine.

"Wow, how did those fish get inside?" They knew Nai did noy put fish there, as they were with him this whole time around. Which means the fish trap was a legit craft to catch!

This made the crowd so excited that they immediately jumped towards the creek, saying, "I'm going to put mine here! Don't be too near, or you'll catch all the fish!"

"Tch, isn't it just a small distance? What's the deal?"

"Help me here, honey."

"Okay, let me finish mine first. I still lack some vines. Do you have some?"

"Wait for a bit; I'll go and check on the house."

Not far away, Garut was carefully arranging some stones around his fish trap according to Nai's instructions.

His grandson was observing him by the side. Garut wiped the nonexistent sweat on his forehead as he looked at his craft with satisfaction.

Then, at the rising sun, he said, "I never felt this kind of novel experience since I had a child."

"Grandpa, teach me too!"

Garut turned around and looked at Nai, who was enjoying the scene of people working around as he asked, "It's still early, but how about we start on another project to kill some time?"