
Ethereal Desire

When Dr. Sebastián Monte accidentally hits Ms. Violet Monroe with his car, he is immediately entranced by her beauty, but it's her stunning eyes that hold him in her grasp. Trying to hide the fact that he isn't human he discovers that there is something otherworldly about her eyes and she is hiding something from him just as much as he is hiding from her. Who is she? What is she? How can someone be so captivating? Can romance brew from mystery?

daoist297650 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 4:

Her lips felt soft yet cold against my hot lips. It felt refreshing like inhaling the fresh morning air of a wintery forest. Her breath felt like mint against the coldness of her tongue. I was pulled in even more and my head started to spin as my vision became alive with neon colors. I pulled away from her mouth using all the will power I had.

I looked at her and her hair was almost floating behind her. Her eyes had once again changed colors from that bright violet to those glowing ambers. The blue hue in her hair had returned. I was tempted to run my hands through it. I wondered if her hair was as cold as her lips. I felt a little weak but nothing more than a little dizziness.

"You didn't freeze. Or pass out for that matter. Most guys that have tried that have either blacked out or had frost bite." She examined my face as if I was the anomaly and not her for making men pass out. Siren? Succubus? What was she?

"Hm, yeah I guess I am a little different than most guys. You could call me Elsa if you'd like, because you know "The cold never bothered me anyway." With that she laughed and her violet eyes started slowly coming back. I couldn't tell her that vampires are kind of dead already so we don't really feel the cold. At least not those that have been around for as long as I have. I am assuming those poor saps at the bar were newbies.

"Okay, but honestly, I'm surprised. I mean you feel a little cold, but nothing more. It's strange, really." She walked around me in a circle as if I was some sort of strange specimen. I guess in a bizarre way, I was.

"You think I'm strange for not freezing over but you don't think it's strange that you have the ability to freeze some one Miss Elsa?" With that I turned around to look into her eyes. She gave me a seductive smile.

"I have learned to come to terms with my strangeness. However, you, on the other hand, intrigue me quite a bit. I have neve met someone immune to me." She ran a finger down my chest provocatively.

For a minute I wasn't sure if I should stop her or not. It took me a while to finally come to my senses.

"Hey, it's late. How about you stay here the night? I have a guestroom with a private bathroom. I can give you a t-shirt and some sweatpants so you can change out of that bloody clothes. It's better than a motel at almost five in the morning. Once the sun is out we can chat some more over coffee and I can tell you a little more about what I know, okay?" I examined her expression to see if any change happened. I was now a little more concerned with my safety than hers.

"That actually sounds pretty good. I'm exhausted." She slouched her shoulders in a defeated posture. I pointed over down the dimly lit hallway. She followed me quietly.

"This door on the left. That door at the end of the hall is my room. Just knock if you need anything. I'll bring you some clean clothes in just a couple of minutes." I smiled as she nodded.

I walked towards the door directly across from where she was to sleep. I went in and grabbed a couple of sleeping shirts and pants. They should fit her fine. Catalina and her have a similar body.

I made my way back to her and handed her the clothes. She examined them closely.

"I thought you were single?" She looked into my eyes and could feel her coldness cutting into my skin.

I laughed.

"Well, I am. However, I do have a friend that stays here every so often." I guess it could be a misinterpreted situation.

"Friend? Really?" She asked sarcastically.

"I'm not going to lie. We used to be more than friends, but that was centuries ago." Literally for that matter. Catalina and I met over 400 years ago. I had recently transitioned and she captivated me, unfortunately, I didn't know how to control myself and I ruined her life.

"Hmm, okay. As long as I don't get dragged out by my hair." She said as she turned to open the door.

"No worries, no crazy ex here." I smiled and said goodnight as I made my way to my room.

Once inside, I closed the door and made sure to lock it. I didn't want her coming in here and seeing all the things I had in here. It would be extremely hard to explain to fridge with baggies filled of juice that most certainly were not tomato juice. Not to mention the chains on the bed. Well, I guess I could have an excuse for that, but I didn't want to go there either.

I went into the bathroom and took a hot shower to get the smell of blood off me. After a quick shower I jumped in bed and basically passed out.

Once the sun came out I would need to get more information from Violet. I wanted to know more about her. I was curios what was she. I would have to be careful though and not reveal myself.

I was half way to slumberland when I heard my doorknob turn slowly.

I had definitely locked it.

Then the door creaked open.