
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Older Brother

They ended the rehearsal around 4pm and Ling Yao called up Ki Tae to come pick her. When he arrived, Ling Yao gave him a cold look but didn't waste time in getting into his car because she knew very soon, she'd be surrounded by the students. She texted Han Li and Fu Pei she was going home because she hadn't seen them since the rehearsal.

The trip was quiet, Ling Yao wasn't angry and neither was she happy, she was concerned. She was worried about Haru, most people criticized him just because he was the 'least handsome', it sounded absurd. When Ling Yao heard about LTG, the first person she could recognize was Haru, her favorite out of all seven of them was Haru, she loved his smile so much.

He had a sunshine smile and even if he's hurt he wouldn't tell the members he'd keep his sunshine smile for them. He was the best dancer, and so was given the role of dance teacher and was also the 2nd best rapper in the group

During their second anniversary they had a concert and thousands of people went to their concert and after the concert, Haru posted his pictures and everyone drop good comments, and then an unknown person dropped a comment.

It said "oh please stop destroying my eye sight, you're not as handsome as the other members and it's obvious you're on make up and also you edited the pictures. Come to think of it, you're ugly. I'll unfollow you right now"

Then people started replying with negative words with unknown accounts, even stupid fans got distracted and agreed with those with the unknown accounts, this hurt Haru and for months he didn't post anything. No pictures, no live videos. Nothing.

A day came and he saw a fan, he didn't know her but she knew him, he thought she was a true fan and allowed her take pictures with him, he even signed the shirt she was wearing that day. She made Haru promise her that he would post the pictures they took. He did so and tagged her on KFeed but then the people criticized him again

A comment said "we thought you went away for months to become beautiful but turns out you became even uglier"

Someone also said "I really pity that girl beside you. I'm sure she'd turn as ugly as you are, you've infected her"

The girl commented "I'm not ugly okay. Haru I'm not your fan anymore"

And with that the 'true' fan became a non fan. This must have hurt Haru even more. He wanted to leave LTG and went to meet them the last time but then during the meeting Yong, the youngest member cried hard and told him to stay that he really loved him. Haru was the only one who would sacrifice his things easily for the satisfaction of others. Yong was really fond of him because Haru pampered him and treated him like his little brother.

The other members begged him not to leave, they loved him.

Haru was touched and chose not to leave mostly because of Yong.

A year later a fan demanded for him to do a live and sing a song for her. She pleaded and he had no choice but to do it. During the live, someone commented

"You should at least cover your face. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend, and I'm guessing your relationship with your sister isn't good"

He tried ignoring the comments and sang for the fan who requested it. Those who watched his live were impressed, they only thought he could rap, it was only once they had heard him sing and it was during a concert. They were impressed but still, the haters commented "you have a nice voice but a terrible face"

He smiled hurtfully and his members who saw this sent Ki Tae to cheer him up and shut the haters. When Ki Tae went to Haru's room, and when they heard Ki Tae's voice they demanded for Haru to show KT's face. He smiled and said "I'd do anything for you guys but why should I give let him show"

And someone harshly commented "because his mum's stomach didn't accommodate an ugly person like you"

Yong who read this went and joined the live and he scolded the person who commented that trash. He even threatened that if Haru left LTG because of them, then he'd also leave. This made them shut up for a while until people started posting pictures of Haru from their concerts. He knew they'd still be criticizing him but didn't bother checking their comments.

Today he was taking pictures but posted none. He only posted news and funny things. He made memes and jokes and luckily, no one criticized him but a few people did. He had been doing this for 3 years and he didn't mind but he was still hurt.


She checked MJ's posts and saw that one of the pictures had mistaken showed Haru's face. She immediately went to check what people were saying to Haru.

Someone said "Haru, please don't make our dear MinJi look ugly like you and stop appearing in his pictures" #ugliness transferrable#

"I was trying so hard not to hate you but appearing in MinJi's picture makes me want to peel your face"

She saw more annoying comments but kept calm and didn't say anything. She told Ki Tae to pull over and she showed him the comments. He was so furious that he felt like slapping the phone right out of Ling Yao's hand.

"I know you're pissed about people finding out you live with us. I…"

"It's cool"

Ki Tae didn't expect Ling Yao to be cool with it. Honestly she wasn't, but when she saw the comments people dropped on MJ's picture, insulting Haru, she had no choice but to be fine with it. Haru needed her and she needed to find those who started with the awful comments. Though she had an idea who started it but wasn't sure if he was the one, she needed to confirm if Haru knew the guy.

"I'm only fine with this because of Haru. He's my older brother" she said with a straight face and Ki Tae smiled. "What about the others and me, I have to admit I'm jealous"

Ling Yao looked at him and said "Ya'll are my brothers"

"That's what I'm taking about" He smiled and pecked her head.

Right now all what was going through Ling Yao's mind was to find the people attacking Haru about his looks.