
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Big Announcement

Ling Yao is a person who chooses her words wisely, she told them how she became LTG's sister. "Wait so you have another name?" Han Li said to Ling Yao

"Yea, It's Emma"

"Wait. Do you mean the great Emma Raj" Fu Pei stood up with a bewildered look.

"Sick. No one has ever seen her face" Han Li also stood up and said with a really wide smile on her face. All the while Ling Yao still had a calm look.

"Have you both seen Emma Raj before" she asked with her left eyebrow up.

"That's right, no one has ever seen Emma Raj before" Han Li said in a disappointed tone.

"So, do you think she's the one before you?" Ling Yao asked with the same calm tone and she crossed her arms across her chest.

Han Li and Fu Pei both looked at each other and sat back down with their smiles wiped away from their faces.

"No" they both said together. And Ling Yao said okay and they all ended the conversation about Ling Yao being Emma Raj.

Han Li wanted to ask another question but before she could Mr Lee walked in with the cotton wool.

"Sorry for taking so long, I met Miss Yang on my way back. She stopped me to report Cheng and you three being absent in English class. Lucky for you three I told her you were with me"

Hearing that Cheng wasn't in class made Ling Yao wonder where he was and why did he stab english class. But anyhoo she collected the wool and started cleaning the nail polish from her nails. She was right when she said it'd take a while before she could take it off.

"Mr Gu isn't well, so Ling Yao and Cheng will help the rest with their scenes. He took permission from Miss Yang to go prepare the dance studio but you three intentionally stabbed English class" He looked at them, Han Li and Fu Pei both had their faces down but Ling Yao kept cleaning her nails, she really didn't think stabbing english class was a big deal to her but guessed it was a big deal to her two new 'friends'. She dragged them into her mess, it's only fair if she helped them.

"Mr Lee we don't mind taking a test as a punishment a week from now" Han Li went over to Mr Lee and dragged Fu Pei with her.

"Wow. Miss Yang would love an offer like that. We all know she loves punishing people with tests but you both must up your game because her tests are never easy and you know her punishment tests is always half of your exam mark. Your exam is 120 points so the test will be 60 points. You should both be prepared" Han Li and Fu Pei looked at Ling Yao as if they were begging her for something. Ling Yao found this funny and smiled slightly at them, she knew they were nervous even though they had a week to prepare for it, why not make them feel better.

"Mr Lee, I'll join them in writing the test, I'd like to see how tough Miss Yang's questions are" with this Han Li and Fu Pei felt a better and they both gave her a look of gratitude.

After cleaning her nails completely. She borrowed Han Li's transparent nail polish and used it on her nails. She thanked Mr Lee and apologized for the troubles she might have put him through. After leaving his office Han Li and Fu Pei went to Miss Yang before she called their parents while Ling Yao went to the dance studio to look for Cheng.

When she entered the studio, she saw him on a call, he was ordering for some props, she wanted to wait until he was done so she just stood by the door. But then he felt her presence so he looked back and saw her "I'll call you back" he said to the person on the other side of the phone.

She walked over to him with her hands in her pockets "Heard you came her to prepare the studio for today's rehearsal and I ain't gonna lie, you did a really good job" she scanned the studio while praising him.

He replied with a simple "Thank you"

After the compliment, she said nothing and neither did he. She walked over to where the scripts where kept and took one to snap on her phone. She took a picture of each page and started memorizing her lines using her phone. Even though she had a double cast, she wasn't willing to give her role away just like that. She was really good when it came to memorizing things so it wasn't hard for her to memorize her lines.

After about ten minutes the students came to the studio and so did Mr Lee. Mr Lee gave a little speech which was all about why Cheng and Ling Yao would monitor them.

"Okay, listen up everyone Ling Yao will start with you guys, I'm busy with the sound effects, she'll guide you guys on what to do"

"Okay" they all responded at once.

Ling Yao was busy helping a certain couple who would act as the female lead's mother and father when she heard a familiar annoying voice behind her but she wasn't talking to her, it was Lucy Kim, she said "You guys should check out Ki Tae, he's live with the other members with him, they said they have a big announcement by 7pm today concerning the arm we saw in their latest pictures"

Everyone quickly turned their phones on to watch the live video except for those who scoffed, they were the ones who didn't like LTG because they had won the hearts of their girls.

No one was paying attention to why they were in the studio, "If you're here to rehearse then do so if not then fuck off" though Ling Yao's voice was gentle, it still gave them goosebumps and even Lucy couldn't say anything against her and they all switched off their phones and continued with their rehearsals. Ling Yao wasn't worried and she knew a day like this would come eventually

Sorry it took time to update.

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