
Planned Murder?

2 days later...

*knock knock*

"Young master, breakfast is ready. Please come down stairs. Everyone is waiting for you."

"Tell them not to wait. I am not coming." said Noah.

"But Young Master.."

"Just go away!!"

The housekeeper sighed and left. It's been 2 days and Noah has locked himself up there. He isn't listening to anyone.

"What happened?" asked Mr. Williams

"Sir, he refused to come out."

"Oh my poor child" exclaimed grandma. It hurts her to see her precious grandchild in such a state.

"Sir, Elder Young Master listens to his little brother only. So I think only Youngest Master can make him leave the room."

"He'll be back by 12. Ask him then."

"Okay sir." he said and left.

Suddenly, Noah's phone rang. He picked it up. He talked for a few minutes and left his room.

Meanwhile, downstairs; "youngest master, you have arrived." said the housekeeper.

"Yes, how's brother?"

"He has locked himself in his room."

"I'll go and check if he's alright."

"No need" a voice came from behind.

"Brother" sighed Chris. He hugged his brother tight. He was so worried about him.

"I am sorry brother." he said.

"For what?" Noah asked.

"For everything that has happened. For not being there for you at such time." he replied with a sad voice.

"Stupid, it's not your fault. You know that I love you." Noah patted his head lovingly.

"I love you too brother." Chris hugged him back.

"Noah, child how are you?" grandma came after hearing their voices.

"I am fine grandma. Don't worry."

"I'll ask the cook to make all your favourite dishes. Come let's eat together." said grandma.

"Um.. grandma I am headed out." replied Noah.

"Where?" asked Chris worryingly.

"To the station. The officer called. He wants to talk about something." explained Noah.

"I'll come with you." said Chris.



Smith's Mansion

*ding dong*

"Bella oh my child! How are you?" exclaimed Mr. Smith when he opened the door. He was so relieved to see his daughter here. He has been worried sick about her.

"I am fine dad." she replied with a reassuring smile.

"Come, come inside."

They all settled in the living room.

"Oh, so both of you finally had the time to come home." Mrs. Williams said to Chloe and Joey.

"Mom!" said Joey.

"What? You both have been gone for 2 days. Did you ask for my permission? Or do you think that you are older enough that you can do whatever you want? Listen to me carefully, you both! Stop wasting your time on useless things and start focusing on yourself."

"Just stop it already. What's the big deal? Their sister needed them and they were there to support her. Stop all this negativity." shouted Mr. Smith. Chloe and Joey were also tired of their mother's behaviour. They gave her a look as if telling her that she's unbelievable.

Bella held his hand and whispered "It's okay dad. Calm down."

Mr. Smith relaxed a bit. He was so worried about his daughter. She just needed some emotional support and comfort but his wife just won't stop hating her.

"Dad, I'll leave now." said Bella after making sure that her father had relaxed.

"Why? You just came." said father

"Dad, Mr. Lowan called this morning. He wanted to talk about the case. I was going to the station so, I just dropped by." she said.

"Oh, I'll accompany you then."

"No dad. I am totally fine. You should just take some rest. I'll be back soon." she gave him an assuring look.

"Take care." he said and hugged her.

At the station,

"Hello Ms. Bella"

"Hello sir. What did you want to talk about?"

"Please have a seat. I am just waiting for Mr. Williams."

"Oh okay." she said and sat down.

15 minutes later, Noah and Chris arrived at the station.

"Mr. Noah."

"Officer" They shook hands.

Mr. Lowan looked at Chris. "Oh this is my brother Chris." explained Noah.

He nodded. "Please take a seat gentlemen. I'll be back in a minute."

Both Noah and Chris sat down besides Bella.

Bella and Noah exchanged a small smile.

"So are you alright?" asked Noah suddenly.

She gave him a puzzled look.

"Um.. you fainted the other day." he said.

"Oh, I am fine. Thanks for your concern!" she gave him a warm smile.

He nodded.

Mr. Lowan returned. "So, Ms. Bella and Mr. Noah, what i am going to tell you is confidential." he looked at Chris.

"I'll be outside." he stood up and walked out.

"What happened Officer?" asked Noah.

"From what we have gathered in the investigation, we don't think it was an accident."

"Wha.. what do you mean?" asked Bella.

"I mean that it seems to be a planned murder."

"What?" Both Noah and Bella were shocked.

"Yes, the car brakes were tampered with. We don't have any leads as of now, but we'll definitely find the real culprit soon."

"But who will want to hurt them?" asked Bella.

"That's why we have called you here. We want to know if you have any suspicions?"

"No" said Bella.

"Mr. Noah?"

"No. I don't think she had any enemies."

"Okay, we'll inform you if we find a lead. And I hope this conversation stays between us."

"Okay officer." replied both.

"And um.. Mr. Noah we believe that it's your wife's ring. We found it in her stuff. We'll return all their stuff after the investigation is over but we can't keep such valuable stuff." he smiled.

Noah took the ring and thought "I didn't give Erica this ring and she isn't a big fan of such jewellery. So who gave it to her."

"Oh no, that's my ring." exclaimed Bella.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Ya, I saw it in my husband's stuff the other day. I think it was a surprise gift." she gave a sad smile. She took the ring and wore it. It was a bit loose and fell near Noah's shoes. He picked up and gave it back to her. "Unbelievable!" He thought.

Another chapterrrrrr!!!!!!! Do read and comment.

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