
Epic Of The Clonemancer

I opened my eyes, expecting the after life, but I instead find myself 3 years in the past, on the day the apocalypse started. Horridly mutated humans and animals roam, normal humans consumed by greed, and something bigger, bigger than you and me. But, all of this, for me, is a chance to get a better class, a chance to live longer... A chance to fix the world

Movribs · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs



"Ok so I take it everyone has checked out their status screens." I say, "So now, I also assume no one wants to die, and everyone wants to find family, so I request we band together to combat the monsters and survive until the government finds us" I say.

The government is never going to come for us, but I need to give them some hope, "And why should we follow you?" Someone asks, I turn to look at them and sigh.

"You aren't following me, we are going to be in a mutual relationship, we protect each other, we can even help you fight some monsters to get stronger." I say which shuts them up.

"We wont be able to survive long on our own, there is limited food and I suggest we help each other out" I finish.

"So for now, if you are willing, can you tell us your classes or give a general outline of what you can do, and we can work from there. Lets start with production classes, things like blacksmithing, alchemy and so on" I say and look around.

I actually dont know these peoples classes, mainly cus the people in here actually died the first time round, well most of them, Michael and a few others managed to survive and made up the group of powerful people who led me and the weaker people.

And luckily someone responds, "Uhm, yeah I have the 'Artificer' class, its 3 stars" He says, its actually the guy with those huge glasses. I dont recall the class, so he probably died.

'Ok so we have only 1 production class, that's not good' I think to myself before nodding at him. "Ok do you want to tell us what it does? Or do you want to do that in private?" I ask.

"Private" He answers and I nod, which is smart, you wouldn't want everyone to know what your class can actually do, or the limits it has.

"Are those the only production?" I ask and no one speaks up, "Ok what about fighting? Anything like mage, swordsman, and so on" I say and non surprisingly alot of people start talking at once.

I start going over them one by one, there are about 7 basic swordsman, 3 basic mages, 4 basic assassins, a wind archer, a normal archer, and to my absolute horror a whopping 13 classless individuals, when I asked why they didn't choose anything;

Most said they took too long to choose and the timer ran out, so far class and now there are only 2 people who I haven't asked.

I look over to the first, who is a female professor, I actually remember her, she taught zoology and is the youngest professor on campus. If I remember correctly she was like 28.

She is very tomboy-ish, she is muscular, like very much so. Not so much that she's a walking wall, but enough to deter people from trying anything and black hair cut into a bob cut.

She was a favorite of the students at school, me included, and I am not ashamed to admit that, no guy was. "I chose 'Highwayman' its ranged oriented" she says and I nod.

Its the same class she got the first time around, its actually a class that works best with a mount and guns.

Bows do work, but the classes effectiveness is lowered alot. Not alot of people would be able to use a bow while getting dragged along at really high speeds.

I look over to the only other person, its a girl around my age, chocolate skin, a huge head of hair, and what seems to be a permanent scowl, like for as long as I have been here, that is the only expression I have seen on her face.

"And you?" I ask, she stares at me in silence for a bit before answering, "Its a magic class".

"You aren't gonna elaborate?" I ask and she keeps quite, "No? Ok then, can you at least tell me the stars so I know whether or not its useful?" I press on.

"It's 5" I raise a eyebrow at that, encountering 5 stars is kinda hard, there are around 100 of them, that may sound like alot but that spread over the whole world makes them very scarce.

Being a 5 star is pretty much a one way ticket to surviving. Unless you get unlucky when you are still at base human strength.

"Ok, so... if we are working together, I suggest we go look for food before anything else, but me and my friend wont be able to bring back everything, so is anyone willing to come with us?" I ask looking around.

Seeing no one is willing I follow up, "We are just heading north, through campus. Its really close to the cafe, we take food, bring it back. Then go from there" I say.

I look around again and rub my eyebrows, and to my delight someone speaks up, and to my surprise its the artificer guy, he wont be very useful for fighting, but if I can manage to get him to kill something, he will start gaining levels.

Which is always a good thing, production classes can get exp from making stuff but it aint very efficient, and only one who have strong people backing them can afford to make things like crazy

But some do learn how to fight by themselves, a few were in the rankings. "C-can I come?" He says, I nod and gesture him to come down. He walks down, and I look over to everyone hoping for someone else to come.

"I'll come aswell" Says the 5 star girl, so now we have a group of 4.

"Ok great, is that all?" I ask and no one speaks up, I turn to Michael, "Ok please look after the people here, and take these" I say and hand him the bags with food.

"What are we going to use to haul back food" Jayden asks me, and I point to the locker rooms, "There are probably duffel bags in there, we can take some of those, they will be easier to carry more of." I say.

I quickly get my clone to fetch 5 bags, I hand one to everyone and we all throw them on. I decide to ask for names since addressing them is already a problem.

"What can I call you guys? I'm Leonardo, but call me Leo, and that's Jayden." I introduce myself to our temporary group, and gesture for them to do the same.

"Luna" She answers curtly.

"You can call me Edgar" He says before pushing his glasses up.

"Ok great, now do any of you want a weapon?" I ask, I doubt fighting with your fists would be easy, unless you are Jayden.

"Nah, I'm good." Luna answers which makes sense I guess, I look over to Edgar and he nods.

"A spear? I dont want to get to close" He answers and I nod at Jayden.
