
Chapter 8

The moon showed no sign of lending it's precious rays to the earth and in one Accord even the stars retired to their resting place beyond the sky,this made the night more ominous.

The showers came first in soft and silent drizzles,hitting on the roof gently.the men crouched in the dark paying no attention to the soft drizzles,they proceeded to feed the earth with enough mines drawing a track from where the police vans would drive into the port.

Agent Ross stood beside the van yelling out orders to the boys as they jumped into the van,their heavy boot kissing the wet earth and making a murky sound.

There was a heavy clap of thunder with a flash of bright lightening,agent Ross looked at the sky and for a brief moment wondered if it was all worth it then the flash of her son's face in her head made her push the after thought to the back of her head.she hopped into the van and they zoomed off.

Julian stood by the port smoking his pipe,his assistant walked up and curtsied slightly.

  "How is it over there?"he asked exhaling deeply sending with it a heavy smoke.

  "The men are ready and I think the police are on their way".he answered looking a bit worried.

Julian looked at the night sky and listened to the resonating clap of thunder as the heavens shook "why do I have this lingering ominous feeling about tonight"he said almost in a whisper to himself.

  "Are you saying something boss?"his assistant enquired.

  "Nothing"he drew from his pipe again "what of Lycan and his dogs"he chuckled softly "I bet he is already there".

  "Maybe he is on his way but not there yet".


From a distance,agent Ross could sight the port laying quietly like a bride prepared for it's groom,casting it's shadows over the dock.the first car in front was going up with such speed that it happened so quickly.

There was a loud blast as the vehicle went up in flames "stand down!,all unit stand down!!"she screamed desperately but it was too late as another vehicle had stepped into the danger Zone and did not waste time as it went up in yet another flames.

She grabbed her walkie talkie frantically and yelled into it "stand down!,all unit stand down!!,I repeat all unit stand down!!!".

The cars came to an abrupt stop as everything remained silent,except for the bright flames that came from the two burning vehicles.with her eyes darting around quickly,she could see dark figures crouching in the dark.

  "Take cover!!!"she screamed but it was too late as they opened fire on them.

  "Team A5 what is the situation over there?"there was no answer only a static sound

  "Team A5 come in,I repeat what is your situation".a brief silence then a pained voice answered from the other end

  "We have been ambushed,we need backup ASAP".there was a terrible cracking static noise then the line went death.

  "What do we do"Ricky looked at the commander

  "We can't just send backup without knowing the situation,they might fall into another ambush".

  "Does it mean we let them die?"the anger in his voice was evident.

  "They won't die"he replied with conviction.

Agent Ross watched as men went down,fire burnt,screams rented the air and soon all was silent.blaring sounds of siren filled the atmosphere.

An ambulance came and took away both the wounded and those who have lost their lives,a tear rolled down her cheeks and she fell on her knees on the muddy ground weeping wildly.


  "Boss"Julian assistant called frantically as he rushed up beside him "Lycan was not at the Licom port".

  "But am here"the unmistakable gruffy voice replied behind them.

Julian turned round sharply in Surprise,his hand gently went to the back of his pant to get the pistol he had stuck in there.

  "I will advice you not to do that"Lycan said with a satisfied smirk on his lips with his eyes fixed on Julian movement. "My men surrounds this place".

Julian eyes darted quickly and he could make out the figures in the dark and his men on their knees having a gun pointed to their head.he sighed deeply and stick his hand into his pocket while drawing from his pipe.

  "I knew this day would come but I never thought it would be so soon"he mumbled while having his eyes fixated to the sky.by now,the heavy torrents had reduced to the initial drizzling stage where it dropped softly on the roof.

  "I know,you must have been shocked".

  "Shocked?"he asked astonished with a little laughter on his words "...I know the line of our business and I knew things like this would happen so am not surprised".

  "Well that's nice"he answered as his own eyes looked at the sky "where is she"he inquired.

  "Your little spy?"

  "Yeah"he nodded.

Julian laughed heartily which was uncalled for due to the gravity of the situation."she is death"he replied without mincing words

Lycan sighed "casualties are sure to happen in our line of business,like the one which will happen now"he winked mischievously at Julian.

  "What will you gain after doing this".

  "I don't know,maybe the pleasure I will get in knowing you are out of my way".

  "That's absurd"Julian laughed "that's exactly what I would have wanted too".

  "Well, unfortunately the ball is in my court".

They could see the ship coming from a distance,like a huge snake moving stealthily towards them.by now,the showers had stopped and the night was obnoxiously quiet.the two men had their eyes fixed on the ship each quietly absorbed in their own thoughts.

  "What will you do now".

  "The obvious of course, maybe if you plead with me,I might take the risk of sparing your".

Julian chuckled and Drew his almost extinguished pipe again "the savage never begs but neither will I give you the pleasure of satisfying your darn wish".

By now,the ship was beside the shore trying to get fixed to the dock, nobody noticed the subtle movement of Lycans hands except of course only his men and the gentle thudding of the mens body as they went down one after the other.

The next movement was so swift that the people in the ship did not notice it coming and in no time,Lycans men had besieged the ship pulling each an every man down under gun point.

  "Tell me where Sarah is".Lycan asked between closed teeth.

  "Wow!you know her name?,well too bad,I never got to know"he gave his pipe to his assistant who all the while had stood transfixed "you won't see her again".

  "I know,but I still have this doubt at the back of my head".

  "Believe what you want"he muttered.

Lycan sighed,turned round brandishing a short pistol at him "say your last prayer dude".

He laughed "I told you I won't give you that pleasure"with a swift movement he pulled out the pistol behind his pants and released two bullets into his head with a satisfied smile on his face he fell with a splash into the water.

He stood looking at the body which had come up to the surface floating faced down,he looked at the assistant and without hesitation released two bullets into his head.

  "Clear the body,move the shipment to the warehouse".

  "What about this men"Ben asked 

He turned his gaze to the men "kill them off"

There was a short scuffle and all was quiet again then the men proceeded to dump the bodies into the water.

  "Send men to his house,make sure you find the secret dungeon and bring her back.death or alive."he commanded and walked off.


The atmosphere was calm as birds chirped freely and merrily,the wreck from the previous nights incident layed in a heap.corpses were scattered around with large flies having a good feast on them.the burnt vehicles layed damped from the nights showers.this was at Licoms shore.

The other shore was as peaceful as it could be as the water had washed the bodies away,the biseiged ship lay as lonely and naked as a poor widow.

Agent Ross sat outside the hospital watching absentmindedly as the doctor's battled to save the few lives which lay before them.deep groans filled her ear as the men struggled in pain and with the strong will to live.

The commander came out from the operating room and marched towards her, standing before her he stuck his hand into his pocket "do you realize the gravity of what just happened?"his voice was hard and stern.

Her face remained expressionless and she still maintained the Faraway look in her eyes "yes sir".

  "And you know very well what happens in such situations".

  "Yes sir"she was still motionless.

  "But do you think perhaps you would have avoided this mishap if you had not allowed emotions to mess with your head?"

She looked at him now,at the face "I did what I had to do,and if it turn out this way— i don't regret it".

He sighed "well then,see you at the disciplinary committee".

She watched him go and gently fell back into Oblivion.

Sounds of footsteps proceeding into the dungeon was heard splashing water as they went,torch lights flashed round as soft voices spoke in whispers.the men walked in single file each taking in the scenario quietly as they throdded along.

The place stinged badly that they were compelled to hold their nose,they got to the end of the tunnel and flashed their lights.their eyes opened in astonished surprise as they stared doubtfully at the vacant seat with the loosed rope dangling from the chair into the water.

He gnashed his teeth aggressively and turned his back to the trio of men who stood before him with their heads bowed to their chest.

  "Find her"he muttered 

  "But s…"

  "I say find her!!!"he yelled turning sharply and resounding the statement with the bang of his fist on the desk.

The men shivered slightly and shifted from foot to foot.

  "I bought her,she is mine,find her and bring her to me,death or alive!!!"he yelled and the men scampered through the door.