
Chapter 7

Crawling on all fours she was beside him in no time,she gathered him in her arms and let out a heart wrenching scream such that pierced the stillness of the night. Junior was rushed to the hospital and an autopsy was conducted which showed that the boy had died from the abuse of substance.

Agent Ross sighed deeply,she knew she was partly to be blamed.if she had spared some time for the boy, definitely he would not have any need for the unwholesome companion.she wiped her nose again and dried her eyes before leaving the office.


  "Boss,we still have not gotten anything on her".

  "It's been seven days already find out by all means where she is or if probably she is death".

  "And,we got some Intel on the goods".

Lycan nodded still having his back to Ben who had brought news to him "what did you have".

  "The shipment lands tonight".

He turned abruptly on his chair "how sure are you?".

  "Very sure boss,but Julian has tightened security".

He chewed his pipe for some time "whatever,once the shipment lands,we go in real quick and get it".

  "Don't you think it will be dangerous?".

  "Nothing good comes easy, organise the boys,set up your spy and we move real quick".

  "What of Sarah?"he asked with a worried frown

  "We will get her later,that is if she is still alive"he shrugged his shoulder with indifference.

Agent Ross entered the control room "what did you find?".

  "Uhmmm,ma'm we received an Intel that one of the members is getting a shipment tonight".

  "Are you sure of this?"

  "Yes ma'am,the informant is one of our most reliable man".

Agent Ricky moved to her side "what will you do now".

  "Raid it off course"

  "Is it not too dangerous to attack head on without proper preparation?".

She called out to the operator, "hey Richard,how long do we have before it lands".

  "About an hour from now,things like this take place at night".

  "And where is it taking place?".

  "Licom shore,that's close to an abandoned warehouse".

  "So you see agent Ricky we still have time to get ready and even lay in ambush".

Ricky's hand rubbed his forehead thoughtfully "am still not comfortable with this".

  "It does not matter what you are comfortable with or not,you follow my orders is that clear!!?"she yelled.

  "Yes ma'am".

  "Good, organize the boys,we move soon".she stormed off.

Richard chuckled "did you just step on the Lions tail?"

  "I don't know what this is about,but I have this bad feeling about it".Ricky sighed.

Richard turned round on his seat "what bad feeling dude".

  "I don't know,but we might lose our men".

  "Come on man,in every operation we lose a man and in a case like this we are sure to lose people".

  "But what's the need for that if we can avoid it and save this people".

  "They signed for it so we can't avoid it,and besides,we need to get this men and get this over with."

  "But you can't get them unprepared".

  "Remember we have the surprise attack,so it might even go in our favour,so man put that bad feeling aside".

He sighed sadly "I pray so man".

  "We will get this over with".

He nodded sadly "sure,we should"he looked at him "thanks dude"

  "That's no big deal,that's why we are here for each other".he chuckled.

Julian reclined on his chair rocking slightly and smoking his pipe,he looked pleased as a soft smile danced on his lips.he hummed quietly to himself.

  "Did you send out the information?".he asked the man who stood before him

  "Yes I did".

  "And you are sure it got to the right source".

  "Yes boss,very sure".

He chuckled heartily "my heart gladdens so much,set the men and make sure,no living thing gets here and goes out alive".

  "Okay boss"the man said and left.

Julian Drew from his pipe and exhaled sharply "dear Lycan,let the game begin".

Sarah opened her eyes with effort and looked down on her feet in the water,she was sure something was holding on to it down there but she was not sure about what it could be. She was definitely number to any sensation so she tried to kick her feet.

  "Get off me you suckling bastard"she said in what was supposed to come out as a scream but was so low that even she could barely hear herself.she was too tired and hungry and had remained in this dungeon for as long as she could remember without using her voice.she knew not when it was day or night.

Ben dragged a man into the study "boss,he has some information for us".

  "Spit it out"Lycan breath having his back to the duo.

The man shivered visibly "sir Julian is not going to have his hipment off loaded at the Licom shore".

  "Are you lying to me?".

  "No,I dare not".

  "What of the one at Licom".

  "It's just a decoy to attract you and the police into a fire fight".

  "You are one of Julian's men,why are you giving me this information".

  "I need a reward"he cupped his hand together as his greedy eyes flashed "a little token for my honesty".

Lycan turned walking gently towards him "do you know the worst thing that can happen to a man is betrayal?".

He nodded his head in the affirmative

  "...and that's one thing I can't tolerate"he chuckled "even Judas did that to Jesus and the funny part is that Jesus was his relative"he dropped the pipe on his desk "well,you are going to get your reward".

The man grinned widely and readily went down on his knees bowing on the ground for him he did not notice when he flicked his finger.Ben dragged him away amidst screams and pleadings.


  "Papa please, please papa"little Lycan voice pleaded as tears cascaded down his cheeks in quick torrent.

The huge man standing before them staggered on his feet unable to stand upright "shut up little bastard"he yelled grinding his teeth throwing little Lycan and his mom in a heap into a corner.he clunged to his helpless mother as their incessant screams pierced the night sky.

The belt came down in quick succession on their skin making the affected area swell,the pattering sound of rain on the roof drown out their voices as they pleaded for mercy and screamed for help.the abuser stood tall before them laughing maniacally as his face twitched in ultimate satisfaction.the sweats ran down his temple like drops of rain water on to the very ground he stood.this was the daily treatment meted out to the duo on daily basis.

Little Lycan clung to his mother's skirt as she went about her cooking in the kitchen "mama,let's go"

  "Go were Lycan"she asked putting the pot over the fire.

A confused frown creased the boys face but was taken over by that determined expression as he twitched his lips in an obstinate manner "to Grandma,or pa,but let's just go mom".

She sighed deeply and went down on one knee"Lycan,we are not going anywhere, grandma cannot continue to house us all the time,this is your new pa be good and he will be nice to you".

  "But he hits me all the time ma"hot tears ran down his cheeks "...and you too ma".

She looked away trying to hide the tears that made her eyes glisten

  "Let's just go away or he will kill us"he pleaded dishearteningly

  "Shhhhh,you don't know what you are saying baby, nobody will do that to us".she Drew him into an embrace using her hand to wipe her own tears. 

  "Mama please…, please mama..,let's just go"the boy pleaded and soon he was getting hysterical.

  "Nobody is going anywhere boy"a thick baritone voice boomed from the door way as his tall fígure filled it.

Lycan quickly hid behind his mother "don't let him get me mama"he whispered as his heart did a flip flop and landed right in the pit of his stomach.his eyes glisten again as tears took over.

  "Yeah, nobody is going anywhere"his mother affirmed frantically as she tried to shield her child from his grasp.

He staggered into the kitchen, holding her with one hand he pushed her away "come here boy"he whispered smiling crazily down at the little boy who stood terribly frightened.

  "Noo, please noo"he pleaded as he cast a tearful eyes at his mom pleading desperately for help.

He laughed then his face contorted to disdain "come here bastard"he spat as he dragged him by the hair away.his screams filled the whole house as his mom followed behind them weeping pitifully.

He opened the door to his room and pushed him inside "you will stay here for as long as I want,let me see how you leave".

His laughter filled his ears as he tries to shut it out,but they gruffy voice was persistent as it got a permanent place in his head.

Agent Ross picked the short pistol on the desk and coked it looking cautiously at it,then she pushed it behind her pants.the commander walked in.

  "Are you really attacking head on?".

  "We will go a bit earlier and lay in ambush for then"she replied feeding the long run with bullets.

The commander sighed "if this falters who will take responsibility".

She stopped and looked at him "don't worry,I got you covered".

The man nodded "make sure you keep us updated and also know when to retreat,I wish you luck"he patted her shoulder and walked off.


  "Boys,get ready we have work to do"Ben yelled as the men scampered around fixing their guns.

He looked over at his shoulder and the doctor was busy coking his pistol"doc,do you need that"?he asked arching his brow.

  "I just need a bit of some action"he winked mischievously "...to strengthen my old bones".

  "Ohhhh"Ben nodded knowingly "better be quick and fall in line"he said and walked off "hey!move your ass down here and get your hands useful"he yelled out commands to the boys.

  "Get in now and move it!!!"agent Ross yelled as the boys all ran into the car,their feet hitting hard on the ground.

Julian pulled over his jacket and collected his pipe from his assistant "is everything in place?"he asked as he proceeded to light the pipe.

  "Yes boss"the man replied "...the police are already on their way to Licom shore.they really took the bait".

  "That is called killing two birds with one stone,that is business for you.it is the survival of the fittest".

The man nodded, Julian face creased in a frown "let's go down to the dungeon".

She heard soft footsteps proceeding towards her,she tried to raise her head but her neck was numb due to the constant dropping position she had subjected it to.her vision had become blur and her head ached badly as she tried to get her eyes to see through the darkness.her body was all numb and unfeeling and her face was drained of blood,too white and pale.

The strong palm cupped her cheek and forcefully raised her head,a soft painful moan escaped her throat.

  "Tsk,tsk"he shook his head with a pleasant smile on his face"so miserable"he laughed.

She could hear his words but so faintly,he bent over her ear and whispered sweetly "when am back,I will make it end".

She opened her eyes and watch the figure retreat with a loud echo of his laughter ringing round the cave and finally finding its place in her head.she shut her eyes gently and slowly gave her the will to continue fighting.