
Chapter 23: King card

NAI, WHITE, TUL, and AJIN were having lunch together when WHITE said, "Last party was amazing, wasn't it"


"yes, it was but you are light weighed" NAI teased WHITE

"I.AM.NOT" WHITE exclaimed


"you sure" NAI teased her again

"wanna fight" WHITE still disagrees with NAI . they looked very cute together even when they teased each other

"ok ok, no fighting here" AJIN said

"Why don't we have a party every week at the same club and day," TUL said

"ooh hoo TUL, nice idea let's do it," WHITE said, NAI and TUL agreed then

"someone's phone is vibrating" WHITE SAID

NAI -" ohh it's mine I, got a call from my family"

and he left to take the call

"so you two have done it?" AJIN asked in curiosity

"Are you crazy?" WHITE blushes

NAI came after taking that call, "I have to go, have to run some errands in my family, WHITE come I will drop you off too"

"No need, I will go with AJIN you can go"

"Okay then! I will leave first, bye"

"I will take a cab home, you can have your time," TUL said. Grabbed his phone and was about to leave when AJIN held his hand and pulled TUL towards him, they were just an inch close to each other

"I guess I should be the one who has to leave," WHITE said teasingly

"mishay mishay"(no no) both shouted together and continued, "It's not what you think" They looked at each other frustrated

"Tul was leaving without his shopping bags" Ajin smiled up at him

"that little punk," TUL thought to himself but AJIN easily read his face

"Ah....so where are we going? I am okay if you guys wanna spend time together" WHITE teases them

"I..I will go first," TUL said totally shy and kind of embarrassed too, he left the restaurant with his shopping bags

AJIN was still looking at him until he disappeared from his eyesight. When AJIN turned towards WHITE who was starring at him with her cat eyes

"Shia! Why the hell are you looking at me like that" AJIN said and ate his last pork

"so tell me what is this all about and where the hell were you at last night" WHITE asked

"It's a long story I will tell you on the way to GORYA'S cafe," AJIN said and they both left

----in car----

"so, let me start from the first, i know who is my vision guy Also I have seen myself in my vision like it never happened but now it is," AJIN said in a calm deep voice

"wait what? who is that vision guy? Do I know him?" White asked

"it's T-UL"

"What the-, then why were you with him it's dangerous isn't it"

"Because in the recent vision, he seems so close to me"

"Tell me the vision"

"he was sleeping next to me full naked and he called me TINE ....for god knows why and I call him, what was the name again... ah.. Sa-ra-wat"..yeah ig that only

"it's still dangerous"

"yes but I want to know if he knows about this and what is the relation"

"have u talked to your boss"

"not yet, I don't want TUL to get hurt"

"Is this what lovers do, protect each other" WHITE teases in this serious situation as well

"I don't love him, I hate him"

"but seriously AJIN it's very dangerous"

"I know"

"if u want to figure this out, send me your live location and call me whenever you are with TUL"

"Just what MJ said"

"MJ knew?"

"yes" AJIN claimed and they finally reached GORYA'S cafe. they head inside to meet GORYA and FA

"sawadi" both WHITE and AJIN greeted

"We are here to tell you both that the Wednesday club party will be held every week on Wednesday which is today so are u two coming?"

"we won't, sorry na" GORYA said

"why?" AJIN asked

"Today there are a large number of group coming into the cafe they are a businessman and want to deal here so they already booked a table. I can't say no to them now" GORYA replied

"I didn't know about that," FA asked

"Because you come late in the morning every day" GORYA patted FA'S head and smiled in a tease

"what is up to you two, you are acting weird now," WHITE said pointing her finger at GORYA and FA simultaneously

"nothing" FA replied her face was all red

"AJIN messages ANYA, PORCHAY, and KIM about the party

"here, give this to the boss, GORYA" AJIN grabbed a coin from his pocket which was a magical

"Okay kha" GORYA took the coin and kept it in her pocket

WHITE and AJIN left the cafe after a few minutes and AJIN dropped WHITE at her home

While at his place MJ was sitting and scrolling and smiling. AJIN doubts and grabs his phone

"why are u smiling? Who are u stalking?" AJIN asked, MJ was struggling to get back his phone from AJIN

"give me my phone, you bastard" MJ

"let me see first" MJ was stalking ANYA'S insta posts

"oohhooo!! you like ANYA don't you ?" AJIN teases him

"no, I was just looking that's it" MJ grabbed his phone and avoided AJIN'S eye

"you are lying"

"I am not"

"I know you are"

"I said no"

"well now every week we hold a Wednesday club party at every Wednesday"

"and today is Wednesday"

"yes so get ready"

"well..... ANYA come?"

"caught you," AJIN said and went to his room before MJ could say anything

"It's nothing really" MJ shouted

"I didn't ask" AJIN shouted back

"do I? really?" MJ asked himself, confused

----At party----

everyone reached at Wednesday club except GORYA and yFa

"where is GORYA?" MJ asked out of curiosity

"ANYA was sitting next to MJ and gave him a bombastic side eye, "Why? do u miss her?" she asked

"no! I am just asking," MJ said, ANYA just rolled her eyes

AJIN who was sitting next to ANYA replied, "She said that she and FA had some work so they will join us later

"Okay," MJ said, ANYA was clearly jealous

"so if everyone is here then this time I will make you play a game," KIM said

"bring it on" WHITE chreered up

"here is the card game, we are 8 players so there will be 8 cards and one of the cards will be king and the king can ask any number to do some dare without knowing the owner of a number"

"sounds cool," NAI said,


distributed the cards

"Who is the king then?" AJIN asked

"ME!!" ANYA replied and continued, "Number 1 bottoms up"

"Number 1 is me" PORCHAY replied

"ohh! It will be okay if you only drink half a glass"

"you must be underestimating me khun ANYA," he said and were about to drink but KIM snatch the glass of alcohol and drink the whole damn alcohol for PORCHAY

"woaahhhhh!" everyone shocked


"Okay, another round" KIM ignored it so he didn't have to give answers. WHITE distributed the cards

"Who is the king?" ANYA said

"me," NAI said

"I want number 3 and number 6 to kiss"

"oh," everyone said except ANYA TUL and AJIN

"i am number 6" AJIN said

"And I am number 3" ANYA claimed, both looking at each other

so awkward

ANYA looked at TUL with those eyes that were saying 'Is it ok?' TuYl nodded as yes

"ok it's just a kiss," ANYA said

"yes just a kiss," AJIN said while looking at MJ who was making a straight face

"ohhooi kiss already guys why making such a big deal" WHITE said frustrated then everyone at the table shouted, "KISS KISS KISS"

"Both were sitting next to each other when AJIN leaned to kiss ANYA but a guy brought his face between ANYA and AJIN'S faces and kissed AJIN on the lips. AJIN'S eyes widened as he sees who is the guy

And guess who

"shiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! what he is doing?" AJIN thought to himself cause that guy was.....TUL.

AJIN got his visions back in which TUL was kissing him coldly and angrily also it seems like he was drunk or maybe he said 'Sarawat' was drunk.

"ANYA was really shocked from the outside but happy, her favorite ship was kissing in front of him, she wanted to scream so hard but before she could MJ who was sitting next to ANYA grabbed her chin, he moved her face close to his face, they look at each other eyes and MJ slowly getting closer to ANYA'S face while keeping eye contact with him he stares at her lips and at last he kisses her.

WHITE, NAI, KIM, PORCHAY all four of them were shocked to see that scene. TUL and AJIN broke apart and ANYA and MJHE too

"take this as an apology for last time khun," MJ said

"hmm" ANYA was too stunned by his action that she was speechless

"And what about you TUL? why did you kiss AJIN" WHITE asked

"well I am also number 3" he showed his card to everyone AJIN grabbed that card to take a closer look

TUL gets back to his place, cold from the outside but happy on the inside

"next round please!!," KIM said to avoid this awkward situation and they continued to play TUL was starring at AJIN'S lips that he had just kissed again and on the other side MJ was too shy to even sit next to ANYA so he changed his place with KIM.


"P'GORYA when will our special guest come?" FA asked.

"They just called me, and they cancelled the appointment. They are not coming" GORYA answered.

"Khamaiwa (why)"

" I don't know maybe they have some errands to run" GORYA tried to make excuse but FA just happened to know her better than she thought.

"Really? But you said it was a important business deal? Why would they cancel it?" she asked.

"How would i know that?" GORYA avoided her eye contact.

"Can you give me your phone i wanna check their messages"




"Because?" FA kept coming more closer towards GORYA

"My—my phone is dead." GORYA came up with an excuse.

"Really?" FA came more closer and gave a peck kiss on GORYA'S check.

GORYA'S eyes widened, FA was suddenly shy and started to walk out of their but GORYA held her hand and pushed her to the wall and held both of her hands tightly, kissing her passionately.

FA kissed back with the same force making GORYA stubble back while kissing. GORYA'S back hit with the kitchen's platform, she lifted FA up and sat her down on the platform. Both of them kissing like their is no tomorrow.

GORYA started to undress FA while still kissing her, first unbuttoning her shirt and slowly taking it off, GORYA grabbed her waist and started kissing down her neck reaching to FA'S boobs as soon as she leaned to kiss FA'S boobs then the counter bell rang multiple times.

"is somebody here?" A man's voice came.

With a groan GORYA broke apart from her.

"AH... I will go first and check" GORYA said while looking at FA to make sure she's alright. FA looked a bit annoyed by the disturbance but nodded.

GORYA smiled at her and goes to the counter, "Swadee kha khun"

"Can i get a cappuccino please" The man replied.

"Khor thode na (sorry) sir but our cafe is closed right now so can you come tomorrow." GORYA said hesitantly.

"TOMORROW?" the man seemed furious not about the coffee but something else. He came closer to GORYA but FA just practically spawned between them.

"Sorry sir but you can't get in here like this" FA said, the man stepped back looking at FA'S fierce eyes.

"Well I just want one cappuccino" he said looking down at both of them.

"As she already said, the cafe is closed and you can come back tomorrow." FA practically spat.

GORYA held FA'S hand to stop her from doing anything stupid and also because the man looked creepy with long hair, wearing a black hat on top of that with white-brown beard and wearing a long coat with black shirt and pant inside.

The man laughed, "Guess I have to tell you who I am"

Both of them looked at him in confusion. He step forward "do you know the boss, who owns this cafe?"

GORYA stepped forward and shielding FA behind her, "Who are you? The boss didn't tell me that a guest was arriving." She said glaring at him.

"Call your boss right now." He ordered in a heavy voice

"And why should i follow your orders?" GORYA said.

"you will know soon, now don't waste my time and call him and you little girl, don't forget to bring me a cappuccino with less sugar." He gave both of them a creepy smile then went to sit on a table.

"That little punk i'm go-" FA stepped forward but GORYA held her.

"No FA you are new here! He can be dangerous, we don't know anything about him but he seems to do so it's best to stay calm right now."


"No if's and but's, go make a cappuccino and I will call the boss." GORYA ordered, leaving no space for arguments and FA turned around and stormed inside the kitchen while GORYA took out her phone to make the call.