
Endless Evolution: Last Star

Originally from the slums, Adam was chosen as a candidate for an experiment to ignite the Spark - an entity that gives superpowers. However, he failed and was thrown into the Dead Lands - the place the world became after the fall of the Last Star, beginning a new era for mankind, dangerous and unexpected. He faced against monsters and dangerous anomalies, sometimes creating artifacts - the miracle of this world. Killing his first monster in deadly combat, Adam became a Phantom - one who could evolve, endlessly moving toward power. Follow Adam on his journey, from fighting monsters and exploring Dead Lands to endless evolution!

Arlemit · แฟนตาซี
607 Chs

Words Don't Matter (Part 2)

[Weaver's Treasure

The gloves are ideal for one who is used to working with a needle, providing excellent protection for the weaver's hands and increasing the overall strength and speed of the needle through the connection of the threads into a single intertwining system.

First Trait - First Melody: Soul Cry

Second Trait - Silver Swirl]

Adam's Second Trait of his Nexus had only appeared a few seconds ago, but he was already using it, his targets were not monsters - but humans. Well... there was no telling if they were worthy of being called humans after what they'd done.

Then, something changed in Adam, for his internal morality barrier had broken. The silver bullet that killed Barna shattered the glass wall in his mind, separating the simple young man from the slums and the powerful Phantom who could survive in the Dead Lands.