

Warning and please read this, before you go any further! Hello, hello there everyone! My name is Shionokami and what I'm about to say/write here is both for the people who have read endbringer before and new readers, so please give me a few minutes of your attention and time. So, for the past few months, there hasn't been any endbringer chapters, however, that does not mean that I have given up on writing this story or anything. To make things short, a lot of things happened and I decided to do some editing/ret-conning things in the story, all to make it more enjoyable for everybody! But things haven't been going as planned and I might take longer to be back with more chapters. That is why, I'll probably put this on hiatus/pause this time around and for the time being, I'll do my utmost, to bring more endbringer to you all. Now, for everyone, who has been supporting this, even with a lack of content both here and on Twitter/discord...thank you, very, very much! I'll never forget it and for everyone, who is about to jump in on this story, I hope that enjoy it and stick around for more! Now, once I come back, I'll make sure to give out warning, do not worry about it! See you all soon and I hope, that you have great day! Shionokami, out! 40 years ago, our world believed that magic was merely fiction, and nothing more. But that all changed when it was revealed that magic truly does exist to the public. To that end, a place was created, a place where magic can be studied and taught. And that place is Takamagahara Island, the home of Kurokami Tatsurou, a young man who just wants to live his days in peace. That is until he has a fateful encounter one day, an encounter that would change not only his life but the entire world ... Hello there, Shionokami here! This story was heavily inspired by various anime and light novels, I have watched/read along the years! The story is a (true) harem with romance and action, that will be balanced with cute and funny moments between the characters being the norm and action packed fights also taking place! The chapter length of each chapter hovers between 3500 and 4000 words (good for long chapter lovers!) If that sounds right up your alley, give it a read! And hey, want to talk about it or just talk about anime and whatnot? Then, you can follow me on twitter, @shionokami Cover image is merely illustrative, props go to the artist that made it (yes it's Shiina Yuika, and yes, I'm a nijisanji fan)

Shionokami · แฟนตาซี
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78 Chs

Chapter 74 Why are you doing this?

Meanwhile, as Tatsurou and Livanya, ate their crepes, they talked mostly about trivial things, such as the video games that Livanya loves to play all the time, to the appearance of the arcade they were going to visit and the different games it had available to play or about some of Takamagahara's most notorious and important landmarks, such as the famous and well-known sky-piercing, Tenko no to tower and as Tatsurou and Livanya kept talking about these things, we now had to go to a place, that was a bit far from the crepe store, for the time being.

This place we had to go to now, was a grey and white colored sidewalk of a rather small, but modern looking residential area, that was located outside of District 4's downtown and on this said sidewalk, that had various long lines of small houses on its left side, the woman that wanted to take away Livanya's beret, back in the downtown's public park, was walking down it, with an extremely angry expression on her face, that she couldn't hide, no matter how hard she tried.

"That damn Soteria agent kid! Showing up out of thin air, playing the wannabe hero, and halting my plans, just when I finally had that girl within my grasp! Dammit, just dammit all!" The woman thought, while she clenched her teeth quite hard before she got close to a lamppost, that had a small metal trash can, standing close to it.

"God...dammit!!!" The woman said with an extremely angry tone, as she kicked the trash can, with such force, that made the said can tumble down the sidewalk, as if it was a ball of sorts, while it spread the plastic bags, food, and various bottles that were inside of it, all over the sidewalk.

"Dammit...just who is that kid? A simple Soteria agent or is he a bodyguard for that girl? No, there wasn't any mention of a bodyguard, on that information, I bought from that old fart...but it isn't impossible either..." The woman said still with her angry tone, as she huffed a bit before she began to look at all the trash, on the sidewalk for a brief moment.

"Tsk, but that's not even the worst part yet...my whole plan, has to be completely changed now, because of that damn kid showing up! God! All these annoying and out of nowhere setbacks, just give me the worst of headaches...!" The woman said again with an angry tone, as she placed her hand on her forehead before she began to clench her teeth again, but as the woman did that, she was interrupted by the angry voice of a young man, that came from behind her.

"Hey, miss! You shouldn't kick trash cans so suddenly and out of nowhere like that! Do you even know, how much everyone in this neighborhood works hard, to keep the sidewalks clean and proper, all the time?" The young man, that was wearing a red and white tracksuit, said with a faint angry tone, as he placed his hands on his hips, while he slowly approached the woman.

"Huh? What the hell do you want?!" The woman said with a very annoyed and angry tone, as she glanced at the young man from over her shoulder, but he was unfazed by the woman's reaction or words.

"Now, now, miss! No need to be so rude!" The young man said with a faint angry tone, as he let out a sigh, before stooping close to the woman.

"Listen, miss, I don't know what's going on with you right now, but you just can't do these kinds of things, no matter how angry you are! So with that in mind, why don't we clean this mess first and after it, if you need someone, to talk about what's troubling you...I don't really mind lending an ear and listening at all! Well then, what do you say to this plan?" The young man asked with a very friendly tone, while he looked and extended his hand at the woman, after letting out a quick sigh, but this proposal fell flat and only angered the woman, more than she already was, as one could see a small vein of anger slowly growing on her forehead.

"No, you listen here! I am not, and I repeat, I am not, in the mood, for this sorry and stupid display of being a good samaritan, nor do I have the pacience for it, at all! So beat it and leave me alone!" The woman said with an angry tone, as she briefly glanced at the young man again, before she took a step forward, to take, her leave, but as she did that young man also took a step forward.

"Now your just being even ruder than before, miss! Especially, when you're being offered to solve everything without causing a commotion, after doing something bad like this...!" As the young man said this, the woman stooped close to the lamp post and suddenly punched it with her right hand, something that made the young man jolt a bit and become silent, as he saw the woman slowly moving her fist away from the said lamp post, that now had a large bump on it.

"Well then, you listen up and listen up good! I don't need your help or anyone's help nor do I need you or anyone to worry about me, you hear? But, if you insist on keeping this, bullshit good samaritarian thing of yours going and refuse to simply leave...you'll end up worse, than this lamp post or that trash can over there..." The woman said again with an angry tone, as she pointed at the bump in the lamp post, then at the trash can that also had a few bumps after getting kicked and tumbling on the ground.

"So what will it be then, hmm? Do you want to stay or do you want to beat it ad leave me alone, just as I told you to do?" The woman asked again with an angry tone, as she looked at the young man, that shivered quite a lot, upon hearing the woman's cold and harsh words.

"I-I'm very sorry, for disturbing you, miss!" The young man said with a scared tone, as he quickly turned around before he began to ran away from the woman, as if his life depended on it and when he was finally gone...

"God! That really hurt!" The woman said with an angry and pained tone, as she held her right wrist and briefly moved her hand up and down to ease the pain, of punching the lamp post.

"Dammit! The things I have to do...to keep these kinds of bumbling morons away from me...honestly this place, kind of reminds me of Manchester, in a certain way..." The woman said with an annoyed tone, as she moved her hand a little bit more, before regaining her composure.

"Well then, now I better get out of here and quick, before the cops or someone from the Soteria shows up and I have to get a bit more messy...!" The woman said, as she briefly adjusted her leather jacket a bit before she began to take, her leave once again, but as she did that, a ringtone was suddenly heard.

"Just...who is it now?" The woman thought a bit annoyed, as she placed her right hand inside of her jacket, from where she took out a phone and as soon as she placed her eyes on the phone's screen and saw the words, unknown caller and accept or decline video call, she became even more annoyed.

"God, it's that old fart again...but I'll have to admit that he's got good timing and I do need to tell him a piece of my mind, for giving me wrong and outdated intel about that girl..." The woman said with an annoyed tone, as she quickly began to walk towards a small back alley, that separated the back yards of the houses of this residential area with rather tall brick or stone walls and as the woman entered this alley, she briefly looked at her right and left side, to check if there was someone nearby, that could listen to her and her caller.

"All clear...now then..." The woman thought as she looked at her phone, before pressing the accepting video call button and as she did that, in the blink of an eye, an old man, perhaps in his late 50's that had deep green eyes and short, well-combed grey hair and an equally grey lush beard, that was wearing red priest clothes with a black blazer over it, appeared on the woman's phone.

"Greetings, miss Clover...how did it go with...!" The old man said with a rather raspy voice, as he looked at the woman, that cut his words short.

"Bumbling, good for nothing, old fart!" Clover said with an angry tone, to the old man, that remained silent, while his eyes opened wide for a brief moment.

"I beg your pardon, miss Clover?" The old man asked both surprised and a bit angry, as he frowned a bit, something that made Clover sigh with annoyance.

"Oh, I am so very, very sorry, mister Demyan! Of course, if this doesn't have any context, it will only sound both bad and rude! Oh, silly, silly me, right?" Clover said with a happy mocking tone, as she giggled a bit, but this wouldn't last long.

"What the hell was the meaning of this, you old fart?! You didn't tell nor updated me, about the girl, being under the protection of the Soteria, once she got to Takamagahara!" Clover said with a very angry tone, as she moved her left hand a bit, and once again, upon hearing her, Demyan opened his eyes wide, as he became silent for a bit.

"What!? That...that has to be impossible, it just has to be!" Demyan said with a very shocked and loud tone, as he looked at Clover, that sighed.

"Come on, don't get a stroke now because of this, and please be a bit more quiet, alright? I don't want the whole island to know where I am..." Clover said with a faint joking tone, as she let out another sigh.

"Please do not joke about something like this, miss clover, and explain to me, what you mean with, the girl being protected by the Soteria!" Demyan said with a faint angry tone, as he placed his hand on his forehead.

"There isn't a lot to explain, you know? The girl is being protected by the Soteria, to be more specific, she has a bodyguard, from the Soteria...not that he looked too old to be one...but who am I to judge, I joined the Lion Emperor when I was in my teens..." Clover said with an informative and annoyed tone, as she moved her left hand a bit.

"This can't be! It simply can't be! The princess of Strekoza was supposed to go to the island of Takamagahara, accompanied by just one, simple and mere personal maid! There was never such talks, of getting her a bodyguard or something of the sort! This is impossible, miss Clover, and I'm sure, that it is a mistake!" Demyan said still surprised and very loudly, prompting Clover to sigh again.

"Please, stop talking so loudly before the whole island hears you and listen...it is not impossible, that the girl got a bodyguard, I just tried to get her earlier when she was alone in a public park, here in one of the islands Districts, but then a kid suddenly showed up and stooped me from doing anything, at first I thought he was just some brat playing hero, but then he flashed that Soteria card, as they call it here, and long story short, I had to walk away, before I got into trouble and plan failed, before it even began..." Clover said with an angry and informative tone, as she adjusted her jacket a bit, Demyan just looked at her in complete shock.

"No, that just can't be! I didn't know nor did I hear about a sudden change like this, at all...it...it has to be a mistake!" Demyan said with a worried tone, as he scratched and shook his head in denial, upon hearing Clover's words.

"It wasn't a mistake, old fart...just accept the fact that your information was wrong this time and deal with it, but then again, this sure makes your credibility drop quite a lot, but most of all, it makes me think, if paying you all that money, for information that was basically wrong, is worth it or not..." Clover said a with joking and mocking tone, as she sighed a bit, before scratching her head a bit.

"You know, that this type of information is worth its weight in gold, miss Clover! And you also know that I would have contacted you immediately, if something, even the smallest of things, suddenly changed and most important of all, if it wasn't for me, you would never get any chance to get close to that girl!" Demyan said with an angry tone, as he pointed at clover, that scratched her head again, before letting out another sigh.

"Yes, that maybe true and you're kind of right, mister Demyan, but it doesn't change the fact that the information you have, besides being outdated, is also incomplete and we also have to remember that the only description you gave me of the girl was a rather vague one, to say the least...and the only good thing was that she was wearing that hat...beret or whatever you call it...just as you said...which made it easier to find and follow her from the airport...other than that, she could be little miss everywhere, for all I know..."

Clover said with an angry tone, as she let out another sigh, while she adjusted her hair a bit, Demyan just looked a bit away from Clover, as he heard her.

"So all in all, you simply have to admit, that you screwed up big time and nothing else...or do you have anything to say in your defense, that justifies this screw-up?" Clover asked with a curious tone, as she stooped adjusting her hair and now placed her left hand on her hip, Demyan just kept silent for a bit, until he took a deep breath.

"I have to admit, that for someone so well known in the underground information exchange of the Black Bear Unity, this is quite a strong blow to my reputation...but miss Clover, you have to remember, that you asked for information, that is classified as both sensitive and hard to get, especially information about Strekoza and its princess, since the ruler, Lord Drakon, is quite secretive when it comes both to the village, the things that happen inside of his castle and most of all, his beloved daughter...but he does trust Lady Ivanova, so whenever they talk, it's a good opportunity to get info on Strekoza..." Demyan said with a informative tone, as he made a brief pause.

"I see...that is true, I have to admit, but if that's the case, how come that you knew the girl's appearance?" Clover asked a bit curious.

"Well, let's just say that I was quite lucky when I had the chance to catch a glimpse of the girl's appearance, when her father showed a picture of her, that he always carries with him wherever he goes, to Lady Ivanova, when she asked about her, in a small meeting, not so long ago..." Demyan said with an informative tone, as he rubbed his beard a bit.

"Hmm, I see...and what about this sudden appearance of our little bodyguard, what do you think about it, mister Demyan?" Clover asked again with a curious tone, as she scratched his cheek a bit before she looked at Demyan rubbing his chin.

"Hard to say, miss Clover...when Lord Drakon told Lady Ivanova, that his daughter would go to Takamagahara, he said that she was going to be accompanied by the head maid that works in his castle, as I have told you, and as I believe that you have seen when they arrived at the airport..." Demyan said as he kept rubbing his chin.

"So I can only assume, that this was something Lord Drakon omitted when he talked to Lady Ivanova or perhaps, once the girl arrived in Takamagahara, he changed his mind last minute and decided to get someone to protect and keep an eye on her together with the maid, while she stays there...but it's rather weird..." Demyan said a bit confused, as he stooped rubbing his chin, Clover just looked at him with a surprised expression.

"What's so weird, about that?" Clover asked a bit curious, as she briefly tilted her head, Demyan just smiled as he heard her.

"Well, miss Clover, let's just say that Lord Drakon...isn't very fond of humans, you see? That's why I'm actually very surprised, that he asked for someone, especially a human to protect his precious daughter...hmm, it's quite weird indeed..." Demyan said again with a confused tone.

"I did hear some rumors about it, when I was in the Royal table of knights a few years ago...but, oh well, perhaps...he began growing fond of humans, all of the sudden, no?" Clover asked with a joking tone, as she briefly laughed.

"I highly doubt it, he trusts Lady Ivanova, yes, but Lord Drakon, still acts a bit wary around her most of the time, that's why Lady Ivanova usually brings up his daughter to soften him up a bit, when they have a meeting or during, said meeting..." Demyan said with an informative tone, as he moved his hand a bit.

"That joke flew right over him..." Clover thought a bit annoyed as she looked at Demyan, before letting out a sigh.

"I see, that explains a few things...but speaking of which, mister Demyan...is that girl really a dragon or not?" Clover asked with a very curious tone, as she rubbed her chin a bit, something that surprised Demyan a bit when he heard her but not for too long.

"Miss Clover, I assure you that princess of Strekoza, is a dragon and a very real one, just as her father and her mother! But if you don't mind, why are you asking me this now?" Demyan said with a reassuring tone, that quickly turned into a very curious one, as he moved his left hand.

"Well, no reason in particular...I was just surprised by the fact that the girl, didn't have horns, tail nor wings and that her pupils weren't shaped vertically...and I also think that her personal maid didn't have any either...if anything, the girl looked more human than, dragon, if you asked me about it..." Clover said a bit worried, as she used her fingers to count the dragon traits, that she didn't see on both Talya and Livanya.

"That is rather simple to answer, miss Clover! You see...the dragons from Strekoza, tend to hide their true appearance with magic, when they are outside of their village! For example, Lord Drakon used to do that when he first began to meet up with Lady Ivanova, 15 years ago! But just remember what I told you, miss Clover, if you want definitive proof that the girl is a dragon, you just have to remove her beret, simple as that!" Demyan said with an informative tone, as he raised his index finger a bit.

"Hmm, I see, so that's how it is...I have to be honest, for a second, I thought that you were sending me on a wild goose chase...that would have ended up pretty badly for you, if that girl turned out to be a human..." Clover said a bit angry, as she placed her back against a wall.

"I would never do that, miss Clover! Especially with all that money, you promised me on the line!" Demyan said with a faint angry tone, as he moved his hand a bit.

"But now, if you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do now, since the princess is under the protection of that, so much talked bodyguard, miss Clover?" Demyan asked with a very curious tone.

"Good question...well, since the plan of getting the girl first for my plan, went down the drain, thanks to that kid, I'll concentrate on getting the Grimoire, that's arriving here in this island, first now...then I'll grab the girl after it, as soon as she's alone and after that, you pretty much know what's going to happen, right?" Clover said with an informative tone, that turned into a wicked one, as she gave a rather ill smile to Demyan.

"Hmm, I see...and yes I do know what's going to happen, miss Clover...after all you did tell me about it, when we met..." As Demyan said this, he suddenly became silent, something that surprised Clover a bit, but not for too long, as she immediately understood, what Demyan wanted.

"Goddammit, your just so obvious that it hurts me, on a physical and psychological level..." Clover said with an annoyed and angry tone, as she let out a sigh, that surprised Demyan a bit.

"I don't think that I follow what you are saying..." As Demyan said this, he was interrupted, by Clover that sighed again.

"Listen here, mister Demyan...I know that reason you called me today, was because you wanted to know about your payment and I'll tell you once again, just like one week ago, you don't have to worry about the money...you already got half of it for this info and you'll get the rest, once I get the girl, so rest assured...you will be paid for your services, once everything's over and done with..." Clover said with a reassuring tone, that had a faint hint of annoyance, as she let out another sigh.

"Well, well, looks like you've caught me, miss Clover! And I know that you'll pay up, I just wanted to make sure you didn't forget about me!" Demyan said with a happy tone, as he laughed and smiled, something that made Clover sigh again.

"God this old fart is just annoying..." Clover thought a bit annoyed, as she frowned a bit, upon hearing Demyan's laugh, that came to a sudden stop, as Demyan briefly glanced to his right side.

"Well then, miss Clover, I would love to talk with you some more, but I have a few other meetings to attend, so I'll have to go for now..." Demyan said as he turned his gaze back at Clover, before giving her a bow, but once again he was interrupted.

"Wait! Before you go, mister Demyan...do you mind telling me, why you're doing this kind of thing or why you do these kinds of things, such as selling information and whatnot?" Clover asked a bit curious, as she tilted her head a little bit.

"That depends on the reason, as to why you want to know that, miss Clover..." Demyan said with a faint suspicious tone, as he briefly rubbed his beard.

"Well, I'm just a bit curious to know, if you're doing this just for the money or because you have something against dragons in general or the ones from Strekoza..." Clover asked still with her curious tone, as she moved her hand a bit.

"No, I do not have anything against dragons at all, miss Clover! To put it simply...all I want is money to finally exit the Black Bear Unity, get out of Russia for good and enjoy some well-deserved luxurious vacation, while doing the occasional selling information here and there! Simple as that..." Demyan said with an honest tone, as he shrugged a bit, something that surprised Clover a little bit, as she began to rub her chin.

"I see, so you're in this, just for the money...to be honest, that's quite dumb if you ask me...especially considering that no money or any secluded place in this entire world, will save you from Lady Ivanova, if she finds out that you're betraying her, by selling sensitive information like this behind her back, for these past years that you've been working for her..." Clover said with a faint smug tone, as she gave Demyan a mischievous smile, that didn't phase him at all.

"You don't need to worry about that or me, miss Clover...because once she finds out, I'll be long gone and both her and her beloved Russia, will be long gone too, around that time...that is, if your plan succeeds at all..." Demyan said with a skeptical and joking tone, as he looked at Clover, which began to grow an angry expression on her face.

"Please, let me correct you, ok, old fart? This plan will work! Even if it kills me, it will work, you hear? Once I'm done, England shall be brought back to its former glory as it should have always been!" Clover said with a very angry tone, as she gripped her phone a bit tight, and one would be wrong to assume that it could break at any moment.

"I see and I understand, miss Clover! So there's no need to get all angry and defensive here because I simply questioned your plan..." Demyan said with a smug tone, as he briefly laughed after placing his hand in front of his mouth, something that made Clover grip her phone even harder until the screen cracked.

"So with that said, I bid you farewell, miss Clover and the best of luck in the accomplishment of your objective!" Demyan said with a smug tone again, as he laughed again before he turned the video call off, and soon enough Clover was left alone with her thoughts.

"This old fart is just a clown...he's ready to betray his magic organization and his own country, for something like money, of all things..." Clover thought a bit disappointed, as she looked at the cracked screen of her phone, which looked similar to a spider's web before she let out a sigh.

"If you have to do something such as this, that implies betraying your country and magic organization...at least make sure it's for the betterment of your country and its people...something that, unfortunately, Lady Pendagron, does not know how to do or achieve...but soon enough that will change and England will be free of that damn "wall" once and for all..." Clover said still disappointed, as she put her phone away in her jacket before she smiled a bit.

"Hmm, now that I think about it...none of my men as called me back, to tell me how things are going back in Manchester...I do hope that they're not slacking off there or something...!" Clover said a bit angry as she stooped leaning on the wall with her back, but as she did that, a small magic circle appeared in the palm of her right hand, something that surprised her a bit, but not for too long.

"Oh! They're finally here...my little metal assistants! I better go and get everything ready, since they take quite a while boot up...!" Clover said with a rather happy tone, as she looked at the magic circle on the palm of her hand, that had a drawing of a knights helmet in its middle before she smiled, but this would be cut short, as she heard a very familiar voice, coming from the outside of the alley.

"I'm telling you, mister officer! There was this weird and probably dangerous woman here, she kicked that trash can that is lying on the ground over there, and then she punched that lamp post over here! Just look at the lamp post, it even has the bump after she punched it!" The voice of the young man, that tried to talk with Clover earlier, came back and this time he had brought two police officers with him.

"Goddammit! I can't believe that moron came back here! But honestly, that was to be expected..." Clover said with an angry tone, that quickly turned into an annoyed one, as she glanced at the exit of the alley.

"This just looks and sounds like my cue to leave and I better be quick about it too...and for now, it is better if I refrain from causing any more scenes if I don't want to get caught..." Clover said still with her annoyed tone, as she placed her hands inside of the pockets of her jacket, while she turned to the other side of the alley and began walking down it.

"Now then...onwards to District 3 and get everything ready to catch the "Knight's crusade" Grimoire..." Clover thought as she looked forward and a smile filled with ill intentions, briefly appeared on her face, before Clover finally vanished from the alley, and with this, we would go back to Tatsurou and Livanya, that were still in the crepe store...


Meanwhile, back at the crepe store, both Tatsurou and Livanya were still sitting at their table, but they were almost finished eating the crepes they ordered and as they did that, they kept talking about trivial things, in this case, they were now talking about video games, to be precise...

"And that's pretty much how I have beat every combo challenge in every fighting game I have, with all of the characters, mister Tatsurou! And I have to admit, that it was quite hard and I had to pull a so-called and famous all-nighter to achieve that, but I just needed to have those secret achievements and the extra colors for my favorite characters!"

Livanya, that had one very small last bite, of her strawberry crepe on her plate, said with a happy tone, as she looked at Tatsurou, that had already finished eating his crepe so that he could give his complete and full attention to Livanya and listen to the stories and achievements of the games she played.

"I have to admit, Drakon-san, that's quite impressive! Whenever I try the combo challenges myself, I usually give up, when they become too complicated...then I basically forget to finish them up, in the end, most of the time..." Tatsurou said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as he scratched the back of his head a bit, before he briefly laughed.

"Oh, I also did that back when I first got into fighting games, but ever since I got one of those arcade sticks last year, those challenges get quite easier, if do say so myself!" Livanya said again with a happy tone, as she placed her hands together before she smiled at Tatsurou.

"I see, perhaps I should get one myself! But now that I think about it, Drakon-san, didn't you get in trouble, for staying up all night?" Tatsurou asked a bit curious as he rested his head on the palm of his hand a bit.

"If I got in trouble for staying up late? Well...when I did this combo challenge on all my fighting games...I was found out by my sister, that came to check on me and what followed was me, being chased around my room by my sister, while I tried to finish the challenges..." Livanya said with a faintly embarrassed tone, as she fidgeted a bit, before she began to blush, Tatsurou just placed his hand in front of his mouth as he began to laugh.

"You shouldn't laugh, mister Tatsurou! Because of that, I almost lost hours of progress and the chance to win those secret achievements!" Livanya said with a faint angry tone, as she pouted a bit.

"I'm sorry, Drakon-san...but just imagining you doing that, is way too funny, especially when something similar happened to me, last year around this time!" Tatsurou said with an apologetic tone, which quickly turned into a happy one, as he smiled.

"Really? Something like this happened to you too, mister Tatsurou?" Livanya asked with a curious tone, as she tilted her head.

"Yes, it did...but instead of a video games, it was because of an anime...but I know a bit of context...you see, every year around this time we have exams before summer vacation, so one night I was in my room studying and preparing myself for an upcoming exam and after few long hours of studying, I decided to watch an episode or two of some anime, before going to sleep, but then my mother came to my room to check on me and she thought that instead of studying I was lazing off, so in short, she chased me around the house, while she threw her slippers at me..." Tatsurou said, as he made a small pause, before letting out sigh.

"And before you ask Drakon-san, yes, she hit me right in the middle of the head, with both of her slippers, while she chased me, more than once..." Tatsurou said, as he raised his index finger a bit before he looked at Livanya that had both of her hands placed on her mouth, as she giggled.

"No way! Did that really happen, mister Tatsurou?" Livanya asked after she moved her hands away from her mouth, while she kept laughing.

"It sure did! And thank's to that, I was only allowed to watch anime in the living room, for a long time, but then again, since my mother had to watch her Doramas or the records of said Doramas...I never got any time to watch anything..." Tatsurou said as he sighed a bit, as he looked at Livanya, that laughed some more.

"That's quite a bad punishment, even though you didn't do anything wrong, mister Tatsurou! But I have to admit that it was a bit similar to mine, I was prohibited from playing games for a week and for the next two months my sister would take the controllers away from my room, so that I wouldn't play during the night...and she wouldn't make an exception, no matter how many times I told her, that it was just a one-time thing..." Livanya said with a worried tone, that turned into a happy one, as she moved her hand a bit, before she sighed.

"Well, if I had to guess, your sister was just worried about you, and didn't want you to get sick, since not getting enough sleep, is bad for your skin and immune system, right?" Tatsurou asked as he raised his index finger a bit before he smiled.

"Hmm, well...with that I have to agree, mister Tatsurou! But don't get the wrong idea here, that all-nighter was really a one-time thing, I always go to bed really early, I swear!" Livanya said with a happy tone, that suddenly turned into a worried one, as she looked at Tatsurou.

"Don't worry, Drakon-san! I believe you!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he looked at Livanya, that answered with the same gesture.

"Well then, Drakon-san...now that we have eaten our crepes, I think that it is time to pay up and make our way to the arcade, what do you say?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he looked at Livanya that nodded upon hearing him.

"Yes, we should, mister Tatsurou! But before we do that..." As Livanya said this she grabbed her fork and stabbed that last bite of her crepe, before she slowly raised it, while she placed her hand under it.

"Alright then! Say "ah" mister Tatsurou!" Livanya said with a happy tone, as she got up and moved the fork close to Tatsurou's mouth and needless to say that Tatsurou, froze in place when he saw Livanya doing this.

"W-What are you doing, Drakon-san?" Tatsurou asked with a embarrassed tone, as he looked at the fork then at Livnaya, while he blushed.

"Well, mister Tatsurou...earlier you said that you were a bit sad, that you didn't choose a strawberry crepe such as mine, so I saved a little bit just for you and also...I want you to accept this as a thank you, for taking me to the arcade!" Livanya said with an honest and happy tone, as she looked at Tatsurou, that looked at her a bit impressed, but it didn't last long.

"I'm happy that Drakon-san remembered, what I said earlier and that she saved me a bit...but...but...does she even realize that if I eat that crepe, with the same fork she used to eat it...it will be a...a...indirect kiss!" Tatsurou thought very embarrassedly, as he began to blush from ear to ear.

"Wait, wait...what should I do? Do I refuse it? No, no...I can't do that, especially after what Drakon-san said, but then again...I don't want people to get the wrong idea..." Tatsurou thought again, as he looked to his right side and saw the waitresses of the store and a few customers, looking at him and Livanya, with curious and impatient expressions on.

"Is something wrong, mister Tatsurou?" Livanya asked a bit worried, as she looked at Tatsurou that jolted a bit, upon hearing her.

"Heh? N-No nothing's wrong, Drakon-san...I was just a bit lost in thought that's all!" Tatsurou said with a nervous tone, as he raised his index finger a bit.

"It's a bit embarrassing...but I don't want to hurt Drakon-san's feelings and good intentions, so man up, Kurokami Tatsurou and eat that strawberry crepe!" Tatsurou thought while he put on a determined face before he opened his mouth and sure enough, Livanya guided her fork towards Tatsurou's mouth, something that made the waitresses and the customers, all smile and gossip with each other.

"H-How is it, mister Tatsuoru?" Livanya asked a bit nervous and embarrassed, as she moved the fork away from Tastsurou's mouth.

"Hmm, I think that it tastes just as you described it, Drakon-san! It's very sweet and fluffy! And I bet that it tasted even better if it was still warm!" Tatsurou said with a faintly embarrassed tone, which turned into a happy one after he ate the small crepe bite that Livanya fed him.

"Oh! I'm so happy that you liked it, Mister Tatsurou, and your right! It tastes even better when it's still warm!" Livanya said with a very happy tone, as she placed her fork down on the table next to the plate.

"Well, looks like I know just what I'll order next time! Oh and thanks for saving me this small bite, Drakon-san!" Tatsurou said with a happy tone, as he gave Livanya a smile that made her blush a bit.

"You don't have to thank me...I'm just happy that you liked it!" Livanya said with a happy tone, as she pointed her index fingers at each other and blushed a bit more before she smiled.

"Now, how about we go pay for our order, Drakon-san?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he placed his hands on the table and got up, while he looked at Livanya, that was brought back from her thoughts.

"S-Sure! Let's go, mister Tatsurou, I can't wait to see that arcade you talked me so much about!" Livanya said with a very happy tone, as she nodded and then after a few quick seconds, Tatsurou and Livanya got away from their table and were now making their way towards the counter to pay for their order, but just as they were getting close to the said counter, they were interrupted by the waitress that took their order earlier.

"Wait! Are you two leaving already?" The waitress, that had all the waitresses of the store standing behind her, asked with a curious tone, as she approached Tatsurou and Livanya, that looked at her a bit surprised, but not for too long.

"Yes, we are leaving...!" Tatsurou said, as he stooped walking towards the counter, before he looked at the waitress, but just as he was about to ask why the waitress asked him this, he was interrupted by Livanya.

"Please don't tell that there something wrong?" Livanya asked with a worried tone, as she also stooped walking, before she looked at the waitress.

"Hmm? No, there's nothing wrong, young miss, don't worry! It's just that me and friends here just talked with each other and we would like to know, if you want to take a picture together with us!" The waitress said with a happy tone, as she looked at Livanya, that became a bit confused upon hearing her.

"Wait...you want to take a picture with me? Really? But why?" Livanya asked with a very curious tone, as she pointed at herself.

"Well, after the way you happily took so many pictures of the store and much you praised the crepe we made for you, me and my friends thought that you would like to have a picture of all of us together, with you in the middle, instead of just having us spread around the frame or out of focus as a souvenir, right?" The waitress asked with a curious tone, as she raised her index finger a bit.

"Oh! I would love that! But...is it really ok?" Livanya asked with a worried tone, as she turned towards Tatsurou, that smiled as soon as they met eyes.

"You heard her, didn't you, Drakon-san? So go ahead and take some picture!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as he gave Livanya a wink.

"Ok then! Please miss, let's take lot's of picture together!" Livanya said with a happy tone, as she turned to the waitress, that smiled as soon as she heard Livanya.

"Sure thing, young miss! Alright then, everyone! You heard the young miss, so let's get ready to snap a cute and adorable picture with her!" The waitressed said with a very happy tone, as she looked at Livanya, then at her co-workers, that nodded and smiled, as soon as they heard the waitress.

"Yay! Let's go and do it!"

"This going to be cutest picture, ever!"

These were some of the things that the other waitresses said to Livanya, as they smiled, before gatherin around her, needless to say that Livanya grew a big smile on her face, as she heard them all.

"Well then! With that said, let's go to the wall over there with the crepe drawing to snap our picture everyone! Oh, but you can choose some other place if you want, young miss!" The waitress said with a happy and excited tone, as she looked at Livanya that was looking at the waitress and her co-workers with very sparkling eyes, while she clasped her hands.

"We don't need to choose another place to take our picture! That wall with the drawing is perfect and the best choice!" Livanya said with a very happy and excited tone, as she began to walk towards the wall with the cartoon drawing of a crepe, together with the waitress, while her co-workers followed them from behind and as all of this was happening, Tatsurou couldn't stop smiling, as he looked at how happy Livanya was.

"The waitresses of this store are all so nice and really friendly, for taking a picture with Drakon-san, so that she can have souvenir, but to be honest, the thing that tops it all off, is seeing how Drakon-san, is having a good and fun time here! Now, I simply can't wait to show her the arcade!"

Tatsurou thought happily, as he looked at the big smile Livanya had, while she followed and talked with the waitresses and he was sure that he heard some of the waitresses either telling or giving them a small paper with their online Id's, so that they could play video games online.

"Well then, I better go and pay our bill, so that we can finally go to the arcade, after Drakon-san takes those pictures...!" Tatsurou said this, as he turned towards the counter again, to pay for the crepes and the drinks, but he was interrupted by the waitress once again.

"Hey, mister! Where do you think, you're going? We need you to take our picture!" The waitress said with a happy tone, as she got close to Tatsurou.

"Sure, I don't mind snapping your picture, but I'll just pay up our order quickly and then I'll get back to you girls in a second...!" As Tatsurou said this, he suddenly stopped, as he looked at waitress, that began to pout, before she placed her hands on her hips.

"Come on, mister! You have plenty of time to pay your order, you know? And most importantly, a man should never make his girlfriend wait like this, when she's looking forward to something!" The waitress said with a very faint angry tone, that quickly turned into a happy one, as she raised her index finger a bit, before giving Tatsurou a wink and a smile.

"Yeah, I have to admit that, your kind of right...about...that...wait?! What did you just say?!" Tatsurou said with a very embarrassed tone, as he realized that the waitress, thought that he and Livanya were a couple.

"Wait, wait! You got it all wrong miss, we're not...!" As Tatsurou said this and in a way clear the misunderstanding, the waitress interrupted him again, but this time with a sigh.

"Good grief! Why are you teenagers, so shy about these things nowadays? But that's not important right now...so let's go and take this picture!" The waitress said with a faint angry and worried tone, that turned into a happy one, as she held Tatsurou's hand, before she began pull him towards Livanya and the other waitresses.

"Wait...!" Tatsurou called out to the waitress, but it was mostly useless, as she ignored him, while she kept making her way towards the girls, once they got close she let go of Tatsurou's hand.

"Alright everyone! I got ourselves a very shy camera man, to take our picture!" The waitress said with a happy and mischievous tone, as she looked Livanya and the other waitresses, that smiled and giggled a bit when they heard her, it was needless to say, that Tatsurou began to blush a bit, thanks to this remark, but it wouldn't last long, as Livanya approached Tatsurou.

"Well then, mister Tatsurou, you don't mind taking the picture, do you?" Livanya asked a bit embarrassed, as she looked at Tatsurou, that smiled a bit as he heard her.

"You don't even have to ask, Drakon-san! I'll gladly take the picture!" Tatsurou said with a reassuring tone, as gave Livanya a quick wink and a smile.

"Thank you, Mister Tatsurou! Well then, with that said, here's my camera!" Livanya said with a very happy tone, as she opened up her shoulder bag and out of it Livanya took her camera, that she handed to Tatsurou.

"Alright everyone, are you ready?" Tatsurou asked with a curious tone, as he looked at Livanya walking towards the waitresses, that began to strike a pose, as soon as Livanya got close to the middle of them.

"We sure are! Oh, and you better catch our good sides, mister!" The waitress said with a happy and joking tone, as she gave Tatsurou a wink.

"But of course, you can count on me for that!" Tatsurou said also with a happy tone, as he began to snap various pictures of Livanya and the waitresses, that struck various poses and then, a few minutes would pass and lots of pictures would be taken...

Hello there, Shionokami here, today I bring you, chapter 74 of Endbringer!

Alright then, once again I'm sorry for only publishing one single chapter this week, I know that I'm being bad and that I should be punished XD

But serious time now, I'm really sorry about this and I would like to have things back to normal, but once again I have been pretty busy, my pc is still in a coma and editing on the phone still sucks...and I'm also a bit tired...

So with that said, I'll try to get everything back to normal, sooner or later, and once that happens I'll let you know here =)

Well then, with that said I hope that you enjoy today's chapter as much as I did writing it!

So without further ado, please enjoy and have fun!

Until then

P.S: Was the indirect kiss, too soon? XD

Shionokamicreators' thoughts